Recent Content by VAMama

  1. VAMama

    How to identify identical newborns

    Nail polish.
  2. VAMama

    Who still eats mcdonalds kentuky fried,etc ?

    I'm all over the place. One minute I'm buying organic free range beef at the store, next minute I'm going to McDonalds.
  3. VAMama

    Cat advice

    Sounds like the female has other resources for extra food. I'd stop putting food out completely. Even if the neighbors try to reign them in, cats gonna cat, especially if the cats are accustomed to roaming.
  4. VAMama

    Adopting a cat when my lease says I can't have more than one

    My hubby and I once thought about investing in rental properties. So glad we didn't. I'll never be a landlord.
  5. VAMama

    Shelter cat is broken and super depressed

    Cosette is definitely feeling better. She still stays under the couch, but she's much more receptive to attention, and she's more playful when she comes out. Thursday she goes for checkup. Getting plenty of food into her before the pouting on Thursday and Friday!
  6. VAMama

    Ruby – 3,830 days was not enough

    Oh I'm so sorry I know Ruby meant the world to you. She'll always live in your heart. ♥️
  7. VAMama

    My cat ate a french fry! What should I do?

    Yeah I've seen cats eat all kinds of human food. Two little french fries won't hurt him.
  8. VAMama

    Black Cats Only

    Under the couch. All you see is eyes.
  9. VAMama

    Black Cats Only

  10. VAMama

    Shelter cat is broken and super depressed

    I'm careful not to overload her food in one meal. We're supplementing with third meals and gravy.
  11. VAMama

    Shelter cat is broken and super depressed

    She inhaled her breakfast. I've never seen her ate so fast.
  12. VAMama

    Shelter cat is broken and super depressed

    It seems that yesterday was the peak of her pain. She's in better spirits now. She's learning to grab bites of food. We got some gravy for her to lick from our fingers and she loves it. I thought she'd stay angry but she hasn't. She almost looks happy to see us.
  13. VAMama

    Shelter cat is broken and super depressed

    No pills at home. The IV treatment last 48 hours. We'll see if she eats dinner. Right now I can't tell if she's in bad pain or she's mad. I'll ask for pain killers if she's not eating.
  14. VAMama

    Shelter cat is broken and super depressed

    Cosette's happy pills wore off and reality set in and now she's mad 😂
  15. VAMama

    Shelter cat is broken and super depressed

    Yes she came home Monday afternoon. She gobbled a whole big can of soupy food last night. She's going back next week for 10 day check.