What Is Your Morning Routine?


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jul 3, 2013
Cleveland, OH
On a typical weekday morning, what do you do after the alarm goes off? And... what do you in the evenings to relax & unwind?

I'll start:

Day begins about 7:30 a.m. Have to prod 13 yr old son to stay on task getting ready for school. He's gone by 8:30- breakfast time for me! Check on cat's food/litter supply, & give her lots of petting.Sit at my desk with a coffee & peruse the latest local & world news updates. Work on writing checks for any bills due. Crash for an hour's nap before get ready for the day.

Evenings: on those I don't work (3rd shifter here) spend it with son watching TV or old YouTube reruns I enjoy. Usually have a snack & do Bible study with son before bed. Always seem to get to sleep too late tho, no matter how hard try not to... partly cuz I work nights & used to staying up. :D


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
Stagger in the kitchen and make the coffee. Drink two cups of that while I check this site and catch up on everything here. Then try to do whatever needs doing, clean, cook, wash, iron. You know the drill. I try to sit with my cats on the porch in the evenings after supper.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I'm up between 3:30 - 4:00 because we have an older cat (she's 20) who starts yelling around that time. And once I'm awake, I can't go back to sleep. So I get up and normally I go down to the basement and do 3 miles or so on the treadmill. (While I'm down there, sometimes I'll do a quick load of laundry and dump the dehumidifier.)

Come back upstairs and clean out the six litter boxes. By that time, Rick is up and giving breakfast to the cats. He has the dishwasher unloaded, so I'll take any clean empty boxes, cans, glass, whatever down to the basement and put in their respective recycling containers. Come back upstairs and do a general quick cleaning in the kitchen: wash the counter tops down, throw my lunch in my lunchbag (it's just an apple, a yogurt, and a diet Mt Dew) and put it in the fridge. Fold the laundry that I've done and put it all away.

By that time it's around 6:15 or so, so I head for the shower. I always dry my hair with the blow-dryer or it would still be wet at noon. Get dressed and come into work. I have to be to work by 8:00, but I'm usually there around 7:30 or so.

Believe me, I wouldn't get up that early on my own. Our alarm clock died a few months ago and we were going to buy a new one. But as long as Bootser is alive, we have our own furry clock. And she keeps mighty good time! You can tell time by that first meow every morning. 

In the evening, I love to walk, maybe a couple miles or so, but I'm no longer walking outside now. I will go up and check out the garden for any peppers or tomatoes that are ready to be picked. I try to vacuum several times a week after dinner, simply because of the cat hair. Clean the boxes out again. For relaxation, I'll grab my Nook and go to bed or I'll watch a little tv. But since I'm awake so early in the morning, sometimes it's real struggle to stay awake at night anymore. I'm often sound asleep by 8:30 or so.....more than one time I have wanted to watch a show so badly and have slept through it. Or Rick will find me fast asleep with the Nook on my chest. It's frustrating.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 20, 2012
When I wake up (due to my husband having the TV music channel on)  he has coffee on. I get a cup and go back upstairs to watch Dog the Bounty Hunter then Criminal Minds. Shower and try to get off the computer to do cleaning.,, Family Dollar if needed . If we have our daughter's car we will do errands if not, we are stuck at home for the day and we will take turns on the computer or I will take a nap.

About 4pm it's Steve Wilkos and dinner ( we are early eaters sometimes)  watch TV and then about 7-7;30 we will fix a pizza and take it to bed and watch TV in bed.with Bella & Thunder.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 5, 2013
I'm a horrible morning person. I usually drag myself out of bed, go to Ziggys bowl, wash it and put some purified water in thier and some canned food if time permits it, otherwise dry food. And then I quickly get dressed for school, once dressed I run into the laundry room to clean her litter box and then I run out of the house while yelling to Ziggy that I love her &will see her when I get back and head to school. Its quite chaotic the longer I sleep in.....


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
I like mornings if I don't have to go in to my current work.  I drag myself up on work days to be honest but it's usually about the same time as I'd get up of a weekend or on holidays - around 7-30.  I'll rub Mouse's belly for a bit where ever he is on the bed, then we get up and he gets his 'tooth time' which now comprises L Lysine, then his fish snack, and toothpaste/brushing. He gets a fresh bowl of TD biscuits as he usually munches any remains in the early hours, and once he's happy I make my breakfast. He plays about while I take half an hour to relax and wind myself up to the day ahead. Once I'm set I'll have my shower and dress ready for work.  Then it's 'bye bye see you later' as I head out the door.  If there's no work to drag me out the deal's pretty similar but I loaf about in PJs much longer and Mouse gets a good play including chasing hand thrown TD biscuits around the living room as a mid morning snack. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Work week:   Set the alarm for 5:45 am.  Press snooze until about 6:15 am.  Potty.  Scoop kitty litter. Shower, wash my hair, and brush my teeth (yes in the shower) until about 6:40 am.   Dress.  That brings me to about 6:55 am.  I take my pills and try to slap something together to take to work for breakfast and lunch.  I don't always succeed though; it depends on whether I have had the energy to go grocery shopping over the weekend.  I leave the house at about 7:10 am.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 6, 2012
Alarm goes off at 4am, rousing the cats. l stay in bed till 4:15ish, or whenever the cats insist l get up.

Feed them and the dog while drinking my first coffee. Take breakfast and refill upstairs. Soost in the bath until l'm ready to start the day. Browse the internet/check email over another coffee. Leave for work at 6am to start at 6:30.

Work 12 hours.

Get home, do chores for morning, feed cats and dog. Do treadmill every other night. Quick shower. Browse internet, or read my book. Bed at 9pm.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2010
Nova Scotia
Up anywhere from 7:30am - 9:00am. Go to the bathroom, turn my computer one, browse my list of usual sites,  have my usual breakfast of cereal with yogurt and banana and a buttered muffin, while watching shows like Full House or Family Matters, take my pill, feed the kitties, shower, go back on the computer until work. 

Evenings are usually a walk, followed by some games, snuggles with the cats, then bed.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
Monday through Friday. Up at 5:45am. Many mornings, Cocoa is trying to wake me up already.  Casper is good, he waits bedside.  Head to bathroom for the usual stuff that everyone else does.  Listen to cats play fight outside door.  Wait for cats to barge in while on toilet or in shower.  If lucky, they don't.  Sometimes I clean litter boxes if BF forgot night before.  Head downstairs and feed cats half their breakfast to avoid Casper from vomiting from eating too fast, or whatever it is that causes it.  Watch NBC news for about 20 minutes and surf internet, reading emails.  Back upstairs to blow dry hair (takes only a few minutes), brush teeth, find what I want to wear.  Head back downstairs.  Give cats rest of breakfast.  Watch a bit more TV/internet.  Back upstairs to say goodbye to BF if he isn't working (he's been out of work a lot unfortunately).  Back down again when I have maybe 10 minutes left. Might play with cats for a few if they are interested.  Put on shoes, grab whatever else is necessary and dash out the door at 7am to catch a train to NYC.  Breakfast waits until I get to my desk.  If I drank coffee that early, I'd have to probably use a bathroom on the way which is not a pleasant thought!

Then, at work from 9am until 6pm.  Commute back home and get there, if lucky, around 7:15 or so.

Evenings are spent making as quick a dinner for us as possible, catching up with each other, playing with kitties, and whatever we both enjoy on the internet or TV. I usually heading upstairs to get ready for bed by 10:00pm since I get up so early.  Might watch some TV, might not. Rarely up past 11 unless I get caught up working on a piece of digital photography.  Once I'm in "the zone" I rarely will stop to go to bed until it's finished.

Weekends are way more relaxed.  I get to sleep until 7am and have as much coffee as I want ROFL.  And, make Cocoa wait for breakfast!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 5, 2013
I like mornings if I don't have to go in to my current work.  I drag myself up on work days to be honest but it's usually about the same time as I'd get up of a weekend or on holidays - around 7-30.  I'll rub Mouse's belly for a bit where ever he is on the bed, then we get up and he gets his 'tooth time' which now comprises L Lysine, then his fish snack, and toothpaste/brushing. He gets a fresh bowl of TD biscuits as he usually munches any remains in the early hours, and once he's happy I make my breakfast. He plays about while I take half an hour to relax and wind myself up to the day ahead. Once I'm set I'll have my shower and dress ready for work.  Then it's 'bye bye see you later' as I head out the door.  If there's no work to drag me out the deal's pretty similar but I loaf about in PJs much longer and Mouse gets a good play including chasing hand thrown TD biscuits around the living room as a mid morning snack. 
Work week:   Set the alarm for 5:45 am.  Press snooze until about 6:15 am.  Potty.  Scoop kitty litter. Shower, wash my hair, and brush my teeth (yes in the shower) until about 6:40 am.   Dress.  That brings me to about 6:55 am.  I take my pills and try to slap something together to take to work for breakfast and lunch.  I don't always succeed though; it depends on whether I have had the energy to go grocery shopping over the weekend.  I leave the house at about 7:10 am.
I brush my teeth in the shower too

I like mornings if I don't have to go in to my current work.  I drag myself up on work days to be honest but it's usually about the same time as I'd get up of a weekend or on holidays - around 7-30.  I'll rub Mouse's belly for a bit where ever he is on the bed, then we get up and he gets his 'tooth time' which now comprises L Lysine, then his fish snack, and toothpaste/brushing. He gets a fresh bowl of TD biscuits as he usually munches any remains in the early hours, and once he's happy I make my breakfast. He plays about while I take half an hour to relax and wind myself up to the day ahead. Once I'm set I'll have my shower and dress ready for work.  Then it's 'bye bye see you later' as I head out the door.  If there's no work to drag me out the deal's pretty similar but I loaf about in PJs much longer and Mouse gets a good play including chasing hand thrown TD biscuits around the living room as a mid morning snack. 
I hate mornings X_X I'm a night person haha

How do you all wake up so early


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
On weekdays I'm up at 4:45 a.m.. I jump in the shower, dress and put my contacts in, go downstairs, turn the coffee maker on, feed Mogli and wash out and refill his water bowls. Take a cup of coffee upstairs to drink while putting my make-up on. Clean the litter box and play with him before leaving for work at 6:15 - 6:20 a.m.. When I get home from work Mogli and I have a clicker training session, then I clean the litter box again, make dinner and feed him. After dinner & clearing the table we have a play session, then I watch the news, do some prep for school and go online. Another play session and snack for Mogli before I clean the litter box again and go to bed, where I read a bit before falling asleep.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
I brush my teeth in the shower too

I hate mornings X_X I'm a night person haha

How do you all wake up so early
After working for decades and, having to commute nearly all of them from NJ to NYC, waking up early is ingrained in me.  I actually wake up way before my alarm goes.  I can't even remember the last time I overslept.

Of course, now being a cat owner has added a special element of "Get out of bed" to the mix!  That's only in the past few years.  But, before that it was only brain power.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 5, 2013
After working for decades and, having to commute nearly all of them from NJ to NYC, waking up early is ingrained in me.  I actually wake up way before my alarm goes.  I can't even remember the last time I overslept.

Of course, now being a cat owner has added a special element of "Get out of bed" to the mix!  That's only in the past few years.  But, before that it was only brain power.
Yea cats re great for waking you up XD My kitten doubles as an extra alarm which I desperately needed


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Yea cats re great for waking you up XD My kitten doubles as an extra alarm which I desperately needed
Anyone actually manage to have a morning routine that doesn't involve their cat / being woken up by their cat? 



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 5, 2013
Anyone actually manage to have a morning routine that doesn't involve their cat / being woken up by their cat? 

I highly doubt that's possible when your a cat owner XD
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 3, 2013
Cleveland, OH
Anyone actually manage to have a morning routine that doesn't involve their cat / being woken up by their cat? 

:sleep:  :rub:  :evilgrin:     :hyper:   :smash:     
   :rub:  :dash:
I do- because I don't let my cat in my bedroom at night. She always has ample food/water in the kitchen so rarely cries at my door. Once I'm up tho, she meets me at the toilet for her first petting of the day.... :D
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 26, 2013
I do- because I don't let my cat in my bedroom at night. She always has ample food/water in the kitchen so rarely cries at my door. Once I'm up tho, she meets me at the toilet for her first petting of the day....
lol ! So funny cuz our "Harley" (above) will not let you go to the toilet by yourself either. And just try to shut the door on him-- oh what a ruckus he'll make til you let him in. In fact, no bed or bath room door in the entire house is ever allowed to be shut, or he'll come get you and literally lead you to it. Then he'll sit there meowing til you open the door.  Usually, he doesn't even want in the room, but just won't stand for a closed door    


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 29, 2013
I'm a night person by nature and a morning person by choice.  What I mean is that I'm very happy that I'm a teacher and that my day starts so early BECAUSE I'm a night person by nature.  This means I get more done.  If I had a job that started later in the day, I would just sleep in longer and would get less done.

That said, it takes a LOT to get me to get out of bed.  I set my alarm for 4:00 (my clock is way fast on purpose, so this is probably closer to 3:30, although I haven't actually compared it to real time).  I wake up, change the time to 5:00 and go back to sleep.  I wake up at 5 and change the time to 6:00 and go back to sleep.  Somewhere in there, my cat starts irritating me to feed her, but I ignore her.  I wake up at 6 and change the time to 6:10, then 6:20.

I get up at 6:20 (alarm-clock time), stumble into the kitchen.  Make or start (if I was smart and "made" it the night before) the coffee.  Give the cat some food.  Brush teeth and hair.  If the coffee is done, I turn it off immediately, then get dressed.  If it's not done, I get dressed first.  I go to the kitchen and get the coflee and breakfast (usually some kind of cold sausage or ham and cheese -- I particularly like Safeway's paninos:  mozzarella cheese sticks wrapped in prosciutto or salame, due to the convenience).  I drink the coffee and eat the breakfast while checking e-mail and forums (usually this one).  Sometime between 6:40 and 6:50 REAL time (the computer clock), I gather my stuff and leave.

Week-ends are different.  I do not set an alarm on the week-ends.  My cat wakes me up sometime in the 5-6 a.m. time period -- I feed her quickly, then go back to bed.  I usually wake up around 10, but sometimes later.  Then I lay in bed and cuddle with my cat for 20-30 minutes.  After that, I get up and make coffee.  I drink coffee and do what I want until the coffee is gone.  Then, I brush teeth and hair and get dressed.

In the evening, I take a shower, then either work on my writing or play Skyrim until I'm ready to go to bed.  Sometime in there, I get cheese and take my pills (4 prescriptions and 4 supplements).  I also make up a lunch if the next day is a work day.  I usually do that right after dinner.  If I'm smart, I also make coffee for the next day and figure out what I'm going to wear.  I don't do these things Friday night.  Sometimes, I have a glass of wine before bed.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
I'm retired and in all the 20 odd years I've never been disturbed by one of my kitties, till now.
I get woken up about 6am with Bighty jumping on me or biting my toe
I get up and put them out and close the door. I go back to sleep. I wake up 11ish, I go to bed very late take my first pill. Loo, teeth and shower. Get dressed and make my bed. Take the rest of my morning pills and pour my first glass of orange juice. That's all I drink now. Can't drink coffee any more - picture smiley shrugging. Go and sit down and read the paper. That's me done.
I'm lazy.