Your Cat Is Hiding From You? - Your Cats Not Pooping In Its Litter Box


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Aug 1, 2018
You might be petting it to fast, or in the wrong place. You know when you pick up your cat, most cats don't like that. Or your cat might just be new to your place and he/she is scared. You can shake a treat bag and they might come, that's how I get my cat to come. If your cat is around seven months old it's just developing and that's when your cat is a teen. So don't expect this not to happen it usually does. Maybe before you owned your cat the owner before you abused him. Your cat still loves you :heartshape:. If you haven't taken him/her to the vet, I would recommend to do so.
Some cats do this for territorial reasons but there are other reasons too. Your scented litter may be a problem, some cats noses can not take the smell, it is too strong. Sometimes you have to train them, which I did not. Maybe the litter box is too close to other things, like the bed. Maybe the cat crawls every where and happens to get a blanket on top of the litter box,the house will start too smell bad, you should check your litter box every day, even if it is a self cleaning one.

This is the best I could do. Pls no hate. You can comment questions and I will help you.