The Beast

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In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Thank you. Thank you for everything.


Rick is not doing well. She really squirmed her way into his heart. She was his girl. I loved her; it took me a while, but I dearly loved that girl. God, I miss the jingles. We miss the jingles, we will always remember those eyes. We will always see her running through the yard, flag waving high and ears flying as she ran.

The hospital will take her unopened food. They'll pay us, then get the money from Royal Canin. They know of a couple whose dog eats the ISO dry food and will be so glad to have the bag. The unopened NF cans will go to another family.
Royal Canin is a really good company; they will compensate the hospital for the food and tell them to find a use for it.

Thanks so much.
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  • #44


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
C catapault Well, I was gathering her meds and putting them in a plastic bag. Gathering up her food. And I completely lost it. It was ugly for a while. The cats didn't know what the hell was going on and they were all nervous. I walked out to the living room, sat down on the couch, and Molli came right over. Cried it all out again, washed my face, and life goes on.

To be honest, I can do without all the shoulda, coulda, woulda that came from Rick this morning. I don't like playing God, but I also know that, if it wasn't yesterday, it would have been within the week; she had gotten that bad already. And I just didn't want her to suffer. That's always my thing: I don't want the dog or cat to suffer. And she was. I understand that that's Rick's way of dealing with it and I sat and listened. Then we talked about all the stuff she did and how the cats dealt with her joining the family. And what all we had to do once she came. We didn't even realize how we changed things in the house: moving litterboxes, so The Beast couldn't eat cat poop, moving the kitty couch back to the bedroom to make room for the Beast's beds, moving the cat tree further away from the bay window in the living room, so the Beast couldn't get into the window to sun her belly (we often wondered if people could see this beagle flopped on her back in the window, sunning herself with four paws in the air). It used to make me crazy, then I started to look for her in the window when we came home.

I know it didn't sound like it at first because I had some real issues with The Beast when she first came to live with us, even to the point of trying to find a beagle shelter. And in the end, when I found a shelter willing to take her, I couldn't do it. I just couldn't do that to her. But I loved that girl and it broke my heart to make that decision yesterday.

Thank you.