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handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
I love Chinese food.  We did try a spice packet for Beef Chop Suey.  It was ok.  We didn't have the water chestnuts.  Thought we had already bought some but no.  DD likes the Pot Stickers from the freezer section of the grocery store.  She got a big bag at Costco so she would survive my month of dieting.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
As long as we are talking about cooking and baking: Last year I found rhubarb plants that will grow here in SoCal and this year I have a bumper crop and it's only the second year of them growing. So today I picked a bunch of it and I am making rhubarb cake and a rhubarb salsa. I had been salivating over anything rhubarb for years because I could not find it anywhere. Home Depot would sell it at $12.00 per potted plant but I  had been told it would not survive into a second year, a bit expensive for a one-year-wonder.. Well, this one called "Victoria" sure does survive into a second year and even thrives. Now I'm told that it used to grow all over L.A. and Orange County before they were covered with houses and that in the foothills of San Diego there is a farm that grows it to this day. Who knew. Of course there were always people who had a few growing in their backyard but unless you happened to know some of these folks it seemed to be a well-kept secret. 

I will make a pig out of myself when the cake is done and invite one or two other rhubarb lovers over for a feast. My daughter who lives in Montana where it grows like weeds hates the stuff and tore out huge plants of it from her backyard and trashed them. She could not even give it away because everybody else had so much of it also.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I only had one forum I was ever on where I truly typed like the world wasn't looking, and that was because there were like 10 of us on the forum and it was locked down from the outside world. I won't even go INTO the kinda crazy stuff we talked about there.

Needless to say, I won't do that here - way too public! Anyway... thank you for the interesting comments, lol.

Regarding doctors... I've learned that I really REALLY need to get myself in the mood to go into battle with them. I remember having abdominal pain for so many years, and was really tired of it being written off as something normal, when I knew it wasn't. That was late 2006 into 2007 that I started feeling that way. I was planning a trip to NYC and NJ for nine days in May, so started setting up appointments for various tests for after those dates. The next five months were a crazy catch-22 it seemed of me losing my mind from no one finding anything, and having more tests as a result.

In August of 2007, I went on medical leave. Went to an OB-GYN who actually LISTENED to me, including the part where I told him that I'd had surgery 15 years later when scans didn't show anything, and voila! my gall bladder had been a huge mess that never showed on the scans. I told this guy he was gonna end up having to cut me open. We still had to go through even more tests for the appease the insurance company first, but sure enough, went down the route of exploratory surgery. And boy oh boy, the mess he found! Endometriosis all over the place, embedded in the lining of the abdomen so far he had to remove a big chunk of the peritoneum. Now granted, endo is hard to find on a scan, but there was also a twisted Fallopian tube, which yes, is as painful as it sounds. He was actually amazed that I hadn't ended up in the ER with that, as apparently, that's how most people end up getting it caught (because they think it's their appendix). And apparently it's pretty rare, 1 in about a million women have it. I made a surgical student's day from what I heard! Anyway, the tissue was necrotic and the tube had to be removed.

So, my advice - if you know something is wrong, definitely push the doctor if you don't feel comfortable with the diagnosis or treatment. Not saying everyone should push for surgery with every pain, but I know I have a history of things just not showing up on scans for some reason, so I don't really trust them anymore. You absolutely must be your own advocate.
My Uncle Chuck built houses until he had to retire because of his bad back.  He walked all stooped over; my back hurt just looking at him.

Several years after his retirement, he visited his doctor complaining of stomach pain, and his doctor said, "Well, Mr. C------, when you have to stay all bent over like that, this is what happens.  Your organs are being squished together because there's not enough room for them, and it hurts."  She completely ignored the fact that he'd been like this for years and the belly pain was new, ran no tests, didn't even do an examination.

Uncle Chuck kept going back to her complaining of belly pain, and continued to get the same response.  Then one night he woke up in such agonizing pain that he couldn't even get out of bed.  Aunt Evelyn called their sons-in-law to come help; they got him into a car and took him to the emergency room, where he died of a previously undiagnosed bleeding ulcer.  His doctor felt so guilty that she left medicine entirely.  I wish that instead she had learned her lesson and let it make her a better doctor.

But it's not the doctor I blame for Uncle Chuck's death.  It's those periodic news investigations about doctors who do expensive tests to gouge Medicare and insurance companies when there's an obvious diagnosis.  They've made it unsafe for doctors to run necessary tests that could validate or rule out their doubts.

We just got a Trader Joe's near us.  I've been buying their "Grass Fed Angus Beef Burgers."  They're fairly high fat, but that tends to cook out when you fry them, so there's no need to eat it if you don't want to.  I get four burgers for around $7, which is competitive with feed-lot burgers at Kroger.  These are imported from New Zealand.

I haven't tried to buy steak there, since I can't eat it until I finally get my dentures resolved, but I would bet you can get grass fed steak at Trader Joe's at a competitive price, as well.

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
My Yucca plants are all starting to bloom this year. Dangerous beasts they are. I backed my car up to close a few weeks ago and one of the spines punctured my tire..

View media item 351924
wow, I had no idea those spines were so tough. The only yucca I have seen are really tall and I don't go near them, just admire them from a distance.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
handsome kitty handsome kitty My husband and I have done 2 Whole 30's so far. We learned so much about which foods cause problems for us. I no longer take allergy meds. I've decreased migraines from 2 per week to maybe 1 a month. I was suffering from histamine intolerance. I would have an itch on my whole body that felt like it was under my skin and no matter how much I scratched, I couldn't get to the itch. I no longer itch. I lost 15 pounds and ate like a pig and so many more benefits.

Now, we pretty much eat only what we can make. Our rule is, if we can't make it, we can't eat it with the exception of parties and travel. We haven't had fast food in over 2 years and we've never felt better. We do have dairy and grains occasionally, but not an overabundance like we had in the past.

Good luck on your whole 30. I hope yours is successful. Don't give up. Stick with it for 30 days. You'll be glad you did!


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
@Handsome Kitty My husband and I have done 2 Whole 30's so far. We learned so much about which foods cause problems for us. I no longer take allergy meds. I've decreased migraines from 2 per week to maybe 1 a month. I was suffering from histamine intolerance. I would have an itch on my whole body that felt like it was under my skin and no matter how much I scratched, I couldn't get to the itch. I no longer itch. I lost 15 pounds and ate like a pig and so many more benefits.

Now, we pretty much eat only what we can make. Our rule is, if we can't make it, we can't eat it with the exception of parties and travel. We haven't had fast food in over 2 years and we've never felt better. We do have dairy and grains occasionally, but not an overabundance like we had in the past.

Good luck on your whole 30. I hope yours is successful. Don't give up. Stick with it for 30 days. You'll be glad you did!
I'd never heard of Whole 30 before so just checked out their website.  It looks like a great program, though I don't know if I'd make it because I am addicted to Diet Coke.  A day without it and I get a migraine that makes me want to live in the freezer.  
   It would be nice to get off the junk, though.  Too many lemon sandwich cookies make it into my maw.  

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
wow, I had no idea those spines were so tough. The only yucca I have seen are really tall and I don't go near them, just admire them from a distance.
Mine have never gotten taller than a few feet. Probably have about 20 throughout the yard.  They are sharp. You get the impression looking that they're like leaves sticking out. The tips are like huge needles and extra sharp.

They are all natural growing from the seed my husband planted over 25 years ago.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I'd never heard of Whole 30 before so just checked out their website.  It looks like a great program, though I don't know if I'd make it because I am addicted to Diet Coke.  A day without it and I get a migraine that makes me want to live in the freezer.  
   It would be nice to get off the junk, though.  Too many lemon sandwich cookies make it into my maw.  
I think soda companies add stuff to their products that we never see on the label. I used to have the same problem with Coke Classic, but managed to stop drinking it altogether anyway. I've felt a lot  better after I stopped drinking it, and if it helps: there are places in the world that use coca-cola as an insecticide because it works just as well and is cheaper than the marketed stuff. Think about that for a moment. Here's the link to the story: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/3977351.stm

(Mainly because I  couldn't believe it without evidence.)


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I think soda companies add stuff to their products that we never see on the label. I used to have the same problem with Coke Classic, but managed to stop drinking it altogether anyway. I've felt a lot  better after I stopped drinking it, and if it helps: there are places in the world that use coca-cola as an insecticide because it works just as well and is cheaper than the marketed stuff. Think about that for a moment. Here's the link to the story: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/3977351.stm

(Mainly because I  couldn't believe it without evidence.)
I'd heard that before but I drink Diet Coke not regular so don't ingest the sugar that makes regular sodas effective as insecticides.  Instead, I ingest aspartame which is nothing to be proud of either.   @Margret  knows a lot about the dangers of aspartame.  Nasty stuff.  Still, I'm really glad you were able to stop drinking Classic Coke because it's all bad and I'm not at all surprised to hear you feel so much better. 

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
I'd never heard of Whole 30 before so just checked out their website.  It looks like a great program, though I don't know if I'd make it because I am addicted to Diet Coke.  A day without it and I get a migraine that makes me want to live in the freezer.  
   It would be nice to get off the junk, though.  Too many lemon sandwich cookies make it into my maw.  
 I was drinking 6 - 8 diet cokes a day and began weaning myself off the week before we started.  I still had a headache the first couple of days.   Since I was already on the low FOD-MAP diet I had already given up gluten so it was just the chocolate bar withdrawal. 

@Tallyollyopia   I had never hear that about coke.  Scary stuff.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Mine have never gotten taller than a few feet. Probably have about 20 throughout the yard.  They are sharp. You get the impression looking that they're like leaves sticking out. The tips are like huge needles and extra sharp.

They are all natural growing from the seed my husband planted over 25 years ago.
They remind me so much of the Spanish Bayonet plants I grew up with in Florida, although those had wider spines/leaves.  I once rescued a cat having kittens in a huge patch of the stuff during a driving sleet storm.  I still have the occasional nightmare about that.
I think soda companies add stuff to their products that we never see on the label. I used to have the same problem with Coke Classic, but managed to stop drinking it altogether anyway. I've felt a lot  better after I stopped drinking it, and if it helps: there are places in the world that use coca-cola as an insecticide because it works just as well and is cheaper than the marketed stuff. Think about that for a moment. Here's the link to the story: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/3977351.stm

(Mainly because I  couldn't believe it without evidence.)
It's the caffeine withdrawals that cause the headaches.  If' it is sever enough, you also get gastric disturbances and muscle spasms.  I know this from personal experience.  And don't forget aspartame poisoning...that's worth a book in and of itself!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
They remind me so much of the Spanish Bayonet plants I grew up with in Florida, although those had wider spines/leaves.  I once rescued a cat having kittens in a huge patch of the stuff during a driving sleet storm.  I still have the occasional nightmare about that.

It's the caffeine withdrawals that cause the headaches.  If' it is sever enough, you also get gastric disturbances and muscle spasms.  I know this from personal experience.  And don't forget aspartame poisoning...that's worth a book in and of itself!
 Wow, how did you ever find the cat and kittens? (I've been in driving sleet--it's hard to see anything!) 

It makes sense that it's caffeine withdrawals. Soda was my only source of caffeine (aside from the occasional bar of chocolate). 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I buy Coke Classic to use whenever we get a clogged toilet.  It's surprisingly effective for eating through the clog.  You just need to give it a couple of hours, and then you can use the plunger much more successfully.

So far as I know, there is just one artificial sweetener that may be safe, and that's cyclamate, which is banned in the U.S. for being a carcinogen.  The research that got it banned was funded by the company that was about to introduce aspartame.  Aspartame is known to cause both brain tumors and diabetes, and to make diabetes worse.  It was turned down as unsafe several times before they were finally given the green light.  In other words, it has big money behind it, which makes a difference.


kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
I think soda companies add stuff to their products that we never see on the label. I used to have the same problem with Coke Classic, but managed to stop drinking it altogether anyway. I've felt a lot  better after I stopped drinking it, and if it helps: there are places in the world that use coca-cola as an insecticide because it works just as well and is cheaper than the marketed stuff. Think about that for a moment. Here's the link to the story: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/3977351.stm

(Mainly because I  couldn't believe it without evidence.)
We gave up soda pop about 5 years ago. While we still get a small six pack once in a while because some foods just demand a soda it's about a once a month thing if that.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
They remind me so much of the Spanish Bayonet plants I grew up with in Florida, although those had wider spines/leaves.  I once rescued a cat having kittens in a huge patch of the stuff during a driving sleet storm.  I still have the occasional nightmare about that.

It's the caffeine withdrawals that cause the headaches.  If' it is sever enough, you also get gastric disturbances and muscle spasms.  I know this from personal experience.  And don't forget aspartame poisoning...that's worth a book in and of itself!
We don't use artificial anything if we can help it. All things in moderation . Vegetables and grains top the list. Except for the cats who we try and limit grains although they seem to love some vegetables.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
I think soda companies add stuff to their products that we never see on the label. I used to have the same problem with Coke Classic, but managed to stop drinking it altogether anyway. I've felt a lot better after I stopped drinking it, and if it helps: there are places in the world that use coca-cola as an insecticide because it works just as well and is cheaper than the marketed stuff. Think about that for a moment. Here's the link to the story: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/3977351.stm

(Mainly because I couldn't believe it without evidence.)
That doesn'tdoesn't surprise me at all (about soda being used as insecticide) hearing things like that makes me so glad I stopped drinking soda 4 years ago (and I quickly lost about 50 pounds afterwards). I used to be seriously addicted to Dr.Pepper. So glad I stopped drinking soda, the stuff is basically poison.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
That doesn't surprise me at all (about soda being used as insecticide) hearing things like that makes me so glad I stopped drinking soda 4 years ago (and I quickly lost about 50 pounds afterwards). I used to be seriously addicted to Dr.Pepper. So glad I stopped drinking soda, the stuff is basically poison.
I didn't really believe all the negative things I was hearing about soda, and the reason I decided to quit drinking it actually had nothing to do with health--that was just a good side benefit. See, back in high school I drank (maybe) one soda a day (and usually about four a week), which wasn't that bad. (Trust me; even with all I know about soda now it was still safer to drink soda than it was the school lemonade or milk. The milk referigeration units weren't very reliable, and had a habit of shorting out. As for the lemonade--the less said the better.) When I was in college I upped my soda intake (mainly because that was my main source of caffeine), and just recently stopped drinking soda. 


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
I had gotten out of pop for years, then got back into it around the time Lucky got sick. It was the caffeine fix / comfort "food" that I needed. And well, never stopped. Just one 12-oz can a day, on occasion two. If I do more than one though it can't be on a work night, I'll never go to sleep. Long gone are the days where I could guzzle massive amounts of caffeine and sleep like a baby.

First day back at work today. I was so not looking forward to today, had no idea what I'd be coming into with my one project. Then I had to deal with the massive miscommunication that is one of my other projects. I think we've gotten that straightened out. Then had to learn something for another project in another area I was "loaned" out to for a couple weeks. I'm not even sure of all the projects I'm on actually at this point, some haven't started yet and others are just helping other areas by creating test data in our system. Oh, then there's my vet project. Yes, we have a project all about veterinarians! I thoroughly enjoy that one, although hearing that the law doesn't consider veterinarians healthcare providers felt insulting for some reason. I'm not even a vet, but was insulted for them! Anyway, it's been interesting.

And tomorrow I go on my interview for the part-time position at the vet's office. Hopefully I can get out of work sooner tomorrow than I did today. Not that I got out all THAT late today, but it would be cutting close for comfort. Need to find a nice top to wear, and nicer shoes than what I wear at the office (I wear comfortable shoes - no one cares). I am not sure what the dress code is actually, considering it's on the weekends, but always dress nice for the interview they say.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I had gotten out of pop for years, then got back into it around the time Lucky got sick. It was the caffeine fix / comfort "food" that I needed. And well, never stopped. Just one 12-oz can a day, on occasion two. If I do more than one though it can't be on a work night, I'll never go to sleep. Long gone are the days where I could guzzle massive amounts of caffeine and sleep like a baby.

First day back at work today. I was so not looking forward to today, had no idea what I'd be coming into with my one project. Then I had to deal with the massive miscommunication that is one of my other projects. I think we've gotten that straightened out. Then had to learn something for another project in another area I was "loaned" out to for a couple weeks. I'm not even sure of all the projects I'm on actually at this point, some haven't started yet and others are just helping other areas by creating test data in our system. Oh, then there's my vet project. Yes, we have a project all about veterinarians! I thoroughly enjoy that one, although hearing that the law doesn't consider veterinarians healthcare providers felt insulting for some reason. I'm not even a vet, but was insulted for them! Anyway, it's been interesting.

And tomorrow I go on my interview for the part-time position at the vet's office. Hopefully I can get out of work sooner tomorrow than I did today. Not that I got out all THAT late today, but it would be cutting close for comfort. Need to find a nice top to wear, and nicer shoes than what I wear at the office (I wear comfortable shoes - no one cares). I am not sure what the dress code is actually, considering it's on the weekends, but always dress nice for the interview they say.
I'm glad you're getting into a line of work that you enjoy more. I think you'll be better off for it. 
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