Search Results

  1. Caspers Human

    Cleaning cat messes off Nature Stone?

    Nature Stone is made from epoxy so it's impervious to most ordinary chemicals. It's intended to be used in garages so it's even impervious to things like oil and gasoline. Any ordinary floor cleaner like Pine Sol or Mr. Clean should do the job. I suggest avoiding the use of strong acid...
  2. Caspers Human

    How high is safe for a cat tree for a litter of kittens?

    A grown cat should be able to fall or jump down from about the head height of an average human without undue risk of injury. YMMV of course. It depends on the situation, whether the cat hits any objects on the way down and what kind of surface the cat lands on. Generally speaking, a 72" cat...
  3. Caspers Human

    Shelter cat is broken and super depressed

    Casper acts that way when he throws up, too. I don't know why. Maybe somebody from his before-time used to punish him for throwing up. Of course, it's only natural to say something like, "Dammit, the cat puked!" It's a rather disagreeable job to clean it up. Beyond that, just clean it up...
  4. Caspers Human

    Picture of the Month Competition: May 2024: "It wasn't me"

    Just lay a yardstick across the top of the tank and fasten it down with duct tape. If the cat is on top of the tank, it’s own weight on the stick will hold the door shut.
  5. Caspers Human

    Picture of the Month Competition: May 2024: "It wasn't me"

    One time, I was at work when somebody dropped something and the room went quiet. After about a second, I pointed and said, "See! This is why we can't have nice things!" Busted the place right up! ;)
  6. Caspers Human

    Picture of the Month Competition: May 2024: "It wasn't me"

    As my mother used to say, "Well! It's not NEW, anymore, is it?! Followed closely behind by, "See! This is why we can't have nice things!" ;) ;) ;)
  7. Caspers Human

    Picture of the Month Competition: May 2024: "It wasn't me"

    We got the fish, basically, for "Cat TV." Casper, sometimes, tried to play with the fish but, mostly, he just drank from the fishbowl. Eventually, after the fish was gone, we cleaned out the fishbowl and made it into Casper's water bowl. He drank out of it for quite a while until he found the...
  8. Caspers Human

    Think my cat ate a feather

    Birds have feathers and outdoor cats chase birds and eat their feathers all the time. They will either poop them out or hack them up with their next hairball. Just keep an eye out to be sure your cat isn't coughing or anything. Watch the litter box to be sure the cat is pooping as usual...
  9. Caspers Human

    Fungus growing on urine in litter box

    No reasonable person should apply undiluted bleach directly onto a dirty litter box without scrubbing with soap and water then rinsing clean, first. I thought my instructions were clear but I can spell it out: Physically remove all waste and cat litter from the box and dispose of it in the...
  10. Caspers Human

    How to identify identical newborns

    I looked at the ingredients list: It is water based and I don't see any troublesome ingredients. They seem to be similar to the ingredients of a Sharpie marking pen. In fact, they look a little bit better than Sharpies. If a cat licks or chews its nails they might ingest some of the marker...
  11. Caspers Human

    Picture of the Month Competition: May 2024: "It wasn't me"

    ENTRY Casper! Have you been playing in the fish bowl, again? It wasn't me! Why do you have water dripping from your chin?
  12. Caspers Human

    The dilemma of care vs trauma

    Ya' gotta' do what ya' gotta' do! Right? ;) Nice job! Here's hoping things will get easier as the two of you get to develop an agreement between you. Okay, cat! We've gotta' do this thing and I ain't takin' no fluff out of you! I don't like doing this any more than you do so let's just...
  13. Caspers Human

    deciphering "meow" vocalizations for adopted male

    You might already know that cats don't normally meow on their own. Kittens meow to call for their mother but adults, if left to their own devices, don't meow much, at all, unless they are in distress. Meowing is a learned behavior/response to get attention from their humans. There is no...
  14. Caspers Human

    Fungus growing on urine in litter box

    The toxic level of borax is approximately 1 gram per kilogram of body weight. It would take approximately 4.5 grams of borax to make a cat sick. That's about a teaspoon's worth. The amount of borax that one would apply, let dry then wipe away the residue is much less than that. Besides, the...
  15. Caspers Human

    Fungus growing on urine in litter box

    Clean the litter box with soap and water then disinfect using Clorox bleach mixed at 1 cup to 1 gallon of hot water. Rinse really well using clear water then let the box dry, completely. Next, mix "Twenty Mule Team Borax" in hot water until you can't dissolve any more. (i.e. Make a saturated...
  16. Caspers Human

    indoor only cat got out!

    Not long after we adopted him, our cat, Casper, got out. He slipped out the door while his Girl-Human was coming back in from getting the mail or something. It was cold and snowy, outside. The cat got about two feet past the front stoop, stopped to look around and noticed the weather...
  17. Caspers Human

    Afraid of brooms and sticks

    Our cat, Casper, is afraid of shoes. I don't know where he got it. One day, shortly after we adopted Casper, I sat down on a kitchen stool to take off my shoes after coming home from work. Casper came in to greet me. When I took off my shoe, he bolted and ran away. At first, I thought he...
  18. Caspers Human

    The dilemma of care vs trauma

    Try to figure out what you did to encourage that and do it some more. A little head scratch is just inches away from a scratch behind the ears and that's just inches away from actually touching her ears. If you can do that, it should be fairly easy to quickly dab on a little shmoo.