Recent Content by KittyCat_chitchat

  1. KittyCat_chitchat

    Show Us Your Cats Together

    This is my new favourite picture of our two. ❤
  2. KittyCat_chitchat

    New Fur Baby!

    Aww, she's a gorgeous girl and lucky to have you!
  3. KittyCat_chitchat

    Anyone have good luck with Feliaway?

    Thank you for giving these kitties a home. I've always had good results with Feliway. Regardless, though, I'd advise you keep the cats separate at first and do a slow, gradual introduction. Here are some TCS articles you may find useful: How To Help A New Cat Adjust To Your Home How To...
  4. KittyCat_chitchat

    Post pics of calicos, tortieshells and orange cats here!

    @Ella Spell That wicked expression makes me think she could be Cleo's long-lost sister! Speaking of Cleo...
  5. KittyCat_chitchat

    Picture of the Month Competition: May 2024: "It wasn't me"

    Entry: Ozzie. "Me? High on a catnip mouse? I'm not high, I'm just adorable (feed me)!"
  6. KittyCat_chitchat

    The Positive Thread - 2024

    My mental health's not been good over the last few days due to some personal life stuff really pushing me past my limits, but I've kept busy working on the new flowerbed. Yesterday Mum and I went out for a totally unrelated reason, but we stopped off at the local garden centre as Mum wanted...
  7. KittyCat_chitchat

    Ruby – 3,830 days was not enough

    I can't add anything that people haven't already said. She was a special cat, who all of us got to know in some way via the forum. I never knew the poor baby had had such a rough start, and it makes the trust and personality she showed so very touching. You are a truly wonderful person for...
  8. KittyCat_chitchat

    Post pics of calicos, tortieshells and orange cats here!

    He looks so cosy! Here's Cleo being adorbs.
  9. KittyCat_chitchat

    New feral cat - is it Pauli or Paula. / It's Paula and we have kittens.

    Aww, my heart just melted! They all look so happy. Love that picture of Boss in his box, and all three of them on the couch. They undoubtedly have the best Cat Dad ever.🥰
  10. KittyCat_chitchat

    Meet my handsome new man

    Maybe just Prince?
  11. KittyCat_chitchat

    How to get started in rescuing (when there's a need but no infrastructure)?

    Bad news all round. There are going to be wall to wall workmen around the spare bathroom, so fostering's off the cards probably all this kitten season. My parents forgot what day the open day was and went out in the car to do some shopping and didn't come back till it was too late to drive me...
  12. KittyCat_chitchat

    Meet my handsome new man

    He looks so sweet and contented in those pictures, @Biomehanika! You're doing such a wonderful job with this boy.
  13. KittyCat_chitchat

    Does she look like some sort of Bengal mix?

    :yeah: Green eyes seem to be really common in my part of the UK. Both DSH classic tabbies my family's owned had green eyes, and both were males, hence not torbie. Also, her eyes look like they're still changing colour from kitten blue rather than being a typical adult cat green colour, so they...
  14. KittyCat_chitchat

    Hii from me and a cuddly gentleman :)

    :hellosmiley:and a warm:welcomesign:to you are your handsome boy! ❤
  15. KittyCat_chitchat

    A Meow Meow Gif A Day Keeps The Woof Woof Away

    That reminds me of the way my dog used to very deliberately move her favourite blanket between rooms/into the garden. Never thought a cat would do it! 🤣