What would you do?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 4, 2022
Hello, I'm a newbie on this site!
I have a pressing specific problem which is causing significant stress. 😳
I was supposed to go away with my family yesterday for a weeks uk break. My first holiday in a year! I have a very good cattery who usually take my two cats, Molly and Henry. But Henry's had a health flare up last week which meant I've had to stay home, whilst everyone else went away!

Henry has had ongoing anxiety issues following anal sac removal 6 years ago, when he was a year old. It's been well controlled with Gabapentin but when he gets frustrated or anxious his bottom muscles spasms and he yelps or growls in discomfort. As I said, it is generally well controlled now, but last Sunday something triggered him off into an episode. It was distressing. I took him to the vets on Tuesday and they did not find anything sinister but gave me an antiflammatory and a herbal calming tablet to take alongside the Gabapentin. The vets visit was, in itself very traumatic for both him and me. I have the scratches to prove it!

Since then I've been wracked with worry about him. I also have bad anxiety myself! He has however, been improving thr last 48 hours and this morning seems a lot more like himself. My question is do I perhaps bite the bullet and put him and Molly in the cattery on Monday, so I can join my family for the final four days of the trip or should I stay home with him? I feel so torn and anxious. The cattery lady, BTW, is very understanding and attentive, completely aware of Henry's situation and willing to look after him and Molly.

Any advice would be useful. I am feeling quite anxious and overtired so be kind!!! 🐈

verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
Has Henry stayed at the cattery before and did it stress him? Is there someone he knows that will visit your home and can feed them a couple of times a day and look after them, it may be less stressful for Henry. If the cattery isn't far, perhaps they could do it or even someone from your vet.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 4, 2022
Hi Verna, thanks for your reply. Henry and Molly stayed once in this cattery last year. They were both well looked after, the lady is lovely, but he was a bit out of sorts afterwards. As he's only recently been triggered by something he's more on edge now than at the previous visit. Hmm.

There may be a neighbour who could help out but there's no cat flap in the door (staying at my parents house for last five years, long story!) so don't like idea of them not being able to access indoors freely.

I'm veering towards staying now. The holiday cottage in 235 miles away so not easy to get back, if needed. My family have promised me a few days out once they return!! I'll hold them to that..

game misconduct

TCS Member
Top Cat
May 1, 2020
westcovina california
no real easy answer to that so i will go with what i would do instead. i would just stay home with my cats if i was full of anxiety reason being would just be easiest on myself and the cat since there would be no way i could enjoy the trip with my family anyways with my brain full of worry etc and then take a trip once they got home knowing my cat is home relaxed with family still