Introducing Betty White


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Sep 7, 2018
Is that guy even wearing anything?!! :shocked:
I just got in as they were signing off. :bawling: Must have been a phenomenal show.:bawling2:
Too bad you didn't have your speakers for it. :sniffle:
Yeah, I know. But they're not the only ones. I have a major issue with MS and I went on their "community" and looked around etc. They said yeah, they know there's a problem and no, they haven't fixed it.
Thanks, guys. That's what I pay you for. :bat:
Really, it's enough to make people just accept SNAFU and FUBAR and just give up.
Except, not us because we're aspy.
Taylor wouldn't give up. :headshake: but it feels like :frustrated:
and entities I don't WANT to contact me never miss a beat. Even though I've declined their services more times than I can count and told them point blank not to contact me.
Ain't life grand?:sigh:
The sound quality on the youtube stream was too poor for me to bother with the speaker setup.

I tweaked my back yesterday doing dumbbell deadlifts. 15 lbs in each hand. I'm getting old and out of shape.

The speakers are 14 lbs each.

Many of the same motions to unpack the speakers and move them to their new locations were the same motions that hurt like a mutha thanks to yesterday's injury.

These very expensive speakers would not install correctly over several attempts over several hours. I finally found the solution buried in Sonos support forums. It was so dumb and so simple. Logout of the app. Log back in. Then repeat the install. The app version of turning it off and turning it back on.

I only figured this out during Betty's post-medicine nap time. So I got the new speakers added as surrounds and it will be a couple more hours yet before I get to put them through their paces. First with a ball game. Then we'll rent something Atmos-y to see if they are worth the upgrade.
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Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
The sound quality on the youtube stream was too poor for me to bother with the speaker setup.

I tweaked my back yesterday doing dumbbell deadlifts. 15 lbs in each hand. I'm getting old and out of shape.

The speakers are 14 lbs each.

Many of the same motions to unpack the speakers and move them to their new locations were the same motions that hurt like a mutha thanks to yesterday's injury.

These very expensive speakers would not install correctly over several attempts over several hours. I finally found the solution buried in Sonos support forums. It was so dumb and so simple. Logout of the app. Log back in. Then repeat the install. The app version of turning it off and turning it back on.

I only figured this out during Betty's post-medicine nap time. So I got the new speakers added as surrounds and it will be a couple more hours yet before I get to put them through their paces. First with a ball game. Then we'll rent something Atmos-y to see if they are worth the upgrade.
I wonder if this means you’ve watched the TV series The It Crowd. 🤣


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Sep 7, 2018
I wonder if this means you’ve watched the TV series The It Crowd. 🤣
I have not. I don’t watch many TV series. Baseball eats half my streaming year. The other half I catch up on streaming I missed during baseball season. Usually Disney+ series. Or rewatching a Star Trek series or five.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
The sound quality on the youtube stream was too poor for me to bother with the speaker setup.

I tweaked my back yesterday doing dumbbell deadlifts. 15 lbs in each hand. I'm getting old and out of shape.

The speakers are 14 lbs each.

Many of the same motions to unpack the speakers and move them to their new locations were the same motions that hurt like a mutha thanks to yesterday's injury.

These very expensive speakers would not install correctly over several attempts over several hours. I finally found the solution buried in Sonos support forums. It was so dumb and so simple. Logout of the app. Log back in. Then repeat the install. The app version of turning it off and turning it back on.

I only figured this out during Betty's post-medicine nap time. So I got the new speakers added as surrounds and it will be a couple more hours yet before I get to put them through their paces. First with a ball game. Then we'll rent something Atmos-y to see if they are worth the upgrade.
Oh no! Hope you're feeling better, or at least, not worse.
So they're regulation large speakers, yes? Hope they give lots of enjoyment!
Yeah, powercycling/rebooting often fixes frustrating problems. I have a note on my monitor about that.
Maybe you can rent a cat video, and Betty can let you know what she thinks of the quality of the birdcalls through the new speakers.


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Sep 7, 2018
Oh no! Hope you're feeling better, or at least, not worse.
So they're regulation large speakers, yes? Hope they give lots of enjoyment!
Yeah, powercycling/rebooting often fixes frustrating problems. I have a note on my monitor about that.
Maybe you can rent a cat video, and Betty can let you know what she thinks of the quality of the birdcalls through the new speakers.
The speakers are fairly compact. A bit bigger than a pair of 15 lbs dumbbells. But not by much. Between a bread box and a bread maker in size.

I also did weighted lunges the other (fateful) day. Between the deadlifts and the lunges, my back doesn't want to bend and my legs don't want to take up the slack. They are having to anyway. Because it's been easier to squat than to bend over. I guess that was the whole point to begin with. 🤦‍♂️

I didn't really get to put the speakers to the test last night. By the time the game was functionally over (I didn't watch the last two innings to see how 9-2 became 10-4), I was too sleepy to rent anything or start anything. But it already seems like these speakers have more punch than the ones they replaced. They better. They were twice the price!

I had factory reset the speakers and put them through setup several times each. It would not have dawned on me to logout and log back into the app. Thank Google for that winning tip.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
The speakers are fairly compact. A bit bigger than a pair of 15 lbs dumbbells. But not by much. Between a bread box and a bread maker in size.

I also did weighted lunges the other (fateful) day. Between the deadlifts and the lunges, my back doesn't want to bend and my legs don't want to take up the slack. They are having to anyway. Because it's been easier to squat than to bend over. I guess that was the whole point to begin with. 🤦‍♂️

I didn't really get to put the speakers to the test last night. By the time the game was functionally over (I didn't watch the last two innings to see how 9-2 became 10-4), I was too sleepy to rent anything or start anything. But it already seems like these speakers have more punch than the ones they replaced. They better. They were twice the price!

I had factory reset the speakers and put them through setup several times each. It would not have dawned on me to logout and log back into the app. Thank Google for that winning tip.
Glad the speakers are approved. Enjoy!
Yeah, if you haven't been working out regularly, it's good to start gradually and then do it regularly. For me, that's 4-5x a week. It's also important to get the heart rate up which most experts suggest we do by running in place for a few minutes. That works for me. And I'm sure you know about breathing-inhale deeply before lifting. Yes, every time. You can look up some back stretches that may help your sore back. "Cat and camel" is a really good one. If you get into the regular routine, not only will you feel better all the way around, you'll also get the benefit of endorphins. Even if/when you don't feel like it/are tired/are busy/are whatever, making time for it ends up paying huge dividends.


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Sep 7, 2018

Betty regurgitated her lunch. Picked it up and plopped it about two feet away. No hair. I was in the shower when it happened. Maybe just ate it too quickly? Or maybe there’s a hairball shrinking her stomach at the moment…..


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Sep 7, 2018
Poor girl. She didn't return to her plate before dinner. She had a couple of spits just before dinner. Then she ate her post-medicine treats and I thought maybe she would be okay. But nope. Those came back up. So she's in extra innings with her sour stomach. She had another couple spits after that too. I tried to suck up a couple of drops of hemp oil into a syringe with water. But you know how well oil and water mixes. Still. If nothing else, she got some water. I also changed out her water just in case that was getting too slimy to drink from. I'm hoping she kept enough meds in her before she spit up the treats and that she may finally settle into a few bites of dinner before I can finally start into mine.


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Sep 7, 2018
Well. She’s eating. Let’s hope this stays down. I wonder if she has an impending hairball that’s not picking a direction. I wish she would take hairball gel. She’d rather gunk up the bed than lick that off her paw. 🤦🏼‍♂️


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Sep 7, 2018
She pooped three times yesterday. I think the hairball did pick a direction. There was no further drama after the post-meds treat spits.


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Sep 7, 2018
Betty and her food. They may as well be a mile apart this morning.
I sense impending doom. She left half a plate on the overnight and a bonus poop in the box last night. I would have thought she pooped out a hairball already. She hasn’t hit her tap room treats. So I’ve lifted those. Because I know she’ll only eat those and get a sour stomach. No treats without eats. 😾


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Sep 7, 2018
She had her first round of spits. Spit was all it was. Spit and stomach acid. I made my best attempt at a hemp oil and water suspension (oil and water being how they are), and I hope I got a drop or two in her with the water syringe. That’s probably about the only medicine I dare try to get in her right now. She’s just going to have to ride this out. I hope she finds her appetite before we get to pink spits.


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
And we finally have some eating. Let’s hope however much she takes up stays down. 🤞I probably should have halved that portion after the first round of spits. 🤦🏼‍♂️
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It's so weird that almost every time Betty has a furball, Elvis has a furball shortly thereafter. *Do you think they're telepathic?* And then yeah, slowly, they start up again, putting the food in the cat. :cheerleader::clap:


TCS Member
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Sep 7, 2018
It's so weird that almost every time Betty has a furball, Elvis has a furball shortly thereafter. *Do you think they're telepathic?* And then yeah, slowly, they start up again, putting the food in the cat. :cheerleader::clap:
It’s weird because the hairball went into the litter box. Nothing but acid spits this morning. She impressed me. She ate more than I thought she would. About half the serving. She did her own pacing. I will put out a 2/3 portion for lunch all the same.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
It’s weird because the hairball went into the litter box. Nothing but acid spits this morning. She impressed me. She ate more than I thought she would. About half the serving. She did her own pacing. I will put out a 2/3 portion for lunch all the same.
How thoughtful of Betty! :agree:Hope lunch is a success.