What was a perfect Christmas Day for you?


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Rick and I were talking this morning and he asked me which Christmas Day was perfect for me.

Years ago, we had a really bad snowstorm. It started on Christmas Eve and we were completely snowed in. Nobody was going anywhere. It was my first Christmas without my son. He had gotten married that year. They were going to come to us on Christmas, but there was no way. Rick and I made filled pork chops. I had made the stuffing and just as I had the pork chops filled and was popping them into the oven, the power went out. And it didn't come back on. So there we were. Rick went out, uncovered the grill and got it started. He did Christmas dinner on our grill. I couldn't whip the potatoes, but I was able to mash them with a masher. We had dried corn. We had the gravy. He was out there in the snow and the snow just swirled around him. While we ate our dinner, he heated up water for dishes on the grill. Got the dishes done, got it all put away, and he and I flopped on the couch together with the cats. We ended up going to bed really early that night and, around 2:30 the next morning, the lights came back on.

It was the first Christmas without our son and that wasn't all that great, but you know what? It was still absolutely perfect. And I still enjoy the Christmases when it's just Rick and me. It's a nice, quiet day with no hassles, no rushing, just hanging out together. And that really was our very first Christmas with just the two of us. Our son was with us, even for our very first Christmas together. We've had other Christmases since then, just the two of us. And I love them, simply because it is just the two of us.

Do you have a Christmas that stands out for you?

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
The last Christmas I spent with my family, including my Mom who was still strong and well at that time. The year was 2005.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I always loved watching my DD open her gifts. I'd make coffee for DH and me and she'd have hot chocolate. When I put the gift tags on her presents, some were from DH and me, the rest were from Santa, Mrs. Claus, the elves and the reindeer. She loved that.

Now it's the just cats and me and I love it too. It's perfect but in a different way. It's stress free and I can do what I want. I can eat what I want without worrying if everyone will get what they want too and NO huge cleanup.

Lilith and I spent a good part of last night snuggled up on my bed watching The Year Without a Santa Claus, Rudolph's Shiny New Year and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. I made her a nest out of a big, fluffy blanket and she cuddled up in it purring and making biscuits. Sophie joined us for a while. She actually behaved herself. She took a nap on the other side of the bed. She usually pounces on Lilith and chases her off. She does not like it when her sister is closer to me than she is.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
This is my second Christmas alone and I really kind of like it. When the kids were little, I did love also the chaos on Christmas morning but now I like peace and quiet. I was going up to Northeast Ohio and spend Christmas with the kids and grandkids, but COVID is running wild again, so I didn't. We did the virtual thing this morning, so I was 'part' of the gift opening. I am still making a special dinner; I have a lasagna in the oven. Tomorrow I will cut most of it up into individual portions and freeze it. I guess it is a combination of being an introvert and getting older.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
This is my second Christmas alone and I really kind of like it. When the kids were little, I did love also the chaos on Christmas morning but now I like peace and quiet. I was going up to Northeast Ohio and spend Christmas with the kids and grandkids, but COVID is running wild again, so I didn't. We did the virtual thing this morning, so I was 'part' of the gift opening. I am still making a special dinner; I have a lasagna in the oven. Tomorrow I will cut most of it up into individual portions and freeze it. I guess it is a combination of being an introvert and getting older.
I agree. I'm not into the chaos of having a lot of people around. Peace and quiet all the way. DD and DSIL are coming down for a few days next month so I'll see her then. She works on holidays anyway.

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Actually, THIS one. My cat is very much ALIVE which I wasn‘t sure would happen (small cell lymphoma) & just spent the afternoon checking out the flooded river which has burst into the Pacific, so all the seals are bunched up and fat from their first taste of freshwater fish at the mouth & now sunbathing. But I just feel so grateful for overworked veterinarians everywhere…thank you for adding time to my sweet Zorro: we appreciate this Christmas, and hope you get to put up your feet a little. That goes double for nurses and all.of you out there struggling with batches of ferals…nods to those whose cats have just passed & a secret wish that there may be more furry tidings down the road. Here’s to LIFE, which is very precious these days!