My 7 month hold hates being held...but he's so nice and cute...


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
neve neve , she's gorgeous!

Kitties all have their own personalities. I've had so many cats (somewhere between 20-30) throughout my life, and eventually you get used to the idea that some are just... different. Oscar HATES having his head touched for some reason. He's not been abused and I know this because I've had him since he was 8 weeks old (and he was with his mama and littermates before that) so it's just how he is. Oliver (Oscar's brother/littermate) is a little bit better. Neither of them are cuddlers. The closest thing I have to a cuddler now is Penelopy, but she's by no means a lap cat or a BIG cuddler. My Lucky was a big cuddler and lapcat. He loved to show his love. And he loved to be loved :D

As far as feeling imprisoned, please don't feel that way. Is there a neighbor that can help with the kitty, or a friend that likes cats that is willing to help out?

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Yeah, assuming no extenuating circumstances like health or behavior issues, there is no reason why a cat owner shouldn't be able to take an overnight er or even a weekend vacation. Just make sure that there is plenty of food and water and a clean litter box. Cats should fare perfectly well by themselves for a day or even a weekend.

Caveat: it depends on the cat and the circumstances. Only you can really decide what's right for you and your cat.

All that said, it is reasonable to have a friend or neighbor come and check on the cat once a day.

You shouldn't feel like you can't leave the house because you have a cat.

Humor... How do you know the cat wouldn't enjoy a vacation from her humans, as well? ;) ;) ;)


TCS Member
Feb 1, 2015
Thank you for your kind response. Yes, each cat is different. During the past 30 years, I've been blessed with three other Siamese who were cuddly, communicative, and happy to travel, so I'm astonished and sad that this one won't allow me to pick her up.  She sure does enjoy being petted, however; in fact, she's quite demanding when she wants petting. I think I misled you with my  "imprisoned" remark. I do leave her when I go anywhere local. That's no problem, especially since she sleeps most of the day anyway. The problem is not being able to visit out-of-state family. I live in a retirement community and the people who cat-sit charge $75-100 week. I tried to pick her up last night - to no avail - as soon as I start to touch her with two hands, she takes off like a rocket. I'll keep trying, though, cuz I can't give her up; when she looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes, I melt. Again, thanks/e 


TCS Member
Feb 1, 2015
Yep - she probably would enjoy a vacation without this crazy old woman trying to hug her 
.  I'd have no qualms about leaving her overnight or perhaps even a weekend; problem is that every place I want to go is far more than an overnight trip. She sleeps in an igloo type cat bed and I've been tempted to pick it up when she's asleep and put it/her in the car - maybe I could just sit and hold her that way. Any thoughts?  I've no clue how traumatic that would be for her and I certainly don't want to destroy the security of her "safe" place. She's perfectly content in it and I, and even others, can pet her without a problem. Thanks so very much for taking time to give me support/e

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
...I tried to pick her up last night - to no avail - as soon as I start to touch her with two hands, she takes off like a rocket...
Casper is like that with me.  I can pet him and play with him when he's in the mood to play but if I try to pick him up he scatters.

Almost any time I come into the room where he is it's "All eyes on the man-human."  After a while he'll lay down or move about but, for several minutes when I first walk in, he's on alert.

If he's lying on the sofa when I try to sit down...  Zip!

If he's going up or down the stairs when I approach, he'll shoot the opposite way I'm going.

Mainly, I ignore him.  I just go about my business like he wasn't even there but occasionally saying, "Hi, Kitty!" or "Who's the puddy tat?"  I figure Casper probably had a man-human in his past life who harassed him.  It will probably take a while but I'm sure he'll eventually realize that I'm not going to try to eat him.

One thing we did notice...  If you sit down and take off your shoes while Casper is around he's off like a shot!

I wonder if somebody in his past life used to throw shoes at him?

Moral of the story, just keep doing what you are doing and your kitty will eventually figure out that you're not going to try to eat him, either.

$75 for a cat sitter!?  Expensive!  I guess it's a fair price in today's economy but that still doesn't make it cheap!

I'd cat sit for you if I could and it would only cost you a six pack of beer and a bag of potato chips. 

(I drink root beer, too, if you don't like regular beer.


TCS Member
Feb 1, 2015
You've described Neve perfectly!!!!!!  How long have you had Casper? Has there been improvement? Domestic or imported - your choice!
   Thanks for taking time to commiserate with me. Situations are easier when shared. Thanks/e