Stray Cat Problems After Neuter andECollar


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 13, 2015
Brooklyn, NY
Ok I am so overwhelmed.

First of all just to paint a picture...I need to start with I just said goodbye to a cat I had for 19 years. So I'm emotional.

While she was ill a semi friendly cat was coming around to my window and door in the back crying to be let in. I have 4 cats in a 1 bedroom in Brooklyn NY so I didn't let him in not because I didn't want to but the health of my other cats especially my senior kitty. So I fed him and built a shelter for him when he would pop around. Hes about 2 or 3 and wasn't neutered. He would kind of let me pet him but swat and no picking up. I put signs up to see if it was anyone's cat. Nothing

Anyways once my little girl was put to sleep I caved and decided to help him. He was pretty persistent with the meowing for months. So this week Wednesday I brought him to the vet where they fixed him and treated for fleas earmites and infection in the ear from the mites. Hes been quarienteening in my basement and the first 2 days went good. I was learning how I can pet him we played a little and I spent time with him.

Last night he dipped and started to not walk and seemed in pain by his neutering. He got droopy and I noticed lots of swelling. So today I took him back to the vet and they said he had an infection had to open it back up clean out and then treated with antibiotics, anti inflammatory, and also since he was under did another clean of his ears and body. He had so many fleas and scabs under his skin from the bites so they did a flea bath. He was already treated with Revelution so I think they are dead now.

Now he's home and has to wear an Ecollar for 7 days. He is totally not into. I never had a cat wear on let alone one I don't have a relationship with. To top it off hes in a new environment and overall just not happy. Hes banging into walls etc.Trying to get out and I just want to cry like what did I do to this cat. He seems miserable and my efforts to make him happy feel like I made it a nightmare for him.

Tonight after he came home.I got him to eat and drink and he peeded and is resting now. I'm trying to make the basement as comfortable as possible. Its a small room really with no windows a washer and dryer and stairs leading up. Its all clean and tiled and I have been keeping things super clean to contain the fleas from my cats and to break the cycle with him.

He likes to lay at the top at the stairs basically trying to get out. I now also noticed on the towel hes laying on theres some small blood smear. Which now has me worried too... its by the neuter part.

I guess I'm super overwhelmed. I don't think I knew what I was taking on and I haven't slept much and now I'm just plain worried about him. I'm so overwhelmed with how I'm going to manage emotionally taking care of him with this collar 7 days in this new environment that he doesn't want to be in and keep the fleas etc all cleaned all while working...and I don't work from home all days. And is he even ok, what is up with this blood on the towel!? Is it normal to see a little smear after all of this? I don't know I need advice bad.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Poor kitty! And poor you! You did a good thing; sometimes things have to get worse to get better. Just keep doing what you're doing.

I think a little bit of blood is understandable, considering they had to open him up. But if you see more than a little dab, definitely give the vet a call.

If he really can't relax with the cone on, ask the vet about a mild tranquilizer/pain killer such as gabapentin. That should really help him calm down, and the pain relief is a plus too.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
May 13, 2015
Brooklyn, NY
Hi Willows

Yes I did some research on this site after I posted and looks like the little blood might be normal depending on how the Dr closed it up. She might of left a little bit open so that it could drain and not close the infection in. I look when I can and it doesn't seems theres any huge hole or anything.

I was just with him and the blood looks less but still leaving a little small seepage in that area. Like a couple drops. I emailed the vet anyways for tomorrow to make sure.

I just fed him made sure he drank some water. Got some treats in him. He went potty and poop while I was down there. He cried for a bit when I left but is settling at his spot on top of the stairs. I set a camera up to watch him when I'm not there and a little soothing music so he doesn't feel so isolated.

I also bought a more soft collar which comes Tuesday and thought if we make it that long might be a good switch up. I get why he needs it bc while I was down there he tried licking it and I'm sure this didn't help the first time around and added to getting an infection.

I'll do my best and just try to get through the next week with him. I'm nervous about Monday and Wednesday bc I go to work and can't be here to go down and make sure he has what he needs and spend time with him. He will be on his own for like 10 hours. I might see if a neighbor will pop down and make sure he doesn't need help.He is allowing petting more so I sit with him and try to be soothing.