I found a kitten on the streets but my other cat is beating her to death ...

gabriel braulio

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 19, 2014
I found a kitten on the street but my other cat is beating her to death and im not sure what to do, I've tried some tips solutions that i found online but no progress. My new kitten is with us now for 2 months and it's getting worse. I took the kitten to my sisters house which is just around the neighborhood but my old cat still follows her to my sisters house and do the same thing. My sister is not really a cat person so she doesnt really like the kitten there but is just doing it as a favor and temporary. I hate to let the kitten go but if i can't find a way to let them get together then I'll have no choice since i love my old cat to death lol. Any tips or advice will be appreciated, thanks in advance.


TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
Thank you for rescuing this kitten and sorry you're having so much trouble.
Are both cats spay/neutered? Any idea how old the kitten is?
If not, can they be? (I don't know where you live.)
If so, you might start all over again with the introductions.
Here is an article about doing this.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Thank you for rescuing this kitten and sorry you're having so much trouble.
Are both cats spay/neutered? Any idea how old the kitten is?
If not, can they be? (I don't know where you live.)
If so, you might start all over again with the introductions.
Here is an article about doing this.
The link isnt visible.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
I found a kitten on the street but my other cat is beating her to death and im not sure what to do, I've tried some tips solutions that i found online but no progress. My new kitten is with us now for 2 months and it's getting worse. I took the kitten to my sisters house which is just around the neighborhood but my old cat still follows her to my sisters house and do the same thing. My sister is not really a cat person so she doesnt really like the kitten there but is just doing it as a favor and temporary. I hate to let the kitten go but if i can't find a way to let them get together then I'll have no choice since i love my old cat to death lol. Any tips or advice will be appreciated, thanks in advance.
Are you sure he is beating him to death?  Literally? so blood flows, not even mentioning of flying furs??  After all, this kitten seems to be still alive!

Im not ironic.  It can be  1.  He is doing his dominance thing, to show who is oldest and best, and also, the master cat of the house.

2.  They may even play, roughly playing being both boys.    Their wrestling matches are often looking quite serious!  A weak hearted onlooker who isnt very knowleable about cat behaviour may faint for less!

Here of course with the additional touch your resident wants to show extra who is the master cat, etc...  Even some fur may be flying.

3. There may also be some teaching lessons with vigorously  slapping him with a paw.  As long it is soft paws, no claws out, its entirely normal lessons for friends and family members.

Frankly, my guess it is something like that going on.  Unless you did see real blood, and lotsa of fur, not just a little...

To be on the safe side, be sure you show your resident he is number one!  You love him lotsa more then the kitten!   Dont carry the kitten above his head!

Let them have different food plates, water plates, litter...   Resident shall get his food first.

A friendly resident often lets the kitten eat first - but it must be his choice.

Good luck!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
Has the kitten been vet checked? I once had a kitten who was always getting tears in his skin requiring staples and sutures and surgical glue. I gave  his litter mate away because I thought he was overly aggressive and causing the wounds. It turns out that the kitten had a rare medical condition called cutaneous asthenia, which means his skin was super thin and could easily tear even if he scratched himself. I had wrongly blamed the litter mate.

How is it that your other cat follows your kitten to your sister's house? Maybe the best thing to do would be isolate the kitten in a room by herself for a week and see if she continues to get wounds while being by herself.
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gabriel braulio

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 19, 2014
Thank you for the replies, first off i apologize about my English since it's not my first language and I can't fully express my self or explain properly on what's going on.

@Ritz Thanks for the link, I'll definitely check it out. As for spay/neutered, no they're not. Spaying/neuter is not really a trend here in our community atleast. I live in a 3rd  world country (Philippines) and i haven't seen a single dog/cat that has been neutered in our area, however i am thinking about having my male cat neutered. I'm just a little concern about the emotional effects on the cat. This is my first cat so I'm not quite not sure about it, having the balls taken out is unthinkable xD.

@StefanZ Unfortunately yes, she got  wounded on her back, 2 on her front legs and a bite mark on her tail :(.

@MsAimee I haven't had the kitten checked by a vet yet however i was able to prove the my cat really has his claws out when he slaps her since i got hit once and got wounded myself. My cat never visited my sisters house for a year till the new cat arrived and have her stayed there temporary while i look for a solution. My sister will call in the middle of the night saying that my cay is there in their house and looking for the cat and attacked her if he finds her. My sister will take him out of the house and close all the windows and doors but my my cat will stay in front of the door for hours making noises.

It sounds like my cat was a mean wild cat but he's not really. He wasn't like this before till the new cat arrived. Thank you.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
i am thinking about having my male cat neutered. I'm just a little concern about the emotional effects on the cat. This is my first cat so I'm not quite not sure about it, having the balls taken out is unthinkable xD.
@StefanZ Unfortunately yes, she got  wounded on her back, 2 on her front legs and a bite mark on her tail :(.

Now, if a cat wants to bite for real, there is tremendous force in the jaws, and the teeths are almost razor sharp.

If a cat bites for real, the wounds are deep, and or the flesh seared. 

The claws are almost as efficient.  If he wants to claw for real, you got real sores with blood flowing. They are long too..  Why, when my resident once panicked climbed out from my holding him, I got several bleeding wounds.  And yet he didnt clawed me for real, he just wanted to climb out...

Tell me. Is he used to play with other cats?  Wrestle matches in all boyish friendliness?  How old was he when you took him from mom and siblings?

So, My guess is still, he is essentially playing rough with her, but hasnt learned properly to stop in time, to take it easy when the other begins to yell.  To not use his claws because the other yells and get hurts and instead use soft paws.

So unless her wounds were deep and profusely bleeding, needing vet care, my guess is still it was some sort of rough play. But he  hasnt learned to take it easy. 

That is why we recommend to take them from mom and siblings at earliest in week 8, but best is about week 12...

Re  spaying, cutting of his balls.   As you almost say it yourself.  This is mostly a human, male feeling!  Cats dont feel it so.  They get just relieved, their life gets easier.  The turn may come in just one week, othewise it take a whole months.

I do understand your feeling. I felt it clearly with my  oldest resident.   I felt he was begging to not be neutered, by behaving properly.  Very friendly, no marking anywhere, behaving nicely.   Also, he was used as stud, so it was another reason we waited with neutering.   When his son come home to us as another resident, he was wery nice to the kitten, almost overdid it.

He was also very friendly with his visiting ladies. Knowleable and yet a good courtier, taking them at first when they were ready for him.

But later on, when he become fully adult at 18+ months, problems become visible.   If there were a lot unspayed females in heat outside, or unnetuered toms, he could get excited and pissed in unappropriate places.  He was mewoing loudly through the nights, wandering around seeking a willing female.   He was still friendly with his son who at this time himself become a young stud.  Teached him who was the master cat in the house, but otherwise they were friends.   But.   After a while come the crisis:  He felt the smells of another fertile  male around the house, but could not understand it was just his friend and son... He began again to piss everywhere and feel badly.  And teaching up his son whatever it was necessary or not.

So we didnt have much choice,  the vet got to do his duty and cut the balls.

And has you seen.   It turned in less than a week!    The pissing ended, the beating up and teaching lessons of his son ended.  He become harmonious when the tensions left.  For the first time we could see him with his tails happily raised straight up...

He began to play again as when he was kitten...   The tensions were gone...

And yet, he remained the revire holder of the home, the master cat, the watcher, hissing angrily at cats from outside whom dared to come close their  netted in balcony.

Still at the age of 13 he has a masculine looks, no unnecessary fat on his body.  Harmonous and friedly (and shy, but he was always shy).

His son?  He continued fathers work as stud.  HE had no problems with his masculinity - after all, it was father who was the vigilant revire holder, taking on himself all the unpleasant duties of vigilant watchman.  He wasnt not so tensed as his father was, could often play.

But when we spayed the son too, we did noticed he too become more harmonious, more at ease.   and again, we could notice the tail straigh up, friendly waving to everyone to see...

The son got a tummy with the years, yes.  He looks almost like a pregnat female...  But anyways, at 12 years old he  still can jump up to tables and such. So he is still in better shape than many young cats without any fat.

I hope you understand my english - english is my third language.

Good luck!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
You said you've had the kitten with you for 2 months. How old was she when you took her in? If she was weaned, she was at least 7-8 weeks old. She may very likely be in heat or ready to go into heat, which would explain why your tom is following her to your sister's house. I had a female feral on my block who went into heat at 4 months and was pregnant 2 weeks later, so yes, they can go into heat very young. Your kitten may be fighting off your tom's advances--I've seen that happen, too. At any rate, it would be best if you had your tom neutered. I've had the ferals I've trapped fixed, except for my one tom, who I've been unable to trap again because he'd been trapped before. I really hope I can find a way to catch him some day because he occasionally roams and fights, and a few months ago he got a nasty bite on his ear which quickly became inflamed and infected. If you're able to get your tom to a vet, he would be much happier and safer if he were neutered, and when your female cat is old enough to get spayed (most vets where I live don't want to spay until the kitten is at least 4 months old, though others on this forum say some vets will do it earlier), then there will be harmony among your two cats. They may never become good friends, but they will learn to co-exist.
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Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Yes, it can be as MsAimee says too.  Not all toms are the kind courtiers.

Anyway, neutering him will serve several good purposes, without any drawbacks.

And yes, if we suspect she has began to come in heat, it is wise to spay her too asap, not wait another a couple of months.
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gabriel braulio

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 19, 2014
Thank so much guys. I have learned a lot and will definitely try all this. I will have my cat  neutered this weekend and hopefully this will calm him a little. Will keep you guys updated. I really appreciate all the help :)


Moderator and fervent feline fan
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Feb 28, 2012
Looking forward to hearing how things go..