Anti-shedding injection + when cats go full-fledged?

taty caty

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
May 1, 2014
Hello, :)

My cat shed a lot, and a relative of mine who has cat told me that this amount of shedding is not usual and that there is an injection that the vet can give to minimize shedding.

Is there really such an injection?

Another thing. When I adopted my Lulu, that was in April this year, and he has the most wonderful poofy coat, and a super fluffy tail and neck ruff. This all went of in June, July.

He is gaining some hair now, but it's already November and he still not like what he used to be in April.

My question is, at what month do cats go to the peak and become full-fledged, so to speak?

Should I worry now or wait?  Will he be gaining more in December and January? Because I read that cats gain their coats in fall in preparation for winter.

He is strictly indoor. I live in the Middle East, so it is really hot. The air conditioning is always on, the temperature is around 20-23 inside.

Thanks. :)

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
I don't know of an injection to minimize shedding, but I do know that longhaired cats do drop their winter coat, which frequently includes the ruff and tail undercoat, in spring and summer they appear to be wearing pajamas compared to how they looked with their full coat.  It does grow back in, and you might check with the purebred folks in the Ethical Breeding & Showing forum as to the exact timing.  I believe it is more related to the angle of the sun as it changes through the seasons than it is to the temperature of the environment.  Since you are in the middle east, that may be different than if you were in Europe or the USA.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
It's really cold where I live but my cats don't get their full winter coat until January ~ February. They've all stopped shedding now, they only shed in the spring and early summer.

I've never heard of an anti-shedding injection either, but I've heard that problems with their coat can be caused by problems with their diet
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taty caty

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
May 1, 2014
I don't know of an injection to minimize shedding, but I do know that longhaired cats do drop their winter coat, which frequently includes the ruff and tail undercoat, in spring and summer they appear to be wearing pajamas compared to how they looked with their full coat.  It does grow back in, and you might check with the purebred folks in the Ethical Breeding & Showing forum as to the exact timing.  I believe it is more related to the angle of the sun as it changes through the seasons than it is to the temperature of the environment.  Since you are in the middle east, that may be different than if you were in Europe or the USA.
It's really cold where I live but my cats don't get their full winter coat until January ~ February. They've all stopped shedding now, they only shed in the spring and early summer.

I've never heard of an anti-shedding injection either, but I've heard that problems with their coat can be caused by problems with their diet
LOL. I loved the analogy of pyjamas. Do really looke so.

Phew, it is a relief to know that kitty has until January, february to regain his coat. I hope he gets his super winter coat back.

Thank you. :)