Strategy For Preventing Ants From Feeding On Cat Food


Beeqie - Sly Kitty - 2017
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 26, 2016
Hi all,

I am an active member of the TNR&F (Trap-Neuter-Release & Feed) community. I have to date TNR'd around 50 ferral cats and kittens. It is a non-trivial process, but frankly a very rewarding one in my view. In the SFV suburb of Los Angeles, MexiCalifornia, US of Mexico, there are several either low-cost or completely free neutering clinics. One which I frequent is operated by the kitty charity organization. If truly ferral, the kitties are neutered for free complete with shots, but I always donate their non-ferral prices, which is around $75 each. Considering the local commercial vets charge around $450 + meds, that remains an excellent deal and it helps the overall TNR community as well as our little guys.

I also have a number of (now) socialized ex-ferral kitties that I regularly feed and generally care for and whom I consider to be my out-doors-only extension of my family kitties. :)
Currently, there are ten kitties in that colony and with a new member having appeared in the last few weeks to which I have assigned the name 'bootsy'. He is a handsome character, all white (including whiskers) with black paws, black patches on his tail and head. However for such a large kitty he sure is a whiner, but is very pushy. That kitty is full grown and fully tame. The first night he appeared as I was feeding the colony (on my back-porch, where I have a cold-weather kitty 'warm' structure which is comfy and rain proof, bootsy tried to go right into my house, and hopped up onto my gal's lap! That's fairly tame in my book, considering we were all strangers. I am keeping him outdoors, as I have four indoor/outdoor kitties now. Here in MexiCalifornia, 5 indoor kitties is the limit, four is two too many for me! I am searching around the area to determine if someone has lost their 'indoor only' kitty. When I first saw him, his coat was silky, as though he had been recently combed, and he was voraciously hungry. Now, his coat has that coarseness one feels when touching an outdoors colony kitty.

Ad over the past few years, as I am certain that others have experienced, when ants swarm all over kitty food, kitties, who are picky about their food, unless very hungry, won't eat the food. I have tried many different strategies to keep ants off the food, all of those strategies have failed for one reason or another. However, I have finally developed a simple but very effective and long lasting solution. It may same strange at first sight, but trust me, it works.

Simply stated, ants and roaches will not cross a motor-oil barrier. I use a dog-food gravity auto-feeder filled with dry catfood. I 'open' the cat food in the morning for a couple of hours and then close it until early evening and then 're-open'. I 'close' the autofeeder by placing a large-enough cardboard box to cover and enclose the feeder. That keeps the opossums from eating all the food.

I take a cardboard box, large enough for the feeder to fit within the bottom of the box, but I cut the sides down to about 1 or 2 inches high. I place a cut to fit heavy aluminum-foil (CostCo restraunt foil, 24" W x 99' long, two in a package for $12) sheet to fit inside the bottom of the card-board box. I glue (ShoeGlue or Goop, both of which are exactly the same chemistry, but different size tubes and prices), glue the foil into the bottom of the box, a randomly distributed drop of glue here and there, but especially around the edges. Then I take several sheets of paper-towels although cloth would likely work as well and I pour spots of motor-oil on to the paper-towels, the spots will spread eventually covering the entire sheet, but not sopping wet. I then place within the aluminum-foil lined box with motor oily paper-towels the auto-feeder. Using a finger (wearing nitrile gloves) I smear a little amount of oil onto the bottom support rim of the auto-feeder, just in case an ant should find a clear non-oil path to the feeder. But if the paper-towel is properly oiled, that will not happen. I have been using this strategy for seven years. Of course there are other possible configurations. The idea is simple, keep the ants off, while isolating the kitties from having oily paws, with no possible injestion of the (toxic to living beings) motor oil.

I recently purchased a Rostock 3D printer and I am developing a prototype manually 'gated' auto-feeder with an in-built ant oil-barrier. Later, I plan to add solar-panel charged battery powered, microprocessor timed feed-gate.

Best Wishes for All,



TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
That sounds amazing. Could you possibly post a picture? I would love to see this creation.

So jealous of the 3D printer. Pictures of your creations are always welcome!

Thank you so much for all of your hard work and dedication to these kitty! You are truly an inspiration!
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Beeqie - Sly Kitty - 2017
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 26, 2016
Hi ShadowRescue,

I visited your blogsite, very nice, indeed. It seems that we are on the same frequency. Sorry to learn of Misty's issues. I put some vibes in her direction. A cancer research scientist that I chatted with, several years ago, back when I was actively studying alien presence, told me in his office that he (a billionaire funded multi-discipline research scientist) believes, that all cancers are the result of alien implants. They do it for some purpose that is incommensurably 'outside' of Human-cognition-space.

The cat-houses (so-to-speak) is a revelation to me, what a neato product! I've been hacking together various hooches for my outdoor kitties and have been considering constructing a tiered tree-like chick-coop like structure, each level being higher than the other levels, with a shag rug material stapled to it, to enable scratching and climbing. While each level would be fully enclosed and carpeted, and rain-resistant. I think I'll construct it anyway and then populate the levels with the K&H kitty houses I saw on your site. And they are very reasonably priced too, considering how greedy America has become in these past (high-fuel price) years.

Re; the coyotes, that's a tough problem. I won't tell you what happened to one of my outdoor kitties or what I found after the coyotes were in the yard...I wanted to kill'm. Fortunately for the coyotes they haven't been back since I moved the kitty hooch to the back porch. A small gauge 410 shotgun will do the trick.

Good luck with Misty (and the RADAR) kitty who had surgery. I call the cone collared kitties, "RADAR kitties", heh heh.

Re; photos of the ant-free feeders, the aluminum foil lined box feeders I gave away to a TNR&F gal, and the other two I gave to an industrial building where the engineers are feeding a feral community in their back parking lot. The foil+papertowl feeder I have now is the one I made 7 years ago, I'll take a photo of it, but its pretty ratty looking and there's no box. That one I made used a 'pan' I fashioned out of foil, placed the motor-oiled papertowels inside the pan and then placed the feeder on top of the papertowels. The problem with that strategy was that the kitties stepped onto the papertowels and there were dozens of oily kitty prints all over the place!! Now the paper towels seem to have 'dried-out', but the ants and roaches still do not cross the towels, but there no are tracks. It works. The box strategy is nicer because the kitties do not get their paws in it. When I get the printed plastic prototype version fabricated, it will completely solve the possibility of oily paws while remaining functional. As time permits I'll upload a few photos. Maybe I'll be able to drop by the company where I donated foil-box feeders and see if I can get some photos of those, of course, I'll could just hack one together for the photos, true? I'll see when I get the time.

Best Wishes for All



TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I just love collecting ideas on how to better the lives of my feral boys. Also spreading the word to others on how they too can help.

My sweet Misty is really struggling. She healed beautifully from her surgery, but now has skin eruptions that are abscessing. We are in the process of testing now to determine what these could be. I am doing whatever I can for her.

My radar kitty is doing well. He doesn't know how good he has it (well actually I think he does!).

I mentally talk with the coyotes each night. I ask for energetic protection around my yard as well as around my feral boys.

Thank you for all that you do!