At home euthanasia vs. vet's office

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  • #221


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Alpha Cat
Jul 27, 2009
You guys are the best :grphug2:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 6, 2014
Thank you @catconcern and @Loving Mickey. And please don't get me wrong, I am a proponent of euthanasia when the animal has a poor quality of life or is physically suffering. What steams me are the vets that think "well how much longer could this animal possibly have, why bother with the time/money/effort of testing now?"

I've heard of cats living into their 20s.

So I'm going to keep the door open with my old office (they have weekend hours and are affordable), but will insist on seeing the older, more experienced and less cynical vet at that practice. As far as diagnostics, they are out. And should Roni beat this and end up with a normal white cell count, combined with increased kidney damage from the infection - that vet is getting a letter with the test results and a explanation of my disappointment in her idea of "care". No need to cause a scene in the office.

So... hopefully we can beat this without too much damage to her already compromised kidneys. No throwing up or runs in the box this AM. *fingers crossed* - but this time she is on a strict probiotic regimen along with the ABs

Loving Mickey, I hope you are recovering and the bitter memories are turning into memories that make your heart smile instead of ache. It takes a while.
I agree 100 percent Wasa and understand. Good post. You're a good, smart cookie

Good luck to you and your baby.

Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
Hi Wasabipea
It sounds like Roni is doing so much better.I am truly happy for you.I love to hear when a pet gets well.I enjoy reading posts how cats live into their twenties.I think that is amazing.I have never been fortunate to have a cat live that long.Sending hugs and many good wishes for Roni's continued good health.Thank You for still asking how I am regarding Mickey.I must admit that I still find it hard to deal with.Some days are still bad.I cry often over missing him.Shadow has been a big help though.I know Shadow needs me and that helps alot.It also helps to know that people on this site like you care about my Mickey and how I feel.I am sure it also helps you to know that people care and understand what you are going thriugh.I and everyone on this site truly care and we all understand. Take Care.Give Roni a big hug from me.Oh the picture you posted of her is beautiful. She is definitely a beauty!!


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
I'm very sorry to hear you had a hard day with Henry yesterday
:hugs::vibes: to both of you and you are not alone either. Hopefully you are having similar weather to the beautiful day that we are having here and you can spend some QT outside with your little doggie, sunshine does wonders for the soul.

Thank you SO much for your thoughts on Henry. We are doing just dandy today and YES - the :sun: :sun: did do wonder's for us yesterday. A couple of walks in his stroller and he always had a big smile on his face sitting in this throne. :king: Henry... :lol3:

AND AND AND ... :thud: Lovely, beautiful, angelic picture of Roni. SOOOOOOOOOO very, very, very sweet. :heart3:

Omg, I feel like a crazy person because this AM, I looked at her food bowl and it was empty - I dared a little smile inside and then peeked, with great trepidation, into her litter box and... wait for it... solid poop!!!!

I wanted to dance around the house doing some kind of weirdo "solid poop' dance, but figured that would land me squarely in the Crazy Person category - so I opted to hop online to share the good news!
SO glad that it was a good day and Oh hun............ :flail: We do the poop dance ALL THE TIME on the forum's. And it looks a bit like this........................

:banana1: :lol3: :dance: :banana2: :jump: :lol2: :high5: :woohoo: :blobgreen :hyper: and a :woo: for SOLID POOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
We do the poop dance ALL THE TIME on the forum's. And it looks a bit like this........................

and a
for SOLID POOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL.  Hysterical.  And true.
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  • #226


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 27, 2009
LOL! OK, now I don't feel so nuts

That is very close to the dance I did and I could tell by the look on her face when she came back from the box that she was ready to do the same, she looked so pleased with herself!

If you told me 20 years ago that I'd be all excited about cat poop, I would have called you eight shades of crazy!

I love seeing doggies in strollers, they always look so adorable and happy! Glad you had a nice walk with Henry and he got to be King of the Block!
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  • #227


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 27, 2009
And let's get ready for the Solid Poop dance - ok, on the count of three:

 Oh, how our priorities change.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 26, 2014
New Orleans, LA
She must be feeling so much better! 

Is she still eating on her own? A lot?

I hope the 6 weeks of antibiotic treatment goes by in the blink of an eye for you both 
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  • #229


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 27, 2009
She must be feeling so much better! 

Is she still eating on her own? A lot?

I hope the 6 weeks of antibiotic treatment goes by in the blink of an eye for you both 
We have good days and bad days with the food, but lately more good than bad. I was shocked at how much she loved her Wellness Core last night, it was good to see her eat with such gusto! She was meowing heartily to be fed this AM!

I think if I'm diligent with the probiotics and try to keep her away from grains as much as possible, this new AB regimen just might work. She is even letting me pill her more easily, I think she knows they are helping her.

Along with the solid, perfect poop, she used the litter box for pees as well. She has been terrible with peeing outside the box for a long time. I might have to retrain her... but all these are positive steps!
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Animal Lover Extraordinare
Top Cat
May 17, 2014
Thank you SO much for your thoughts on Henry. We are doing just dandy today and YES - the :sun: :sun: did do wonder's for us yesterday. A couple of walks in his stroller and he always had a big smile on his face sitting in this throne. :king: Henry... :lol3:

AND AND AND ... :thud: Lovely, beautiful, angelic picture of Roni. SOOOOOOOOOO very, very, very sweet. :heart3:
SO glad that it was a good day and Oh hun............ :flail: We do the poop dance ALL THE TIME on the forum's. And it looks a bit like this........................

:banana1: :lol3: :dance: :banana2: :jump: :lol2: :high5: :woohoo: :blobgreen :hyper: and a :woo: for SOLID POOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Animal Lover Extraordinare
Top Cat
May 17, 2014
yes solid poop[emoji]128575[/emoji][emoji]128169[/emoji][emoji]128169[/emoji][emoji]128169[/emoji][emoji]128062[/emoji][emoji]128062[/emoji][emoji]128062[/emoji][emoji]128169[/emoji][emoji]128169[/emoji][emoji]128169[/emoji][emoji]128008[/emoji][emoji]128008[/emoji][emoji]128008[/emoji][emoji]128008[/emoji][emoji]128062[/emoji][emoji]128571[/emoji]


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
We have good days and bad days with the food, but lately more good than bad. I was shocked at how much she loved her Wellness Core last night, it was good to see her eat with such gusto! She was meowing heartily to be fed this AM! :heart4:
I think if I'm diligent with the probiotics and try to keep her away from grains as much as possible, this new AB regimen just might work. She is even letting me pill her more easily, I think she knows they are helping her.

Along with the solid, perfect poop, she used the litter box for pees as well. She has been terrible with peeing outside the box for a long time. I might have to retrain her... but all these are positive steps!
Love all of that above !!!!!!!!!!! The good appetite, her meowing loudly, her allowing you to pill her more easily, the solid poop AND that she is using the box for her pees right now. THAT IS ALL GREAT NEWS and I am so happy to hear that today.

These special, happy moments are to be cherished and relished in AND I know that you and Roni will continue to have many more of them. :D ;) :bigthumb: KEEP ON TRUCKIN' Roni and Wendy. :heart3:

p.s. It is hard to read back and see the wonderful posts about dear Henry BUT you know, I am going to make it AND I feel SO very blessed to have been able to share part of my life with such a special boy as he was. I have learned that we do have to try to live each day like it may be the last and to cherish/relish in those ups and even those downs. There is nothing to regret then knowing you did right by your special little baby - even if it is confusing at times not knowing what is "right". There is no right nor wrong when it comes to loving them - we just do the best we possibly can for them and I promise you, no sadness will come of that part of it, anyway. ;) :hugs: :rub: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
BTW, just an aside, my cats ALL hate Wellness Core, they will starve and pester me rather than eat it, but they like the Merrick grain free and they like Halo grain free Spot's Stew. 
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  • #234


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 27, 2009
Feralvr - welcome back
. Glad to see you coming up for air and reaching for normalcy, it's hard - I know, unfortunately we all do. Breaking the old pet habits are hard too, when Len passed, I was still putting down a towel on his side of the bed for weeks, and you always expect them to be in their "places" Or at your feet. I agree that knowing you did right with your baby is a consolation, even thought it does little to stop the hurty. I feel for you, especially with the "end of an era" feeling, Len and Roni had that. Glad you are feeling a little better anyway

I think Roni is finally adjusting to being an only cat. She has changed though.

While she is in treatment for the e.coli, and handling the antibiotics - I'm sure with the help of the recommended probiotics (thank you LDG
). I'm wondering if, even if she is in treatment and it had halted the progression of the infection - if it could be continuting to do damage to her kidneys. Her back legs are weak, but the blood panel said her calcium and potassium were normal. I can see it in her hesitation to jump - she always jumped from one surface to another. Maybe it's just aging decline - I don't know.

I can tell you that when I show up at the old vet's office and ask for a refill of her amiltryptiline, they will probably fall over thinking she died. And they didn't even call or anything to see what's up.

Red Top, I was fully expecting her to snub the Wellness Core because I tried it a few years ago - but the chicken and liver one she went bonkers for - over the past few months her tastes have really changed. I wonder if maybe Len has an influence on what she would eat and not eat. If he didn't like it, she didn't like it. Who really had cats figured out?
 that's why we love them! I have some small cans of Wellness plain label, I have a feeling they will get snubbed - so I'm waiting... Re: the Core brand, I saw carageenan in there and that gave me pause to try it, but no issues.

Side note: since things have been settling down a bit with her malady, I went outside last night and so did she. She ate some grass, which she promptly threw up and then sort of dissappeared. I found her nibbling on a weed that I had put Round Up on (I know, I try not to use it - but some weeds come thru my fence from the neighbors) and I FREAKED. Called the help line, they were very helpful. They said no worries... but I was a mess. I thought after all we have been thru, she would get killed by Round up. There went my relaxing evening... bye bye. She was fine and ate a big dinner.
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Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
Hi Wasabipea
Just thought I would check in.I am so glad to hear that Roni is doing well.He is eating and using the litter box which is all great news.As far as the jumping up on things it could be just that he is getting older and the joints may ache some.I understand fully about still doing things for our poor cats that have passed.I know how much you must miss Len.We seem to get more attached to our pets once we spend so much time caring for them.The taking care of them with medicines and all becomes a major part of our lives and when they are gone it feels that such a huge loss.The major part of our lives is gone.I still look around my house and picture Mickey there.I still cry for him and miss him so very much.Your Roni is a real beauty!! The picture you posted of her is sp beautiful! ! Hope she continues to do well.Take Care for now.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
BTW, just an aside, my cats ALL hate Wellness Core, they will starve and pester me rather than eat it, but they like the Merrick grain free and they like Halo grain free Spot's Stew. 
:lol3: Cats...... they are all so different. Mine love the Wellness Core - even the two pickiest, Perla and Pipsqueak. They all dislike completely any Merrick and especially the Halo Spot's Stew. The peas, carrots, spinach, etc. they all stare at glaring with disgust. :sick: :lol:


Thank you, Wendy!!! I feel as if I can breathe a little again without so much pain... :hugs: and I appreciate your support more than you know. :lovegrin: :heart2:

I think they do adjust to being alone. Hannah is feeling a bit better today since Henry passed a week ago. I also think it is because I am feeling a bit more at peace too. Life WILL go on, one way or another. I am choosing to focus on the joy, the memories, the love and the happy times (which were MANY) and not focusing on how much I will miss little Henry - even though I do. But, staying focused on more positive thoughts is definitely helping. Plus, spending more time doting on my other furkids too. Everyone seems a bit more "up" today. :sun: :rbheart: :angel:

OH MY.... :nervous: I BET you were a wreck after seeing Roni eat a little part of a weed with Round up. :alright: A BIG SIGH of relief! She was alright, just fine, and ate a nice dinner. But, man, I bet you were :sweat: that night. I swear - these furbabies are to blame for each new wrinkle and grey hair on my face an head. :lol3: Hoping tonight will be a well deserved relaxing evening. :lovegrin2: :cross:

And.... :smshfrk: over your "old" vet because that really is lousy that they never called to check on her. Makes one feel like they truly do not care about their patients... Make sure you walk in with a big ole' smile asking for that refill.
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 2, 2014
Spokane, WA, United States
I haven't read through all the posts in this thread, but I wanted to put in my two cents on the original topic. I haven't euthanized any of my cats at home, but i did recently have to have my 60 lb chow/husky euthanized due to health issues and age. The vet I used only has a mobile service, so euthanasia is a big part of his practice and he has a lot of experience with it. I discussed it with a friend and she said she remembers the last cat she had euthanized at the vet's office and how horrible it was to have to walk in and have a receptionist greet her with a big smile and "Hi! How are you today?" on one of the worst days of her life, not to mention sitting miserably in the waiting room with all the other clients and their pets. I really think it was the best option for me, and less stressful for my dog.
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TCS Member
Super Cat
May 21, 2007
I will chime in as well on the original topic....we used an at home service Saturday for my one kitty. I could not have hoped for a more perfect experience at such a sad time. I simply couldn't imagine the travel in her carrier and car ride and vet visit being the last memory of her. In home euthanization was a true blessing. Her litter mate went up to her after it was finished and gave her a lick on the head.... so precious.
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  • #239


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Alpha Cat
Jul 27, 2009
gmm80, and MnM - that's exactly why I want to have her put down at home when her time comes. I can't bear to think her last memories on earth would be the car ride and being scared at the office. Unfortuately, I didn't have that option with my other boy who got put down in May - it was so fast, no time to make home arrangements - but he was in bad shape, so even doing it at the office was better than letting him live any longer in the state he was in. It hurt horribly, and I know exactly what you mean about the receptionist being all "goood afternoon!" - but... it's her job.

At least they let me wait in the car with him and let me come in the back door when they had a room open. Sitting in the waiting room with all the other pets... I could never have handled that in the shape I was in. But of it all, I think leaving him there all alone on the table was the hardest part of the whole experience. I covered all but his little face with a towel and tucked him in.
. Sweet Len.

And I meant to send a note yesterday to you Loving Mickey, thank you for your thoughts and I'm happy to hear your heart is on the mend. It takes a long time, and sometimes the strangest thing will open the floodgates af sad, but when that happens I try to think about how lucky I was to have sweet Len in my life for so long, and how happy he was and how I took him from a kill shelter in his final days and gave him a happy safe home where he was loved for many years. He's resting in peace now, we enriched each others' lives, and we do go on. I'm glad to hear that you could open your hame and heart to another kitty. You will make his life just as special, and he will to you - he'll never be Mickey, but all cats are different, I think that's one reason we love them so.
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red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
Back to the original subject, because of a recent change in the law, more and more vets will be able to perform at-home euthanasia.  Simply put, the laws concerning controlled substances have previously forbidden veterinarians to use some of these outside their "usual place of business," which is many cases is an office. The only vets that could use them outside an office were those vets whose primary place of business WAS a mobile van!  (Most people didn't know this.)  This law has just been changed (YAY), so now your own vet can come to your home with the appropriate drugs to pre-sedate your animal (and yes, pre-sedation is the only safe way for cats, and preferable for dogs as well).  Therefore, I'm sure more vets will offer it, and it will take awhile for people to realize they can choose, but it's a very positive step.  There are already two specialized at-home euthanasia services in our area.  One has a superb web site with lots and lots of information on what to expect, etc.  I've shared information from them before, and will share the link here because it contains so much valuable information.