Radcat versus Hare Today?


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
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Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I still haven't placed my order with Hare-Today, mainly because I feel like I will be throwing my money away, but on the other hand, I really want to give it a try.   So, my question is, would you say that the Hare Today mutton (after adding in the Alnutrin and water) compares with the Radcat lamb?  I need to order in 5 lb chubs (where I can) to get it here at least still cold, and so far I have finely ground goat, rabbit, mutton, duck and turkey thighs in my cart, along with Bonito Flakes, the alnutrin, oh! and duck hearts.   My problem is, my pickies today refused their Radcat because I mixed in about 1/4 oz of Bravo Lamb into 2 oz of Radcat!  Can you believe it?????  Just that little amount and they just sat in front of their bowls looking at me like "where's our REAL food?"  I couldn't even get Callie to eat her's with Fortiflora!  So out came the canned food until I can get another tub of Radcat thawed and measured out into 1 oz sections. 

AND, I bought NV rabbit, and no one would touch it, just like with the Nature's Logic rabbit.  Tracy (at Hare-Today) said she always recommends rabbit to anyone converting cats over to raw, but mine just seem un-natural!  She was shocked when I told her mine really liked beef/salmon.  I would order beef, but I'm suspecting without the salmon in it, they wouldn't like it (who knows

Now, I found a place in Utah that does raw, also farm raised (pasture fed), etc., but as far as their lamb goes, they mix it with goat, which may or may not be a good thing, depending on whether or not mine like goat!  And as of right now, they don't have any rabbit
, which I still home that without any fruits and vegies, mine will like...am I dreaming?  I just want them to have more than one protein each that they like...plus Stinkpot is starting to put on weight with the fatty lamb.  (too bad Callie isn't, she could use it!) 

So, now that I mentioned this place in Utah, has anyone ever ordered from RawdietUSA.com?  That's the place.  More mom and pop even than Hare Today.  (much more
)  You have to email them to place an order) 

But once again, my main question is...does Hare Today mutton compare with Radcat lamb? 

Thanks everyone!


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Carolina and Lauren will have to chime in, because I've never had Rad Cat. :lol3:

I must admit - I am very surprised they didn't like the NV rabbit! :thud: To cut down on my cost of feeding rabbit, I put the HT ground rabbit on my menu once a week - and they're gobbling it down again. *phew*

But since your kitties seem so opposite, LOL, maybe you ought to order all the stuff ours don't like. :flail: Beef, duck, goose.... OH! I'm using Whole Life FD salmon powdered to get Spooky to eat her raw food. I wonder if you could try that? It doesn't crumble like the chicken. I break the chunks in half and rub them together. It makes a REALLY fine powder, and it takes (for Spook) VERY little - just a light coating over the top - so that it's more expensive than the turkey or chicken doesn't matter, because a 2 oz bag lasts a long time. :dk: Just a thought!


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Well - I have not tried the HT Lamb so I can't compare on that one, Sally. I honestly have to say that I like both Rad Cat AND Hare Today only because I have found things about both brands that seem to work for my fussies. I just bit the bullet and ordered 1 lb. chubs in various proteins to try. OH.... also the more your order - the better. I ended up ordering 12 pounds of ground and it was only costing me about $1.00 more than if I had just ordered the 5 required pounds. BUT that was on my second order - like you, the first order was close to the five pound limit because I had no idea if the cats would like it or not.

I will say that I am pretty sure that the Rad Cat Lamb and the HT Lamb would be fairly similar. I am also shocked that your kitties did not like the NV Rabbit!! BUT then again, mine don't like it right now either :sigh: In fact, Perla is on strike again (will update my thread :shame:) I do think the HT Rabbit is a pretty sure bet :cross: I would go ahead and get that to try. Unfortunately, we do have to "waste" money to find out what they do and don't like. :sigh: BUT I do have Walden and Wendall, remember, and they will eat anything - so nothing really is wasted over here, it eventually will get eaten by those two carnies. I do understand your concern about making the order though. I honestly have had very good luck with HT overall. Although, I did have a Pork strike this morning with the three P's..... :wife: and the fourth P - Pip, liked it :dk: Go figure. :lol3: Will explain my thoughts in my thread in a few.

OH I also, as Laurie :D, use the WL FD Salmon :clap::clap: It usually works for Perla even when Fortiflora doesn't. I am still having to use topper's for Perla and Presley only. :rolleyes: Perla is a topper addict :rolleyes2:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Sally, I don't think you need to order the 5lb packs... Did they say that? I live in Dallas, its darn hot here, and the food arrives frozen. This time of the year they will not ship to warm areas unless it gets there in 3 days, and they are putting extra ice. I have never had a problem.... I would send them an email, or give them a call, I doubt that is the case though. They pack well.... Just my experience with them, and my opinion.... I order all the time, in fact, just git my last shipment last week, it was quite warm... Arrived perfect.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Sally, I don't think you need to order the 5lb packs... Did they say that? I live in Dallas, its darn hot here, and the food arrives frozen. This time of the year they will not ship to warm areas unless it gets there in 3 days, and they are putting extra ice. I have never had a problem.... I would send them an email, or give them a call, I doubt that is the case though. They pack well.... Just my experience with them, and my opinion.... I order all the time, in fact, just git my last shipment last week, it was quite warm... Arrived perfect.
My gosh - agree. My first order was only about 5 to 7 individual one pound chubs and it arrived frozen - completely fine. I would just tell them to give you extra ice if you are concerned. :)
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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
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Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Sally, I don't think you need to order the 5lb packs... Did they say that? I live in Dallas, its darn hot here, and the food arrives frozen. This time of the year they will not ship to warm areas unless it gets there in 3 days, and they are putting extra ice. I have never had a problem.... I would send them an email, or give them a call, I doubt that is the case though. They pack well.... Just my experience with them, and my opinion.... I order all the time, in fact, just git my last shipment last week, it was quite warm... Arrived perfect.
I spoke with Tracy, and she "strongly recommended" 2 day Air, which was going to be around $55, so I then asked about an alternative, buying more product so that I could at least give it away to shelters or DOG people rather than just throw it away on shipping.   That's when she said if I bought it in 5 lb chubs it might arrive still partially frozen, and I had already told her what was in my cart so far)  I guess I'll just order it and hope for the best (that they like it, I mean

Thanks everyone!