Does your voice irritate your cat?


Animals are Blessings
Thread starter
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Hi all-
I thought this might be an interesting Topic and perhaps it might help someone to understand why their cat( or most cats in general) seem to dislike some people and either completely ignore them or respond so negatively when very lovingly they simply say"Hello sweetie,come to Mommy(or Daddy)"- the answer may surprise you

I thought of this Topic after watching a little humorous video this morning ,everyday we can have a laugh at some of the adorable & hilariously funny things cats do
A Meow Meow Gif A Day Keeps The Woof Woof Away

Throughout the years I've been asked to answer a very difficult question "Why doesn't my cat like me"?- The only way to assess an animals behavior is by observing the animal in their own environment ,with their owners as if you are a fly on the wall and very often there are no real issues or problems with the animal,it's just a matter of helping the owner to understand why their animal is doing whatever he/she is doing- then we can begin to work towards obtaining favorable responses instead of undesirable" behavior"

The most difficult part of being an animal behaviorist is telling a pet parent that THEY are the problem-lol It's a discussion where you must weigh your words carefully and keep in mind you can really hurt someone's feelings by what you say..... so just imagine walking into someone's home and from the moment they call their cat the cats ears flatten,hes wide eyed,his hair stands on end,fluffed tail and ready to attack because this wondeful,big hearted ,loving,kind ,pet parent switched mode into their "kitty voice" -completely unaware that their cat is irritated by their voice . This shrieking ,10 decibel higher than normal sound has kicked them into flight or fight gear instantly.The more kitty reacts so strangley the higher the owner projects his voice to either get the" flight " cats attention or calm the" fight:" cat which only makes matters worse

Anyway,I'm sure most of you have heard the " kitty voice" and know exactly what I'm talking about- some of you may be wondering " do I do that"? And there are plenty of folks that have such a great relationship with their pets and the type of kitty that are not so sensitive to this sort of thing,their used to you even if your on the phone arguing with the Comcast customer service all center!

Well I don't know what the cat in the video was irritated with or why he was in defense mode but when I heard thst annoying voice it reminded me of a wonderful horse I trained for barrel racing ,all week long he was a pleasure to work with,worked hard to please me and could not get enough petting and loving but on Sundays his owner would show up ahd as she'd approach his stall screaming "Cody" the poor horses ears would go back,teeth bared and ready to box,.he could not stand the shrill and therefore did not want it to get any closer.And my mind starting pulling up 100's of files of boisterous owners of horses,dogs & cats thst over reacted to unpleasantly high pitched voices

So many owners get louder and louder in an effort to get attention,they do it with people as well as animals- usually it does the exact opposite and eventually desensitizes the subject entirely . If you want an animals attention then speak softly,even whisper and keep an even tone- then they must pay close attention to hear fluctuations- they have to look at you and they literally WAIT for a command .... especially dogs,when you can hear the owner yelling Rover Rover Rover and Rover ignores his owner most of the time it's because Rover doesn't need to pay attorney,he can here his owner 2bocks away. Then you have Queenie,she won't be far from her owner & she's usually staring at her because Queenies owner whispers and Queenie must pay attention for when her owner may softly give a command

Okay,I've made this a long winded story and it's time to hand over the Thread so you can share with others how well your cat pays attention to you .What sounds or voices are obviously irritating to your cat and whatever you'd like to share related to the Topic---my cats are very use to my voice and like most kitties they are comforted by baby talk and praises - I say commands and give them a chance to respond and don't say it 3&4 times,they have to pay attention to know whst I'm asking them to do ..... even Timmy is starting to pay attention already

I'd like to put up a sign that says "Shhhh,you're irritating my cats-'lol


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
My speaking voice doesn't seem to irritate any of my cats. My singing voice is a different story. Daisy hated my singing! However, I actually won over another of my RB cats (Redman) with the popular song, Mama's Little Kitty Loves Shortening Bread. Bless him. He would have never made a judge on American Idol.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I always thought Hek was annoyed with my voice, especially when she was sleeping. Finally I learned the difference between an "I don't like that sound" twitch that was just short of a lash, and her very gentle lift and fall that meant, "I hear you, but am too comfy to move."


TCS Member
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Apr 29, 2022
I've never had a cat seem annoyed by my voice. However, they do really have preferred sounds. For example my former roommate played Firework by Katy Perry on repeat and her cat hated it so much that eventually he pushed her computer off the desk and broke it in an attempt to get it to stop.

Magnus really loves Faozia and usually is happy when we play her music. It helps him to settle or he watches outside or plays. He also really likes Pentatonix's hallelujah.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
Boone and Gracie love me (and I guess my voice) just because. I don't have to speak and they come running to me. They are the only cats who have ever done that which is strange because I heard that cats come to people who hate them. :lol: My husband and sons are the cat people in the house but Boone and Gracie won me over just for the fact that it pisses off the rest of the family that they love me more than them.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Cats gravitate towards people who ignore them because they don't feel threatened. They gravitate towards me too, when i sit down I have 3 instantly on my lap, even leaving my husband's lap to do so. Most likely because I feed them, LOL. I do notice though that when I laugh out loud, my little Molly will either leave or come right up to my face like she is trying to smother it. I have to admit it is louder and higher than my speaking voice, thank you for explaining why. They instantly know my 'mad' voice too, it is louder and much deeper, they instantly scatter and hide, including my husband! (this happened a lot during my hanging wallpaper days)
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Animals are Blessings
Thread starter
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
My speaking voice doesn't seem to irritate any of my cats. My singing voice is a different story. Daisy hated my singing! However, I actually won over another of my RB cats (Redman) with the popular song, Mama's Little Kitty Loves Shortening Bread. Bless him. He would have never made a judge on American Idol.
Oh nurseangel nurseangel you are hysterical,I laughed so hard when I read this I was crying are always such a delight!

I love the song you picked -I sing "Rock a bye Kitty in the tree tops" to my cats or the little kid song:" Jesus loves the little kitties,all the Kitties in the world" aren't we the pair?!!!lol
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Animals are Blessings
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Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Cats gravitate towards people who ignore them because they don't feel threatened. They gravitate towards me too, when i sit down I have 3 instantly on my lap, even leaving my husband's lap to do so. Most likely because I feed them, LOL. I do notice though that when I laugh out loud, my little Molly will either leave or come right up to my face like she is trying to smother it. I have to admit it is louder and higher than my speaking voice, thank you for explaining why. They instantly know my 'mad' voice too, it is louder and much deeper, they instantly scatter and hide, including my husband! (this happened a lot during my hanging wallpaper days)
Oh you're so welcome- it's my good pleasure and it's also a wonderful feeling to tell someone thst it has nothing to do with your cat liking or disliking you- they can absolutely adore you but a certain pitch is irritating...

And you are 100%correct about kitties gravitating towards someone who ignores them( or even someone who dislikes cats )- cats don't know the reason for a persons body language ,they only know thst person body launguage displays a non- threat!

Of course there are people ( guests & strangers)that just rub( not literally -lol) a cat the wrong way and it's hard to know why,might even display a "welcome" stance but it could be their perfume,laundry detergent,shampoo and again- their voice OR they just know something we don't know,hmmmm?

It's nice to hear everyone's personal relationships with their fur babies,isn't it?

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
You are so right! I trusted my Yorkies judgement on strangers completely. If he ran and hid i would never trust that person. He always turned out to be right! If he was happy to see them, they were alright. My cats hide from everyone!
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Animals are Blessings
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Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
You are so right! I trusted my Yorkies judgement on strangers completely. If he ran and hid i would never trust that person. He always turned out to be right! If he was happy to see them, they were alright. My cats hide from everyone!
I know exactly what you mean with your Yorkies,funny though your cats hide from EVERYONE- maybe they know something you don't? Lol

Seriously though it's not uncommon for kitties to hide when guests come over especially if they are used to spending most of their time with just " their" people

I trust my cats Discernment like you did with the dogs- especially Sami,he watches everyone like a hawk and he'll let me know if there's something " off" about an individual..... his warnings to me have been confirmed enough to be considered" spot "on.... pretty protective little fellow


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
It depends on what I am saying.

What irritates them:

Stop that
Put that down
No you can't go out back. It's way too hot
Stop picking on your sister
Don't stick your butt in my face
You need to get brushed

What doesn't irritate them?

Do you want some of mama's steak/turkey/chicken?
You are so pretty
You are such a good girl
It's cool outside. Let's open the door
Let's go cuddle
Here's a treat
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Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I don’t know that it irritates them but I do have to watch the way I speak with both. Willow can only be spoken to in a soft soothing voice. Any sound of disapproval just crushes her and makes her go hide. Lola on the other hand also cannot be spoken to in a loud or disapproving tone because she reacts like it is a threat and will attack and bite.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
I don’t know that it irritates them but I do have to watch the way I speak with both. Willow can only be spoken to in a soft soothing voice. Any sound of disapproval just crushes her and makes her go hide. Lola on the other hand also cannot be spoken to in a loud or disapproving tone because she reacts like it is a threat and will attack and bite.
Boone is like Willow. If he knows Mom is mad at him, he cries in the saddest way. Doesn't stop him from doing what is making me mad but he at least sounds sorry that he got in trouble. Gracie on the other hand could care less if you are happy or mad with her. I can yell at her and swat her bottom and she just walks away like she doesn't care.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Boone is like Willow. If he knows Mom is mad at him, he cries in the saddest way. Doesn't stop him from doing what is making me mad but he at least sounds sorry that he got in trouble. Gracie on the other hand could care less if you are happy or mad with her. I can yell at her and swat her bottom and she just walks away like she doesn't care.
Even as a young cat all I had to do to stop Willow in her tracks was to say in a normal tone “Willow, should you be doing that? and she not only immediately stopped but she would never do it again. Such a good girl.
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Animals are Blessings
Thread starter
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Even as a young cat all I had to do to stop Willow in her tracks was to say in a normal tone “Willow, should you be doing that? and she not only immediately stopped but she would never do it again. Such a good girl.
And a good pet parent- cats do not need anything more than a slightly different tone of voice to associate that tone with " unacceptable" .... they are very much in tune with a person's pleased voice and displeased ..along with your body language and " look " ....

Good job Willows mama....relationship with LOVE is the best foundation for a well behaved cat to stand on!❤❤❤