Three Ferals And A Dominant Resident - Let's Be Friends! (help Lol)


TCS Member
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Jul 4, 2018
Some of you will recall that a bit ago I posted about having to bring one of my Ferals in for life because of a bowel issues. Trying to make her (Mia) and the dominant resident cat (Charlie) friends has been difficult. They've made a bit of progress, but not much - its' been slow.

On Monday night I had to bring one of the other ones in (Mia's sister), White label, inside as there was a major issue and she couldn't breath well. It does look like a severe case Asthma. She has water in the lungs too that she is being treat for. This leaves the last of the sisters (Braveheart) outside alone. She will need to be brought in.

Currently Mia is in a back computer room - free now with the door open most of the time to allow her to attempt to explore - which - she barely does.

White Label is in the downstairs basement bathroom in a Large dog cage. Not sure where I am going to place Braveheart at this stage.

Trying to get Mia and Charlie to be friends is one thing, but W.L and Braveheart? At the same time? How?

He's barely tolerating Mia atm and he has exhibited bad behavior. (I.E) pooped outside the litter box twice in defiance.

Is it even possible? How do I even start the process? Toss W.L in with her sister and start again? Anyone successfully done this before with an exceptionally dominate cat with a bad attitude?

They are all fixed btw and of the same age. The girls are about 6 -8 months younger.

Edit to add: Charlie already has behavior issues I'm working on - including misdirected aggression. He won't take this at all unless I can find a way that causes him very little stress.
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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! I was holding my breath on your behalf with all of this....
Would calming products and low volume classical harp music help, do you think?
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TCS Member
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Jul 4, 2018
:dance:Hi! Thank you Furballsmom Furballsmom XO. I appreciate that. I can't believe how quickly so much went sideways. No issues all these years and then.. boom, boom ,boom. :runaround::doh:

I am trying to get the radio working for Mia. Hopefully I can have that working this weekend as I do want to try that.

Charlie seems content upstairs. The Feliway in her room seems to help her, but not Charlie. I'm spraying the "At Ease" upstairs with Charlie and that seems to help him a bit and have order some oils the one vet suggested to rub on him.

W.L. Went back to the ER vet last night as I thought she was dying and nearly broke down. Turns out she's needs to be moved near a window. The meds seem to be helping her and the lungs appear to be clearing up. She goes for Feline Leukemia tests / shots on the 13th and Rabies updates etc.

I have no idea how to intro Charlie to an addition two and having him be okay with it.

HE senses W.L. but shes far enough away that he's managed to ignore her so far.

In some ways it appears to be one of those "One day you'll look back at all this and laugh" things - just not now.
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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Oh, that's right, I remember now you'd commented that Charlie wasn't affected, or rather, was ill affected by a diffuser!
The meds seem to be helping her and the lungs appear to be clearing up.
Wow, thank goodness!!
She goes for Feline Leukemia tests / shots on the 13th and Rabies updates etc.
:vibes: :crossfingers: :redheartpump:

I guess hang in there with everything, trust that the three sisters will be ok with each other, and when health issues have settled a bit, then about Charlie...does that sound like what you're thinking?
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TCS Member
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Jul 4, 2018
Oh, that's right, I remember now you'd commented that Charlie wasn't affected, or rather, was ill affected by a diffuser!
Wow, thank goodness!!

:vibes: :crossfingers: :redheartpump:

I guess hang in there with everything, trust that the three sisters will be ok with each other, and when health issues have settled a bit, then about Charlie...does that sound like what you're thinking?
Yes, Charlie seemed to get aggressive after it was placed. I've still left it in as I have heard it can take a month or so to be effective so many once he adjusts it could help him too.

Yes exactly. She nearly gave me a heart failure last night with her breathing. So I am grateful that she is okay.

Mia finally pooped 4 days running. First time in 2 months. I was so excited. Finally some improvement there.

It is more about Charlie adjusting as I know the three girls will be happy together. Braveheart will HATE inside life for a while as she is a total wild thing. I had her in the house back in November for an injury. She was so depressed. With her sisters in too - that might ease her. Hard to tell until I do it. Braveheart will not put up with nonsense, that I am sure of.

I won't place everyone together until the health checks are complete and shots given.

At that point - it's like - do I put all three sisters in the safe room and start over with Charlie but try to get him adjusted to three at once? Do I try to intro one at a time over months, in which case, how to make space for the other two? That type of thing.

Sadly I don't think there is an easy answer. I have no idea what's best and how to accomplish it. haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately, if they only knew what we go through for them. Bless your heart!!
You are so right lol. Not much at all. I haven't washed my hair in 4 days. At least I've taken showers LOL. Tonight I actually got a bath instead. It felt nice.

I remind myself that this is a temporary issue and it will be worked though - somehow.

Awee thank you. I try. I love these wee ones and want them to be happy and healthy.

And thank you for the good vibes! XO