Vibes, please...


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Dec 23, 2008
For the last two weeks I've been having health issues. I'm not one to complain publicly or post about my presonal life in too much detail but ehre goes.

Back in May I went home to the USA for a visit and began feeling yucky several days after I got there (not in the jet lag way). After feeling increasingly like I couldn't breathe my mom urged me to the doctor despite the fact that my insurance is not good outside Japan.

The person I saw basically said that my allergies have gotten so bad I've now got a 'reactive airway component' and urged me to stay on the claritin and gave me asthma meds (an inhaler). She recommended I get allergy testing done as well. There was not time to do this in the States. Anyway things were going well up till two weeks ago when I felt the shortness of breath again.

Two weeks of misery later, my feeling of not beign able to breathe turned into chest pain and the doctor here thinks its my heart.

Scared feling lonely and frustratd by doctors who don't speak my native toungue.


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Apr 26, 2009
Northeast Ohio
I am so sorry to read that you're having a difficult time with health issues. I can relate in many ways and, thus, I will both keep you in my prayers and offer you vibes for your continued wellness .

First off, it's a good thing that you went to the doctor. Even though there is an issue with language, getting seen was the best thing that you could have done for yourself. Second to that is trying to relax and not further stress yourself. Also, I know how frightening it can be when a doctor says that there may be an issue with your heart, but please try to remain in the moment and not get caught up in the "what if's." If you are having heart issues, the last thing you need is worry taking its physical toll on you. There are many conditions which can be easily treated and/or managed. Heart involvement, in this day and age, is often manageable. And, truth be told, you don't know for certain what it is you're dealing with as of yet (and I'm not trying to invalidate you by saying that -- I am just pointing out the facts). The next step is finding some answers. Then, if necessary, can be the time for worry. As I need to continually remind myself, don't borrow trouble or else trouble will borrow you.

My first instinct is that you should request additional testing to rule out allergies, lung and airway issues, and heart involvement. Bloodwork would also be a good place to start (and allergy testing, while uncomfortable, is typically not difficult). Have you had a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia? Both shortness of breath and chest pain can be indicative of pneumonia and there are some people who suffer from the illness without the common manifestations of the disease (ie. coughing, wheezing). Pleurisy, which is the inflammation of the lining of the lungs and chest, would also cause similar pain and could have originally stemmed from a viral infection. Also, a CT scan would be helpful to determine whether or not there are blood clots (this can be checked via blood labs, but small clots do not always show up in the results) at play. Also, a CT scan can sometimes show issues such as a pericardial or pleural effusion. An ultrasound of the heart (echocardiogram) can show inconsistencies around the heart and would also be a good test to have done. And, finally, there are some physicians who will do other tests such as endoscopies and MRI's to rule out possible issues. But, the first step is to advocate for your care. I don't know how the medical system in Japan is, but advocacy is essential in whatever country you are living in. Sometimes it takes a lot of pushing, but, sometimes, that action can save your life.

I have had many health issues -- one of which was pericarditis. Pericarditis is the inflammation of the pericardium (the sac around the heart). My chief complaints, prior to diagnosis, were chest pain and shortness of breath. I won't run down the laundry list of symptoms I had as it is important for you to go through all of this with your doctor, but I want to illustrate that, although this is frightening, not everything having to do with your heart is life threatening. When I had pneumonia, some of the same symptoms, again, were present. In short, what you are dealing with can be anything. It can be as simple as a panic or anxiety attack (but serious issues MUST be ruled out before this diagnosis can be made -- and I'm not even saying this is a possibility at this point) or something more serious. But, as long as you continue to fight for the medical care you both need and deserve, answers will come and, hopefully, the issues you're having can be dealt with.

Please remember that you are not alone. I know how lonely and scary health issues can be. But, I'll repeat it again, you are not alone. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to PM me -- even if it's just to say that you're scared. I can't imagine living in another country and having to deal with a medical issue. But, I trust that things will be okay and work themselves out. Even when things feel impossible, there is always one thing to count And, by faith, I don't mean (necessarily) a belief in a Higher Power or God. It simply means that you trust that answers and assistance will come. Positive thinking and trust can make even the most bleak situation seem hopeful. Continue to take care of yourself and don't hesitate to go to the hospital if need be. Ask questions, be forceful, and fight for what you need. And, in the meantime, know that there are others in that fight with you

You will be in my thoughts and prayers and there are many, many vibes coming your way. No matter what, everything will be okay. It always is -- there's no other way. In the meantime, cuddle with Aya and try to let go of some of your fear. It will be hard, but fear will only cripple you. You've already taken action and, as long as you continue to do the footwork, things will begin to manifest for you. I've been where you are and can appreciate how difficult it is. But, let me repeat one more time what I am always needing to hear (and this is just as much for me as it is for you): don't borrow trouble or else trouble will borrow you. Listen to your body, but also trust it. My heart goes out to you. Please keep us updated and, if there is anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask.


TCS Member
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Feb 19, 2009
New York State
Its tough enough to be away from home, but being sick is a whole other deal.

I will send prayers for you. Don't borrow trouble until you know the facts.

God bless and please keep us posted. You always have an ear here.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I don't have any advice for you (sorry), but I'm sending you Feel Better Soon hugs. I can't imagine being ill and not being at home. (((hugs)))
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TCS Member
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Dec 23, 2008
Thanks everyone... Just got back from round 3 at the hospital's walk-in clinic.

They did another EKG (it was normal, as have been all the ones after they starte the heart meds).

This was a stomach doctor so of course he wanted to try giving me essentially an IV of something like pepcid to see if it was something like gastric reflux. Gah! I'm a hard stick, the nurses all know me after I nearly passed out in the blood drawing room last week. You think drawing blood is hard, try finding a place for an IV! At least I was lying down this time; we all learn from our mistakes -eh?

For those of you who had questions about my tests I've had so far:

A chest e-ray (normal)
2 blood panels (normal)
allergy test (negative) although I'm not sure this is the most modern variant that my US practitioner was recommending
3 EKGs last two normal, and my Dad a retired nurse says the abnormalities on the first were so benign as to be forgetable.
IV acid blockers, fake nitroglycerine, 2 different asthma meds...etc... etc...

They're going to knock me out to scope me on Friday... I still remember my last encounter with anesthesia for my wisdom teeth extraction. It was not pleasant. My mom and a nurse had to practially drag me out the back door to the car after. Not looking forward to it....'nuf said.


TCS Member
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Nov 10, 2008
How close to Nagoya are you? My brother was living there in 1999 when he had a ruptured aorta. He was riding his bike at the time but found himself in the hospital there. His life was saved by a wonderful cardiologist, who still communicates with our family 11 years later.

Let me know if you need his info. Don't stop looking for help---there is SOMEONE out there who will be able to help!

Take care,



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 9, 2009
Long Beach, CA
Wow, sounds scary to have to be going through this on your own. I hope they can figure out what's causing your issues and that it's easily treatable! Sending lots of for you to feel better really soon!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 28, 2009
Derbyshire UK.
Hi hun, I am really sorry that you are feeling yucky but I am glad that they have done some tests, please don't give up, someone will listen and help you. Sending you vibes and love.
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TCS Member
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Dec 23, 2008
Originally Posted by CatMom2Wires

How close to Nagoya are you? My brother was living there in 1999 when he had a ruptured aorta. He was riding his bike at the time but found himself in the hospital there. His life was saved by a wonderful cardiologist, who still communicates with our family 11 years later.

Let me know if you need his info. Don't stop looking for help---there is SOMEONE out there who will be able to help!

Take care,

I'm about 300km of ocean from mainland Japan. We're halfway to Taiwan, not really close to anything except Okinawa.

Good news is that my Dad looked at my EKG and says its normal. They apparently are just 'covering their bases' by givng me the heart meds.