Name Three Things - 2024


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
how is Lola handling the loss of Willow?
Lola was very stressed the first day and didn’t eat for nearly a full day. I don’t think it was missing Willow as much as stress from hearing her howling and seeing her leave in a carrier and not return. But she is fine now and I am slowly changing her routine - moving her litterbox a few feet at a time towards the basement, and of course leaving her gate open all the time. Lola is a big time cuddler so she has been on my lap from the minute I sit down to watch TV until I go to bed. It honestly takes some getting used to. I am shutting her out of my room at night just because I think she will keep me awake.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Today, kind of a crazy day;
* up early for Bocce League #2.
* Geoffrey Meds,
* Call Vet
* morning chores: dishes, bed, vacuum, shower
* Went downstairs and out to play and watch bocce.. started out cold, then turned HOT!
Did not get in until 1/30pm--- games started at 10AM..
*came in-- snack and more meds for Geoffrey
* out to quick errand
* Now, having some cheddar cheese popcorn and a cold drink

Supper? I do not know. Building mean sounds gross. I have stuff in refrigerator & freezer to eat.. just nibbling now..

Going to do 2nd shower in a bit. I feel grubby from sweat.. Today is a beach day for sure: sunbathers, walkers. many kites. The ice cream take out shop is booming!


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
*Up early again, this time for Corn Hole
* regular morning stuff,
dishes, bed, medicate Geoffrey, shower, vacuum
* play cornhole
* probably have coffee with the crew.
* snack for lunch

*Today is a Mass Day in here. I have to set up for it, and then get involved with it.

probably collapse after that. Do not know what for supper... My bread past due-- not chancing it with my tummy.
Either a small personal frozen pizza, or chicken salad from downstairs, or salad-- if I feel up to making it; or I may just run down for a couple slices of pizza, at the beach bar/restaurant...


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Trip to Walmart for vitamins and when I get back I am going to move all the furniture and thoroughly clean/vacuum Lola’s room. Even though she now as full run of the house day and night, she loves her room and is spending just as much time in there. Having her litterbox in the basement now though will keep it a lot less dusty.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Yesterday was an exhausting trip to the New York Botanical Gardens. Traffic came to a crawl before it even got close to the George Washington Bridge. The - what is is? about 82 miles) took two and a half hours. Park in the education building's lot but need to get into and upstairs in the library building. It was raining, as it had been the entire time of the drive, so did not fancy walking around the outside of the buildings (they attach but do not really connect, if you follow me.) But a gracious staff member guided me and another late comer through the herbarium, to the elevator, and up we went. Talk had just begun so I didn't miss more than a few minutes. After which I got my copy of her book autographed. (Publisher had sent a copy for review, if you remember.)

After which I needed to find my friend in the PR department because yesterday was also the media preview for Wonderland: Curious Nature which opens on Saturday. I did not have his number, he didn't have mine but we eventually did find each other. Quick trip through the conservatory's show, then the two of us had a drive though the grounds in one of the golf carts to allow me a view of the exhibits around the grounds.

Back to the education building by 2:00 p.m. for the start of Mary Jo Hoffman's two hour flatlay workshop. (My friend had picked up lunch for me so I even had sustenance!) The workshop was excellent!

Finished at 4:00 p.m. and time to go home. Somewhat tired by this time, after I crossed the bridge I stayed right when I should have gone left. That meant I ended up on I95, lots of tractor trailers, and if I was lucky we crawled along at 30 to 35 mph. Ugh! It took as long to go home as it did to drive in.

Himself suggested he go out and get a pizza. And that was our dinner. Black olives and mushrooms. Wonderful.

Today I need to start on multiple entries for my blog. Also make up the guest room as Himself's sister arrives today. I think we will go out for lunch tomorrow. On Saturday we plan to go to the old time base ball games in the next town over. She loves baseball and last year we went to an old time base ball game at the historical farm, which she very much enjoyed. Don't know if we'll stay for all three 2-hour-long games on Saturday, but we'll enjoy what we do observe. And then Saturday early evening she will catch a bus back to NYC. And I can strip the bed, wash sheets and towels, and recognize how much I like our mostly quieter life.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Got Lola’s room vacuumed and sparkling clean yesterday. It added more to the laundry pile of cat blankets and rags which I will try to get done today. And Lola successfully transitioned to using the basement litter boxes which should keep the whole upstairs cleaner and litter free.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
susanm9006 susanm9006 I am so sorry about Willow. Lola probably missed her so much. My sympathies to her and to you, too. It's never easy, no matter how many times we have to go through the loss. :hugs:

I haven't been around much. I wish I could say that I'm busy, so busy, but really, I'm just tired. I get up in the morning with the girls and go back to bed. And sleep. And then sleep some more. Yesterday, our neighbor came over to visit and I wasn't up to it. We saw who was at the door and I went to the bedroom to "read". And about an hour later, Rick woke me up. I was sound asleep.
Today, I got up with Rick at 6:00 to take care of the girls. I was going to stay up! No more of this bed stuff in the middle of the morning. It's ridiculous. I was going to do stuff! I did one load of laundry, which Rick had to fold. I just couldn't stay awake. Back to bed around 10 and slept til almost noon. And it's just ridiculous that I do this. But I honestly can't help it. One of the biggest side effects of Keytruda is fatigue and they're not kidding. Still, there are other (more serious) side effects, but fortunately, I'm doing well other than the fatigue. And if that's the only side effect that I have to deal with, I am more than relieved, esp after everything that happened from chemo.
  • One load of laundry today, which Dear Richard folded and I put away.
  • Cleaned out the freezer in the kitchen fridge. Amazing how much room I have now! I had a large bag of oatmeal that I threw into the compost bin as I'm not allowed to eat oatmeal anymore. I still have enough in the pantry for cookies and such. But I really liked oatmeal for breakfast.
  • Today is my sister's birthday. The four of us are going for Chinese for dinner. She loves Chinese and so do I. Her DH won't eat it, but he will eat the chicken, ham, beef, etc that are on the buffet. We are treating them. I also got her a pretty hanging basket for their patio. She has been wonderful through me dealing with this and with me every step.
  • Got 4 miles in today. I'm still walking. In the house only, although I walk up to the composter and over to the WeShed. Been averaging at least 3 miles every day. Every little bit helps. I'd like to try walking outside and trying just some of the smaller hills along our road. Stairs don't kill me like they used to. I'm purposely trying to walk down and up the stairs at least once an hour. My oncologist was ecstatic to hear that I was walking again, even though it's in the house. And my nephrologist was so happy, too. He says that, with the kidney numbers that I have, many patients would be pretty much just laying around bc they have no energy. But I keep pushing. If nothing else, I should get an E for Effort (patting myself on the back).


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I finally dragged my lazy butt out of bed around 9:00 this morning. Had gotten up at 5:30 to feed the cats. A very restless night. Last time I checked the clock, it was going on 4:00 this morning.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and made Dear Richard's coffee
  • While Rick vacuumed, I swiffered and cleaned the bathroom and kitchen
  • The kids are coming up tomorrow and wanted hamburgers for dinner. Off to the Giant store for ground beef bc ours is frozen and we weren't sure if it would thaw completely.
  • I made a large bowl of macaroni salad and a Hershey's Perfectly Chocolate Chocolate cake. Tomorrow I'll dress the salad and make a batch of Whipped Peanut Butter Frosting for the cake. Chocolate and peanut butter. Yum!
  • Ordered a new litter box for the living room. And two XL cat litter mats. From Chewy and Amazon.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
We had a house guest from Thursday afternoon through Saturday early evening, Himself's sister. For dinner I broiled a salmon fillet, black beans and corn

Friday we went out to lunch at the local Mexican restaurant, stopped at the independent book store, went to the IGA for coffee beans (provided by roaster across the river in PA), and the feed and mercantile for bird seed. Hot dogs with home fries.for dinner

Saturday I made pancakes for breakfast. We went to the next town over for historical base ball games. Good fun. Bleachers were roofed over so the heavy mist was not an issue but the bleacher seats were very hard. Sat through a single, 2 hour long game and called it good enough. They could manage the other two games without us.

Lunch was left over black beans and corn with rice and an egg over easy for s-i-l, hard boiled for Himself.

As she had stripped her bed I started laundry. Sat around peacefully visiting until time to take her to the bus.

Today I finished the second and third entries for my web site, from last Wednesday's NYBG visit.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Awakened to the sound the gas weenies doing more construction in front of the house. They're laying in a natural gas line in the road. There's a ditch in front of our property; wasn't there when I left for bloodwork, but it's there now. I had to park in our neighbor's driveway as the driveway is on another road that's not affected. Walked on home. They've been working on this project now for months.
It's going to be hot for the next few days again. We'll probably switch the units from heating to cooling again.
Our son and the Grands visited with us yesterday and we had such a great time. They spent the afternoon with us, and then left a awhile after dinner. I was pooped after that and had an early night. The kids brought a coconut cake!! :redheartpump:

Not much to do today: Vacuum, swiffering, all that stuff was done on Saturday.
  • One load of laundry done this morning. I put it in the washer before I left for the doctor. Rick folded it and put it away.
  • I may go outside this morning with my stool and dead-head the little Leos. They really bloomed this year and were gorgeous.
  • The kids took the assortment of spices and seasonings that I had set aside. A lot of seasonings have a ton of salt in them and I won't use them anymore. Our son was glad to get them; like me, he loves to experiment with seasonings and such. I'm making a new batch of Rustic Rub (Emeril) today and this will be completely without salt. I had been using half the salt in the recipe, but now I'm going to try it without any. I use Rustic Rub in a lot of meat dishes; it's especially good when searing/browning beef.
  • Talked to my BIL about KA flour. I opened my last bag of flour, so he's going to get a 50-pound bag for me.
  • My sister is coming over for dinner tonight. BIL is spending some time with their son and she couldn't go due to work. So I told her I'd make sure she didn't go hungry. She'll share my coconut cake with me.
And that's what's going on around here.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Himself went off to run a couple of errands this morning. One of which was checking out Staples as a place to get papers shredded. Indeed! They charge something a little over $1 / pound. Good deal. Yes, we have a shredder at home but he had about 13 pounds of vintage tax documents and it would have been a long tedious business as a do-it-yourself operation.

I had an issue with BelleWood in Bloom 2024 on my website. It went like this - either March and May were O.K. but April's images would not show. Or March and April were O.K. but May would not appear at all. So I deleted everything - .jpg and .html - for all three months that had been previously uploaded (obviously piece by piece as things were photographed and captioned). Then uploaded it all again in one go. Appears to have worked just fine. Good for me!

And so it goes. Will see what the afternoon brings up.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Well, I went to bed last night. But I've been awake all night. I saw the clock hit every hour and, when the girls started in at 5:30, I just got up, got dressed, and here I am. I'll probably crash at some point this morning. I also cleaned up after Molli in the hallway around 4:00. There was just too much information running through my brain and I couldn't concentrate on falling asleep. I should have gotten up earlier, but then the girls would want breakfast and there's no way I was feeding breakfast at 3:00! So I lay in bed all night long with my thoughts. It's very lonely at that time of night.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, made Rick's coffee, grabbed a mug of cranberry juice, and got on the computer.
  • Going for gas for the lawn tractor; man, it's getting expensive just to mow the yard! I also want to go to a nursery to check out their hydrangeas. Last fall, I bought two large planters for hydrangeas this year. Time to fill them and I'd like to plant hydrangeas, if I can find nice ones. I also would like a few more coral bells.
  • I'd like to give my kitchen a thorough deep-cleaning this afternoon. (Notice I did say "I'd like to..." We shall see how that goes.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We had a bad storm roll in this morning. Rick said it came from the southwest, going northeast. There was definitely rotation, just the way the wind was blowing. Lots of thunder and lightning and even hail. Right around 6:00 or so. Me? I slept through the whole thing. He finally woke me up around 9:00 to see if I wanted to go to Sam's. He was telling me about the storm and I couldn't believe I never woke up.
Got my hydrangeas planted yesterday afternoon. And then I threw together a double batch of chocolate chip cookies and tossed them in the fridge last night. I was going to bake them this morning. Think I'll wait now until Friday morning.
  • Off to Sam's, got back home, and put it all away. On the way back, we stopped at Rick's sister for 10 pounds of KA flour. Miscommunication between my BIL and me. I asked for 50 pounds; he didn't have his hearing aid in and thought I said ten pounds. He'll get the 50 pounds for me later on. It works. The ten pounds will even see me through for a while as I'm just not baking that much anymore. I put it in two Ziploc gallon freezer bags and tossed the bags in the freezer.
  • De-scaling the coffee pot for Rick right now.
  • My desk has informed me that, if it's not soon cleaned, it's going to walk out of the room, out the hallway, down the steps, and out the front door. Ha! I happen to know that it is virtually impossible for it to get out of the computer room door! So there!
  • Throw the laundry together tonight to do tomorrow morning.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Brief thunderstorm rolled through to start the morning. Not sure if we are getting more this afternoon. Or not. Wether forecast seems to be optional, depending on when you look.

Potted up some more canna tubers that probably should have been done last month. But I didn't. Put them outside, practically guaranteeing it will not rain.

We went out for lunch. Nice. Himself had a BLT with avocado, fried onion rings for a side. I had a pulled pork sandwich with coleslaw. Very sloppy to I discarded top half of bun and ate with knife and fork. Tasty. I had sweet potato fries for my side.

Since it didn't rain (yet) I watered what was potted up earlier today.

And that's what has been going on, so far today.

Boris Diamond

Cat Valet
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I planted two tomato plants about three weeks ago. It has done nothing but rained since. The plants are about two feed tall, but I worry about disease since they are wet so often. I have more tomatoes and peppers to plant, I hope to get that done this weekend.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
That bad storm that hit us yesterday morning? Well, it destroyed a couple trees in our friend's (Bob) yard. He sent me pictures. It was way worse there (about ten miles west of us) than here. Fortunately, today is blue sky and lots of sun.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, made Dear Richard's coffee, and went back to bed.
  • A run to the butcher this morning for steaks and wings for Monday's dinner. Hit the grocery for potatoes, milk, and sour cream.
  • Bake those CC cookies this afternoon.

Boris Diamond

Cat Valet
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I planted two tomato plants about three weeks ago. It has done nothing but rained since. The plants are about two feed tall, but I worry about disease since they are wet so often. I have more tomatoes and peppers to plant, I hope to get that done this weekend.
Oops! I meant to put this in the gardening thread!