Year Old Cat Demanding Attention


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 16, 2018
My cat is a year old neutered male. I've had him since he was 3 months old and it's just me and him.

Recently he's started being very demanding in the morning while I'm still in bed. He's never been one to wake me up when ImI sleeping unless there was a legitimate problem he needed help woth.

This morning was the worst. He ran around meowing loudly, sat, switching his tail and 'glaring' at me, did lots of rustling around, etc.

I got up, checked he had food and water and that the litter box was clean, and that there weren't any stinky messes (there weren't and everything else was also as it should be.)

I pet him a few times and went back to bed - and he attacked me, clawing and biting my arm - very aggressive, but not drawing blood.

Once I got up (waaayyy too early,) he gradually went back to normal behaviour within about 15 minutes.

About half a week ago I took him to the vet because he was acting like his glands needed expressed. He was very upset at the vet, but behaved normally once home. Vet said glands were fine, hesh just too fluffy and wasn't clean down there, and he seemed healthy to her.

I was gone over the weekend, something he's been fine with (if slightly grumpy about) previously.

I changed his cat food to an adult food with *much* larger pieces. He doesn't seem to be eating as much as he did with the kitten food, but he's using the litterbox, so he's eating some, at least.

Last week I took him on a walk on his harness. He met another cat (very friendly healthy neighbour cat) but was very upset and not friendly to the other cat and begged to go back out when we went in.

I did significant picking up around the apartment yesterday. He seemed displeased.

Is this waking me up behaviora reaction to stress from all/some combination of the above? Is it a reaction to the food? Seperation anxiety with a delayed response? Something else?


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Could be a reaction to stress or it could be that he figured out that waking you would get him attention. You train him to let you sleep by first warning him with a word or phrase you us consistently (mine has always been “settle down!” and putting him on the floor and if that doesn’t work, shutting him out of your room. No talking, no petting, no checking his food. He will likely scratch and cry to come back in. Don’t give him but once he is quiet you can open the door and give him another chance. If he pesters again, repeat the process but lock him out for the night. It may take some time but he will learn the only way to stay in the room with you is to be quiet.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
I think, being one year old, it's probable he is a bored teenager, wanting more daily playtime and more daily companionship.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I think PushPurrCatPaws is right. I also agree 100% with SusanM9006 's advice. You have been inadvertently training him to bug you by petting him & getting up for him. He will get worse a bit to see if throwing a fit will work, just like a little kid. Just ignore him. DO NOT CRACK!!! You can have a few weeks of him bothering you or 15-20 years of him waking you up like that every freakin day!!! Like kids and dogs, cats need to be trained/learn the boundaries. (You will let me sleep or I will shave you ;) just joking.... but you will let me sleep or you will not be in my room while I sleep.)

I also think more play will help. Get him panting before you get ready for bed. Get him to hunt/play every where. Then feed him wet food. Once you are in bed & the lights are out, it is 'leave me alone time' until your alarm goes off.