Long, tense weekend but kitten with URI looking better... / whining about lack of adoptions

kat hamlin

"RESCUE" is my favorite breed
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Adult Cat
Jun 25, 2015
Just wanted to share my relief with everybody.  Our foster kitten Orion on Friday went downhill with his URI...open-mouth breathing, not eating or drinking, lethargic.  I was certain we were going to lose him.  My partner and I both had a lot of weekend shifts to cover but we managed to alternate and after six doses of Doxycycline, Tobramycin in his eyes three times a day, and infant Neo-Synephrine drops in his nose as needed, not to mention syringe-feeding him water and low sodium chicken broth, he is finally on the mend.

No more open-mouth breathing.  He still isn't eating much but enough to keep himself going and as the bacterial infection continues to clear I know he'll improve.  Every night (or nap) I had nightmares that he would pass on and I kept checking my cell while I was at work to see if there was any news from home.  It's been a while since I've seen a URI that bad and it was scary.

Orion is 10 weeks, neutered, and UTD on FVRCP.  I'm not sure where the URI came from but it sure hit him hard.  Neither of the two kittens he stays with got sick; one more in the house has a very mild URI.  He is our little DLH Manxy mix with double jointed carpuses.  I'm just worried that the severe URI may be indicative of systemic problems...but he made it this far and through neutering, and in my experience usually the ones with severe congenital defects don't come through the anesthesia, or don't make it to neutering age.

It reminds me of a few summers ago when we lost a whole litter of 5 week olds to URI.  Just one after the other they got open mouth breathing and there was nothing we could really do.  I was giving them SQ fluids and that's when I got the tip on the neosynephrine.  It didn't help any of them but it seemed to have helped Orion.  The vet I was working for even sent me home with Convenia for them and it was too little, too late.

This was supposed to be a celebratory post, sorry for being morbid.  Hooray for little Orion, may you continue to kick that URI's butt, and then get the heck out of my house because we are WAY overcrowded here!

It has not been a good adoption month AT ALL and I've got 8 kittens until 7 months and one at 10 months that are all super adoptable...sweet, outgoing, cuddly, and good-looking.  No takers, not even on the little ones.  At least we got one adult adopted this past weekend, and another foster's 4 month old boy went home.  That was nice...but I'm the one who's overcrowded, adopt MINE!  Unfortunately it seems like after the first two adoption events, the kitties get blasé about events...at first they try really hard to attract attention and are extra cute, but then they lose interest and just nap most of the time.  I try to interest them with toys, but that only does so much.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
How is Orion doing?  Still on the mend, I hope!  So good of you to foster all these little babies!  


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 9, 2015
I'm so glad that your Orion pulled through!  And wow, you sure have a house filled to the brim with kitties 

You know, I sometimes get really disillusioned with humanity as a whole - so many stories of people dumping animals, cruelty, and neglect - but then I remind myself that just as there are really evil people in the world, there are also a ton of wonderful people saving animals and doing rescue work, devoting damn near all of their spare time to the cause - thank you for being one of those  people and doing all the great work that you're doing!!  
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kat hamlin

"RESCUE" is my favorite breed
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jun 25, 2015
Aw, thanks guys.

Orion is doing tons better, barely any trace of URI left.  He, Oh Henry, and Harry got their rabies shots yesterday and I had the vet check out Orion's carpuses.  She agreed they're double-jointed, non-painful, and isn't really sure what to make of them.  There is a small worry that on the more affected leg he may eventually wear through the skin since he walks on his carpus most of the time instead of on the paw.  But she seemed to think it was unlikely to occur and agrees that he's probably just a little mutant.

Still no adoptions from my house...we are taking today off of adoption events because a lot of the cats are starting to run when they hear me get out the carriers.  That, to me, means it's getting too stressful for them to be hauled off to Petsmart every weekend.  But next week is our turn at the in-store adoption center, so many of them will be spending the week there.

I will be quite upset if none of mine get applications during their week there...I am not being biased, they are some really nice and outgoing cats.  It just seems like nobody is settling on them.  We had two adoptions last weekend, one of an adult female (yay) and one 5 month old black DLH.  So that was nice...just neither of them were mine.  And the other groups have been doing pretty well...I'm wondering if my pictures are just crappy.  Maybe I'll take some time today to try to get new ones.  Many of our adoptions happen through Petfinder and Adopt a Pet so it is super important to have good pictures.  I gush about the kids in the description, but if you don't get that first click, it's never going to happen.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
It reminds me of a few summers ago when we lost a whole litter of 5 week olds to URI.  Just one after the other they got open mouth breathing and there was nothing we could really do.  I was giving them SQ fluids and that's when I got the tip on the neosynephrine.  It didn't help any of them but it seemed to have helped Orion.  The vet I was working for even sent me home with Convenia for them and it was too little, too late.

This was supposed to be a celebratory post, sorry for being morbid.  Hooray for little Orion, may you continue to kick that URI's butt, and then get the heck out of my house because we are WAY overcrowded here!

It has not been a good adoption month AT ALL and I've got 8 kittens until 7 months and one at 10 months that are all super adoptable...sweet, outgoing, cuddly, and good-looking.  No takers, not even on the little ones.  At least we got one adult adopted this past weekend, and another foster's 4 month old boy went home.  That was nice...but I'm the one who's overcrowded, adopt MINE!  Unfortunately it seems like after the first two adoption events, the kitties get blasé about events...at first they try really hard to attract attention and are extra cute, but then they lose interest and just nap most of the time.  I try to interest them with toys, but that only does so much.
We picked our cat from a petsmart adoption site. My fiance wasn't sold on him at all, but when they let him out for us to play with, there were peacock feathers in the room that we were able to use. He was so adorable playing with the feathers that he won over my fiance. Another pair of older cats got adopted because of the feathers that same day, the rescue posted their story on Facebook. It helps to be able to see cats acting naturally. One of the disadvantages of adoption events is that this isn't always possible. 