My Sweet Lola is at the Rainbow Bridge


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Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
One week ago, at this time, Lola went to the Rainbow Bridge and left me in my deep desperation.
She was nearly 17 yo, it should have been 17 if she had lived to May 15th.

She was diagnosed with an oral squamous carcinoma in last October, I had found something strange in her mouth around September 20th, but the vets on that same day told me that it was just an inflammation in her mouth and that I was unnecessarily worried. Unfortunately my fears were right and they were wrong.

Lola was just successfully coming out from a heavy surgery for removing an adrenal gland that had gone crazy a few months before and was causing her a tremendous disease that could have taken her to death. We were still celebrating this success when we had this hard and terrible news.

After discovering the oral carcinoma Lola underwent a long course of chemotherapy and a week of radiation therapy. At first these two things seemed to be working fine, the mass was reducing. But I knew it coudn't be a long-lasting happiness and as weeks went by things went up and down weekly and I was on a roller coaster every single day. I would wake up to a happy and lively Lola and later in the day she was feeling bad, or the other way round. Or she could have two or three bad days and then she was happy and full of life for two or three weeks.

More than once since December it seemed to me that her time was over and I tried to get ready to her last day with me, but everytime she would bounce back to a lively and happy life.

Things started going very bad when in mid-February her tongue went necrotic and the vet had to remove half of it. Lola was left with only the rear half of her tongue, she wasn't able to drink or eat on her own anymore. I had to be her tongue, I had to have her drink with a syringe as many times a day as possible, I had to syringe feed her too at least three times a day and give her at least her minimum calories requirement for the day, and not always I was able to, because she would feel sick and didn't want to eat.

The necrosis wasn't stopping and was slowly eroding her tongue tissues. She was fine, lively, alert and happy. She would keep exploring the house, following me around, scratching her post, purring at me and curling up on my lap. She also would take a walk in the courtyard when the weather allowed her to. She was doing exactly the same things that she used to do, except eating and drinking.
Well, sometimes she would visit her water bowl and try to drink, but rather than licking the water surface she would bite and chew the water.

The tumor was growing again, I could see it, I could feel it. Her tongue was shorter and shorter by the day because of the erosion. On a morning I realised that she wasn't able to swallow her syringed food any longer, she was in difficulty. Was it too a short tongue or something in her throat?
I got in touch with the vets to see whether an E-tube was a valid option and they agreed. Lola was lively and wasn't showing any other symptoms or distress, so it would have been unfair to starve her.

Lola underwent this surgery as well, it was Tuesday, March 28th. During the surgery things went slightly wrong, I was warned of it prior to the operation. They thought they were going to lose her on the operating table, but later on Lola recovered to nearly full energy and 24 hours later she was able to be discharged. We came back home and had to follow a new normality, the food had to be sent down that tube in her neck.

We weren't new to this way of feeding, Lola had a PEG (a stomach tube) placed during the radiation therapy to allow her to be fed even with the burnings of the radiations. But after four weeks that tube came off on its own, luckily enough Lola proved to be able to eat on her own again.

The experience with the E-tube was shortly lived, I was able to feed Lola this way only three times. On Thursday, March 30th, as usual I came back home from work during my lunch break to give Lola her midday meal. She had thrown up all her morning meal while I was away, she wasn't in a good condition, but she tried to walk and climb to the window sill to bask in the sun.

She has always been feeling cold, since she was much younger. She always loved to stay in the sun or next to a warmth source. I gave Lola her meal, but she threw it up after a few minutes and started feeling weak and tired. She fell on her side, I felt it was time... I had been preparing myself to this for weeks, but I wasn't ready yet. You are never ready for such a thing!

I called my wife at work but she wasn't able to be home soon, so while I was waiting for her I spent my last hours with Lola and talked to her to let her know that she had been my great love, my pride, my life. I told her I would never forget her and not to be afraid of what was going to happen, not to be afraid to be parted from me because I will be with her again very soon.

Lola was very weak, but she also wanted to walk around and go outside and lay in the sun.

My wife arrived, she agreed that it was time to let her go. We called the vet who arrived one hour later. I had four hours in all with her before he arrived.
A last greet, a last kiss, a last cuddle and the last promise we will meet soon, then Lola slowly fell asleep and after a few seconds she was at the Bridge.

Lola was cremated two days later in a private cremation, I have had her ashes in little urn that I have stored along with other 4 of them.

My desperation is total. Lola had been sick so often in the past months, and she had been hospitalised several times, she hadn't been home for a total of 40 days in the last 11 months. It seems to me that she's just away for a therapy and she'll be soon home again.

I keep seeing her in many of her favourite spots. Sometimes I look for her when I don't see her in her bed. One night I woke up and I thought I didn't give Lola the meds she needed before going to bed, then I realised that no more meds were needed.
When I close my eyes I see her last few hours with me, waiting for the end, I cannot believe it is true.

My daily routine has been upset. My routine, for many years, since her first nose cancer in 2011, was up from bed at 6 am, getting myself sorted, starting with her morning therapies, a nebulizer session to clean her nose, cleaning the place where Lola had slept, washing the bowls, scooping her litter tray, warming up her wet food, feeding her, making sure that she was alright and finally going out to work without having breakfast because I had no time for it. At my luch break I used to come back home, check on her and her feline friend Pallina, give her the meds if needed, clean her nose and go back to work without eating anything because my time was over. After work I would rush home, see if everything was fine, clean her nose, scoop the litter tray, spent some quality time with Lola until my dinner was ready, watch the TV together, clean her nose and go to bed. Every second or third day was a sub-q day.

Now I have so much spare time, I feel overwhelmed by the spare time, I still can't understand why I have so much spare time and can't figure it out how to use it.
I was used to have no time for me, I would have done the same things for my whole life, I was doing them out of love for Lola.
I devoted my whole life to her, she was my first thought in the morning, almost the only one during the day, the last one before sleeping at night. And I am sure I was her only thought. She was with me always, at my feet when I was around the house, on my lap when I was at the table or on the couch to watch the TV, outside the bathroom door crying to call me out. We had our way of communicating, Lola was very talkative, I could ask her questions and get a proper answer. She always let me know what she needed. I was her only point of interest in her world and life. She wanted me next to her when she was eating. she let me do any kind of therapy to her. I could give her injections, pills, tablets, drops, nebulizing and much more without complaining. She let me kiss her on her mouth and I could walk her on the street on her leash.

When I lost my Tom in September 2013 I felt I had to do something to honour him. He was such a generous cat, he would give love to everybody and would offer his own food to the feral cats that happened to walk across our courtyard. In memory of his generousity I subscribed to a monthly donation to two different charities for humans, one of these is UNHCR.
I feel that I have to do something similar to honour Lola's devotion and love which were enormous.

Her friend Pallina is a little lost and disoriented. They never got along even after 15 years together, but it's clear that something or someone is missing in her daily life.

My heart has been split in two, half of it has gone with Lola, the other half is shattered in so many tiny pieces.

Don't worry Lola, I'm here, thinking of you every minute of every day. We'll be together again soon!
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 6, 2017
My heart breaks for you losing your best friend. I recently lost mine and the guilt of everything and the grief is eating at me. I have so many what if's that I am wrestling with.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
To lose such a brave, sweet little girl to such a horrible disease is indeed life shattering, my heart breaks for the pain I know you are going through. I hope you can take some comfort from your beautiful tribute, it honors a life that gave such complete love and happiness, and lets the world know of your beautiful Lola. You gave her a wonderful life, you went above and beyond 'normal' care and I'm sure you will be blessed for it. You gave her a little more time to be with the ones she loved, and that is all she ever wanted. The grieving process will brings about doubts and second guessing, don't dwell on these as there is nothing good to be gained from it. Your beautiful Lola is at peace now, no more pain or loss of dignity, the bond you formed with her will always be with you, her new life's path will parallel yours until the day you meet again. You have your memories to comfort you,, let the love you shared be your guide to finding happiness once more as she would want for the one she loved so very much. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, take care of yourself........RIP precious Lola, you were an angel on earth and now one at the Rainbow Bridge,  please send what comfort you can to the broken hearts of the ones you left behind. Sleep tight little Princess!

zed xyzed

TCS Member
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Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
I was following the heroic battle the Lola was fighting for quite some time. When I heard that this sweet little warrior lost her battle I was completely heartbroken. I am truly sorry for your loss and I grieve with you . I will always remember Lola as the little kitty with a heart of a lion. RIP beautiful Lola you are loved by so many and will not be forgotten 


TCS Member
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Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
Oh sweet Lola.  I'm happy you are no longer in pain, but my heart breaks for your loving mom and dad as they move forward in life without you.

@Antonio65  - I'm so sorry Lola has left you.  It's not easy at all.  Even knowing they are no longer in pain it can be hard to accept the loss.

I hope you and your wife find peace and your hearts mend leaving nothing but warm thoughts and happy memories of your sweet girl.

Be strong my friend.  If you need a shoulder, you know where to find me.

Please accept prayers for your family and Lola.

Warmest regards, xoxohope


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 15, 2015
Orange County New York

    I am as heartbroken as I can be to know about your darling Lola.I have read everything you have written,I can not stop crying as I read your story. You are a remarkable person for doing everything you did to care for her.The love you shared with her will never fade,it is everlasting.Lola knows how very much you loved her. She will always be with you in your heart.You will be together again one day. Lola will watch over you. I am sending healing,and love to you and your wife.Your story has touched my heart so deeply.It took a lot of strength for you to tell her story.All of us who find themselves here at this time grieve with you.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 6, 2017
I just re-read this story and cried over it again. Your tribute was so beautiful to Lola. Your love and devotion was so perfectly worded. I am sorry for your loss. You were Lola's world, as she clearly was yours. Despite the 11 months of problems, you had so many good years with her and her with you. You were there for her and in then you took away her pain.

I feel selfish being in the state of mind that I am in. Meela was only mine for 10 months but it felt like forever. She brought me so much joy. Her being deaf was never an issue other than forgetting she couldn't hear me when I called her. We had sign language, believe it or not.

I miss her so much and you know all too well that the pain is so intense and even with having a couple other cats, it still feels empty here without her. But then I had her for only 10 months also means she only got live 10 months. You know what I mean? I envy you having Lola for so many years. All that mutual love for so long.

I wish I could take your pain away as much as I wish someone could take mine away. May God look after sweet Lola and my precious Meela, as neither of can wait to see their beautiful faces again.
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TCS Member
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Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Today is a month since Lola went to the Rainbow Bridge. Thirty days ago at this time Lola put on her wings and flew away from me.
In this past month not a single day has gone by without me thinking of her. Not a single minute of each of these days have gone by without me thinking of her.
There have been days when I missed her more. During the last weekend I was in true sadness because she wasn't with me any longer, there's an empty space in the house and in my heart and nothing seems to be able to fill it in.
I was so sad and void that I didn't even remember that seven days ago it was the 16th anniversary of Romeo's death, Romeo was Lola's little brother. How disappointing of me!

With my wife every subject leads me to talk about Lola, because she was present in every moment of our life, so everything we do or we don't, every place we go, every food we eat, every movie we watch on TV, Lola fits in perfectly.
A couple of hours ago I was in the backyard and saw the small fences I had built in the last July to prevent her going in the neighbor's yard. She wouldn't roam too much, but on an afternoon of the last July she wanted to experience the life in the next yard. I had some hard time to call her back. The neighbor let me in her property, so I grabbed her and took her back home. I wasn't worried that she could get too far, my main concern was the neighbor's dog, absolutely friendly, but still a dog. Furthermore Lola was blind in that phase of her life (her sight would come and go randomly) so in the case of a problem with the dog she wouldn't have had a chance or she could get hurt in the attempt of escaping. On the following morning I built those small timber fences to block all accesses to the next yard. They are still there, a couple of hours ago I was looking at them and started thinking of Lola.

Most of her stuff is still here in the house... her dishes and her mat are still in the same place. Her meds are still on the shelf or in the fridge, along with her syringes and her fluids. I still have a few cans of her food. Everything around me reminds me of her. I miss her so much. I don't want to put her things away, to me it would be like erasing her from my mind. She is still part of my existence.

Despite this I still find it very hard to talk about her to other people, even to those I know who would fully understand what has happened and how I am feeling. I just can't talk about her, it's too a strong pain and too a private mourning, I just can't share my thoughts and my words with others. When people ask me about her I just say that one day I'll be ready to talk, but that day hasn't arrived yet.

In the last week I browsed many photos of her on my PC and smartphone. I wanted to look into her eyes again, I wanted to admire her huge beauty, it was like feeling her soft and silky fur under my fingers, it was like listening to her kind meow, it was like smelling her coat again.
I have a small envelope where I collected all her lost whiskers in, and some of her trimmed claws too. My intention was to put this envelope in the same urn where her ashes are, but I just can't open that cupboard door, it would be too hard for me to open the urn and see her ashes.
Probably I haven't accepted her loss yet. Probably I haven't accepted what I have done to her yet.

In the last months I have never dreamed of her. When she was alive I had her in my dreams at least twice a week. Now that she's gone I haven't dreamed of her anymore. She doesn't want to visit me, I think she's mad at me because she didn't want to be put to sleep.
I am sure I did the right thing for her, she couldn't have born an hour more in her condition, but then why is she angry with me?
I loved her so much, I would have given my own life to save hers. I miss her so much :bawling:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 6, 2017
I don't think she is mad at you. I believe in time, when you least expect it, you will feel her. She has to be looking down seeing your heartbreak and pain. I truly believe that.

I have been beating myself up over my Meela and I cry every day. May 4th will be a month for me. I miss her every single day. My heart hurts and I apologize to Her multiple times.

In the last couple weeks I have felt her jump up on the bed and go up behind my head on the pillow. Only twice, but it was unexpected. I struggle everyday with the guilt I feel.

I don't believe I will ever feel like I did the right thing. I will always feel that I cheated her a chance to show me that She could have recovered. No words will ever convince me and I have to live with that.

I think she will eventually come to you in your dreams. It may take some time. Your mind wants it so badly, that she's not feeling it's a good time yet. She may not believe you are ready for that even though it would be a relief and a blessing to you.

I haven't been able to dream about Meela either. I think I am still too haunted by that last hour of her life.

I go to Her grave every single day and talk to her and apologize. Sometimes it helps, but the truth is I can't change anything no matter how bad I want to. She is gone.

I know I will survive this and so will you but it's so hard right now. You did what you did out of love and I believe she knows that. Just be patient, I have no doubt there will be sign from her in the near future.

God bless both of our babies
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Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Thanks Meelasmom, your words are a strong support, but I keep thinking that she didn't want me to do to her what I did, though there wasn't any other chance to help her.
I had to put to sleep another much beloved cat three years and a half ago and he came visit me in my dreams four times, last time was just one week ago, the first three times right after he died.

Right now it's like Lola was next to me, calling me to be picked up and laid on my lap. She used to ask me to pick her up because she wasn't able to jump on me anymore. I feel her next to me right now, I almost feel her gentle paw tapping on my leg.

What if they don't forgive us? :frown:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 6, 2017
I struggle with that too..I can only hope that Meela can forgive me because right now I can't forgive myself. There are too many what ifs and I know in my heart I was wrong. I don't think you were.
I think your cat will forgive you or you may not even need to be some point it will be clearer for you to understand..maybe not right now..because there is just too much pain.

Of we are ever able to get get unstuck from how we are feeling..I think we will feel their love and the peace we need for and from them and for us. Hope that makes sense

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
I truly believe that cats know what our intents are. Both Meela and Lola knew they were loved and understood that you had only their best interests at heart. They are not upset, in fact I believe they love you for making the courageous and heartbreaking choice to take their pain away. When you see them again they will shower you with love.
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TCS Member
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Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
I truly believe that cats know what our intents are. Both Meela and Lola knew they were loved and understood that you had only their best interests at heart. They are not upset, in fact I believe they love you for making the courageous and heartbreaking choice to take their pain away. When you see them again they will shower you with love.
Thanks Zed, your words helped a lot!


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA

How are you doing my friend? I know this is a very rough time for you.
I am sending hugs and prayers your way for you, your wife, and Paulina.




Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
She doesn't want to visit me, I think she's mad at me because she didn't want to be put to sleep.
Oh Sweetie,

She is not mad at you. She is letting you sleep which is what you need to heal. You were not sleeping
well before she crossed so she is helping you. She wants you to eat as well. My Kirsten has been gone
for 7 months on 7 May and I still find it difficult to talk about her. You need time to process your loss.

Oh, she was a special, beauty!!

Take it one day at a time, dear friend.


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TCS Member
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Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Hi Mia, thanks for your support and words!
This morning I was in a mess, I was almost going to cry while at work. A person who knows me well and knows everything I and Lola went through told me that I need to put Lola's stuff away, because as long as I am able to see them around the house I will never be free from my pain. He advised me to get a nice box and store all Lola's things in there. I still have her meds around. This morning I saw them and I got a punch in my stomach because I recalled the days when she needed them. Those were the meds she was taking after the surgery for the adrenal gland in July. The weeks before and after that surgery were possibly the most shocking in my whole life and I can't get rid of those memories, probably I never will. Seeing those meds this morning was like salt on a wound.

Pallina, the other cat, after a short period of what it could look like sadness and loneliness, is as happy as a kitten. She has the run of the house now and sometimes she's acting just like Lola. She's very interactive and playful, she had spent her whole life in a backseat position, this is her revenge!
Yesterday was Pallina's 16th birthday. When I found her the vet told me she might have been 8 or 9 months old. We picked 8 months and a half , so we decided that her birthday was May 3rd :)


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 6, 2017
Antonio, as much as it does hurt, and it truly is a sheer pain, you had your girl for a very long time. Those good memories should outweigh the bad. Try to find comfort in all the happy times you had with her. She loved you as much as you loved her. That love will always be there. In time, I truly believe you will get a sign that she is ok and she is NOT mad at you. Right now, it's so raw for you that maybe she doesn't feel now is the time to do it.

I know she is looking down on you wanting you to stop feeling like you did something wrong. She doesn't understand either, all she knows is that she is no longer suffering. If she could, I know she would be crawling in your lap and licking your tears away. I truly believe that. Hugs to you.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 6, 2017
When I packed up Meela's stuff, it was very hard. I had gotten this nice tin basket and decided it would be best for her things. I cried the entire time. I put her favorite green blanket in first and I have not washed since before she passed. I want to be able to smell her. I put in all her meds, her syringe, her favorite ball she carried around the house and two of the cat foods she had been eating, not opened of course. I haven't been to open it since then.

I have the letter I have been writing her that is now up to 25 pages. Mostly it contains apologies over and over, but I told her story from the beginning to the end of her short 10 months. Eventually that will go in there, too along with some of the pictures I printed out.

You are right, it certainly feels like an open wound. I am so sorry you have to go through any of this. I wish there was a rewind button somewhere. I know I would go back and bring my Meela home instead of listening to what I was being told. She could have died any ways, but she also could lived a long life...I will never know. I didn't think I was going to cry today. Boy was I wrong.