Kitten is a time bomb


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 10, 2015
I have a ticking time bomb on my hands.  I was trapping for a kitten, and a 1-year-old male feral was also in the trap.  After months of working with the feral, he is now healthy and I think I will have to keep him because he has bitten me before.  He is not very outgoing, is plain black, and I cannot imagine being able to find him a good home.  Because the feral and the kitten do not really get along, I am forced to find a home for the kitten.  I have had several possibilities...all of whom never called me back or were no shows.  I am so annoyed that people waste your time inquiring about a kitten, setting up a meet and greet, and then canceling or never showing up!  I am getting worried because this kitten is starting to no longer look like a kitten.  He is getting older every day!  I have exhausted my resources in finding him a home.  I have Facebooked him, networked with friends and family, begged rescues for help, and put up fliers in vet's offices and grocery stores.  I AM OUT OF IDEAS!!  I live in St. Louis, Missouri and apparently, there is a glut of kittens and cats here.  Everyone seems overwhelmed.  I had no idea it would be this difficult to find a kitten (who has had all his vet work done) a home.  I almost (I wrote almost--so don't hate on me!) regret helping him.  


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
I don't think anyone hates you for thinking that - a lot of us have been in your shoes and it's very frustrating & upsetting. I've been there multiple times-and each time it gets harder & harder to place the kittens as I'm running out of friends (& friends of friends) who want kittens!!!! And I know that panicky feeling of watching the little one seeming to get less "teeny kitten-y" every day--it definitely ratchets up the stress level!

It's so wonderful & caring of you to recognize how hard it would be to find an adopter for an adult all black guy. The no-kill cat shelter I volunteer for (like most shelters) has an over abundance of black kittens & cats - we now offer drastically reduced adoption fees for them. So bless you for taking in the much-tougher-to-place guy.

The ways you said you've already utilized are unfortunately the avenues I always use/suggest. I've got a few tips that might help you stand out so you hopefully have success this time. And someone out there may have a totally unique way I haven't thought of.

The pictures & description you use make all the difference in the world. Pictures that really show the kitten's personality are what catches people's eye (I'm in advertising - a graphic designer- so I speak from both personal & professional experience). A catchy/heart-string-tugging &/or clever headline & description also make a huge difference too. If you don't have great pictures - try to find a friend who's good at getting good shots to help you out.

If your fliers are black & white - redo them in color. Again -it's about making your flier grab people's eyes vs all the other "free kitten" fliers that are probably up right next to yours.

I always put one up in every vet office within 15/20 miles that will take them. I also do all the grocery stores, shelter/rescue, pet food stores & pet boarding facility that will put one up.

A big tip to help get your fliers put up in a shelter or to actually get them to take your kitten is to actually go in personally versus calling. I speak from personal experience on this too - I worked the front desk at a shelter years ago. It's a lot easier to say "no" about putting up a flier/taking in the kitten to someone over the phone than it is in person. And I know this sounds like common sense but (again -personal experience!!) - be VERY nice to the person/receptionist you're begging. I know you're desperate & frustrated - but Try not to sound angry & be as pleasant as possible while explaining how desperate you are. Definitely also explain about the guy you're keeping - rescues/shelters will likely be much more sympathetic & therefore likely to try to slot your kitten in (or at least put him on their waiting list) if they know you're already doing way more than most people. And this may sound dopey - but everywhere you go with your fliers, take your own tape/thumbtacks so you can put them up right then instead of relying on the person you're asking to put them up. I'm embarrassed to admit that, when I worked at the shelter, it would get so harried that I know there were times someone would leave a flier with me & I'd get so busy that the flier would get shuffled around my desk & never make it up to the board.

Really utilize social media. Don't just put the kitten on your Facebook page once - put new pictures (& if possible--short little videos) with short, cute updates every few days. Ask people to "share" -- most of my adoptions have come through sharing vs a personal friend seeing the kitten directly from my FB. You can also ask the rescues you go to if they'll put your images/info on their FB page -some shelters are happy to do that if they feel for you & the little guy! After all - we're all in it to help as many kitties find happy homes as possible!

And tell EVERYONE you can strike up a conversation with about your guy! Take fliers with you EVERYWHERE! I had one guy get adopted because I struck up a conversation with someone buying kitty food at the grocem...another from a flier I put up at a local coffee shop).....another through the person ringing me up at the copy shop where I was making copies of my kitten flier....and five or six because I struck up a conversation with the person who handles emails for a large women's professional networking group I belong to.

If you'd like, I'll look for a copy of one or two of my past successful fliers & private message you with them this afternoon so you can see what I do as far as photos & text. Feel free to copy any/all of what I send! Below are a few photos that I've used on fliers that worked in the past.

Hopefully others will have different suggestions too!


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
One place I forgot to try to get your fliers put up in is any local spay/neuter groups. If you explain the whole situation to them, they will very likely let you at least put up a flier --and they may even put your kitty's info up on their website or Facebook page.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
I have a ticking time bomb on my hands.  I was trapping for a kitten, and a 1-year-old male feral was also in the trap.  After months of working with the feral, he is now healthy and I think I will have to keep him because he has bitten me before.  He is not very outgoing, is plain black, and I cannot imagine being able to find him a good home.  Because the feral and the kitten do not really get along, I am forced to find a home for the kitten.  I have had several possibilities...all of whom never called me back or were no shows.  I am so annoyed that people waste your time inquiring about a kitten, setting up a meet and greet, and then canceling or never showing up!  I am getting worried because this kitten is starting to no longer look like a kitten.  He is getting older every day!  I have exhausted my resources in finding him a home.  I have Facebooked him, networked with friends and family, begged rescues for help, and put up fliers in vet's offices and grocery stores.  I AM OUT OF IDEAS!!  I live in St. Louis, Missouri and apparently, there is a glut of kittens and cats here.  Everyone seems overwhelmed.  I had no idea it would be this difficult to find a kitten (who has had all his vet work done) a home.  I almost (I wrote almost--so don't hate on me!) regret helping him.  
I understand finding a good new home is often difficult, as as you tried evrything you could and cant, so you cant.

The question is, if you really got to find a new home.

1.  Cant you keep them both, even if they arent best friends?  It may be enough if they can coexist peacefully.  With time they will surely become pals, even if perhaps not the most heartily hearts.

Exactly how is it showing they dont really gets along?   Its perhaps just the kittens wants to play a lot, but not the older..??

2.  What is this he has bitten you before?  Why should be a reason you must keep him?  Are you afraid if he bites someone else, he will be immediately killed?

How and when did he bit you?   He perhaps had a reason, say you tried to bathe him??

  I mean, he is born and lived outside.   If you return him outside - perhaps as sort of your outside kitty, its not the same terrible sin as dumping a family home cat.   And living anew outside, he will hardly need to bite anybody, unless in sheer selfdefence.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Thank you both for your replies.  I have gone in person to distribute fliers.  You would be surprised how many vet's offices no longer have bulletin boards!  It is frustrating!  

As for why the older cat bit me...well, I deserved it.  He was a feral living in my house, got out of his safe room, and I pulled him out from under my bed.  I was really naive about cats then, as I have never had one...much less a feral.  He bit me very hard, and I did have to go to Urgent Care and was on some pretty strong medicine.  He has not bitten me again...but he has tried!  He will ask to be petted, then try to bite me.  I say "no" and walk away.  I got some good advice from people on this forum...basically telling me that when he asks for petting, I pet him once and walk away.  I don't leave my hand there until he bites.  So far, that has worked okay.  Only a few times has he gone for my hand again.  I really don't know why he does this.

I guess I have to keep him b/c if I cannot find a home for an adorable, sweet, smart kitten (which I have not been able to thus far), there is NO way I will find a home for a cat that basically hides in my closet all day and has bitten me.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Is this photo cute enough?  He is so fidgety...I can barely get a good one in!


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
And it's sweet of you to have kept the scaredy cat :) It doesn't sound like he's a chronic biter - just nervous and perhaps what they call "overstimulated." Some cats (actually most) have a limit to what they tolerate petting/touch-wise (I always liken it to when someone shakes your hand, but then they won't let go - it gets oddly uncomfortable even though they're not doing anything mean or hurtful). And some respond by biting to get you to stop. You can usually tell when they're getting overstimulated --- the tail starts swishing quickly from side to side, and some of them will whip their head back to kind of do a "you're going to get a bite if you don't stop soon!" look. 

It is frustrating that you can't find a home for the little sweetie - just shows how there are just too many unwanted kitties out there. The shelter I volunteer for can get almost 100 calls a day with people who need to find homes for kittens/found cats/etc. It's amazing and horribly sad. 

Maybe the older one will come out of his shell eventually. We've had very scared kitties take months and months to come around. Remember - from day one he was taught to be terrified of people to survive. And maybe the little one was meant to be in your life. We've certainly ended up with a few we didn't think we'd keep - but I definitely realized eventually there was a reason we were meant to keep them!


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Wow, I'm very impressed at the fact you are keeping the older one. So many folks would easily just throw it out in the streets, especially considering it's feral. AND bit you. I've been bitten by my cat, so I know how it feels. Of course in my case it was my cat that I'd had for 16 years and I was trying to give him medicine. The nerve of me!

I hope you are able to find a home for the kitten. I'm glad you aren't just giving it to the first person that shows interest without meeting them also. I'm hoping you are able to find a happy ending regardless of what it is though. And maybe, just maybe, they will be able to co-exist. 


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 18, 2015
I think this situation has potential. After taking in many cats and kittens who I found living outside, I learned that being patient and optimistic goes a long way.While I know it's not possible to keep every cat I rescue from the great outdoors (much less expect them to get along with my cats) I've found most kittens and younger cats under 2 years are very adapting and much more willing to accept other kittensor new environments if given time than older cats are. I've brought young cats into my house who fought at first and I thought would never get along and eventually they came to love each other, others who only tolerated each other but still got along. it's so wonderful that you have decided to keep the older one and offer him the loving home he might otherwise never have. but I do think with the kitten being so young that they may end up being ok together. It takes a while for cats (especially ferals) to adapt to living in a new environmentand being around other cats. it sometimes takes many months to get cats comfortable with another cat or kitten.