Seeking advice


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 19, 2022
I live in a cul de sac that has some rough people in it. Its blocks of council flat with a lot of poverty and some drug taking.

Basically there is a flat here where the owners kept an indoor cat. It escaped and got pregnant. 9 months ago the cat turned on the kittens (it was locked in a small flat with all the curtains closed with 2 kittens) and ever since then it has lived outside. After 6 month and most of winter a neighbour was letting it in. Then I built an outdoor box. After 9 months I knocked on the owners door. she said she wants to keep the cat and that we need to stop feeding it and letting it in our homes so it will comes back.

She said she would let it in her kitchen window and it could live in the kitchen. The box I made was positioned for the cat to see her opening the window. We all stopped feeding it and for 10 days she hasnt opened her window to let it in at any point. I can only conclude she wants it to starve to death. Anyway after a 3 days of the window closed I started putting dried food biscuits in the box again.

All the cat charities and rescues say to leave this cat like this because the owner wont declare she doesnt want the cat anymore. It was in that box in the snow and gale force winds and torrential rain.

This woman has had every chance. Its been 9 months. And the cat could get pregnant again. Its outside day and night unspayed. If it wasnt for my box this cat would have died from the elements.

I am thinking about doing something reckless & if its the wrong thing to do I hope you will give me an alternative.

I can only take the cat to the rescue centre if the owner has declared they dont want it. So the only thing I can do is to lead them to think the cat has gone because it died and for it to turn up at the rescue centre as dropped off anonymously.

I cant believe they say its their cat and they leave it with no food at all. I have checked and the window is never ever open. The cat is in the box every night. During the day it goes around neighbours houses begging them to let it in to live with them! It wants to be indoors. It was an indoor cat!

One man has his windows open and the cat was trying to be in there all the time. It wanted to live with him but I asked him and he said he doesnt want a cat.

I am on the verge of taking this cat to the rescue centre. Its been 9 months like this. I cant just sit as it gets pregnant in the box outside. Please advise me. Should I encourage the inevitable that this cat vanishes on a night at 0 celcius and they think its dead but its actually in a rescue centre having been dropped off anonymously? I cant give my identification because I cant declare where the cat came from because without the owner letting go of this wish to starve and cause the cat to die in winter the only way the shelter will accept the cat is if no information is there!

Ive concluded this anonymous vainishing is the only way to not end up in conflict with these people who are very rough. If the cat vanishes that looks natural but if anyone is a 'grass' on these rough estates they will be hated by the whole estate. Im just trying to save this cat from pregancy in a gutter and dying out in the frost. The longer I have this box out the more likely these neighbours will turn on me because they said to stop feeding it.

If animal services turn up it will be a witch hunt for the grass so this vanishing cat is the only option I can see.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2022
I live in a cul de sac that has some rough people in it. Its blocks of council flat with a lot of poverty and some drug taking.

Basically there is a flat here where the owners kept an indoor cat. It escaped and got pregnant. 9 months ago the cat turned on the kittens (it was locked in a small flat with all the curtains closed with 2 kittens) and ever since then it has lived outside. After 6 month and most of winter a neighbour was letting it in. Then I built an outdoor box. After 9 months I knocked on the owners door. she said she wants to keep the cat and that we need to stop feeding it and letting it in our homes so it will comes back.

She said she would let it in her kitchen window and it could live in the kitchen. The box I made was positioned for the cat to see her opening the window. We all stopped feeding it and for 10 days she hasnt opened her window to let it in at any point. I can only conclude she wants it to starve to death. Anyway after a 3 days of the window closed I started putting dried food biscuits in the box again.

All the cat charities and rescues say to leave this cat like this because the owner wont declare she doesnt want the cat anymore. It was in that box in the snow and gale force winds and torrential rain.

This woman has had every chance. Its been 9 months. And the cat could get pregnant again. Its outside day and night unspayed. If it wasnt for my box this cat would have died from the elements.

I am thinking about doing something reckless & if its the wrong thing to do I hope you will give me an alternative.

I can only take the cat to the rescue centre if the owner has declared they dont want it. So the only thing I can do is to lead them to think the cat has gone because it died and for it to turn up at the rescue centre as dropped off anonymously.

I cant believe they say its their cat and they leave it with no food at all. I have checked and the window is never ever open. The cat is in the box every night. During the day it goes around neighbours houses begging them to let it in to live with them! It wants to be indoors. It was an indoor cat!

One man has his windows open and the cat was trying to be in there all the time. It wanted to live with him but I asked him and he said he doesnt want a cat.

I am on the verge of taking this cat to the rescue centre. Its been 9 months like this. I cant just sit as it gets pregnant in the box outside. Please advise me. Should I encourage the inevitable that this cat vanishes on a night at 0 celcius and they think its dead but its actually in a rescue centre having been dropped off anonymously? I cant give my identification because I cant declare where the cat came from because without the owner letting go of this wish to starve and cause the cat to die in winter the only way the shelter will accept the cat is if no information is there!

Ive concluded this anonymous vainishing is the only way to not end up in conflict with these people who are very rough. If the cat vanishes that looks natural but if anyone is a 'grass' on these rough estates they will be hated by the whole estate. Im just trying to save this cat from pregancy in a gutter and dying out in the frost. The longer I have this box out the more likely these neighbours will turn on me because they said to stop feeding it.

If animal services turn up it will be a witch hunt for the grass so this vanishing cat is the only option I can see.
Why don't you just notify the Rescue Centre of the situation . Perhaps they can contact the neighbor whom says it's her Cat. Since your worried about a legal issue let the Rescue Centre handle It.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 19, 2022
Because then they want to know who the grass was. Its not a legal issue its a case of living in a block of flats where Im the grass


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2022
Because then they want to know who the grass was. Its not a legal issue its a case of living in a block of flats where Im the grass
You Completely lost me understanding your last sentence. Were obviously from different Countries as I don't know what " Iam in the grass" means.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 5, 2018
I am so sorry for the situation you are in. Watching an animal being neglected is horrible, and it is so kind of you to help this little cat. A few thoughts....

Would the local animal rescue/humane society investigate and keep your name confidential? Perhaps they could say there were several reports of neglect. Certainly there must be others in the neighborhood who worry about this cat.

Do you think the "owner" might have had a change of heart and would be willing to give up the cat? Is there someone else in this household you could appeal to? Or is there another neighbor who is friendly with them who could ask on your behalf?

Would you be willing to buy the cat from this woman? Just a small amount. Tell her your niece/sister/friend has fallen in love with the kittie. Then find a good home for her.

Could you take this cat to a vet to be spayed? I don't know if a vet would be willing to see a cat without the owner, but it might be worth checking and at least the cat wouldn't become pregnant. Then you could continue to do your best to provide shelter and food, maybe moving the shelter to a more hidden location.

My sister lived near a bunny rabbit that was kept in a tiny, dirty crate 24/7 and was totally ignored. One night she rescued this bunny while the owners were on vacation and took it to a bunny rescue organization. Of course this was wrong (legally, maybe not morally!), but I understand the frustration and anger when you see an animal abused or neglected and you feel you have depleted all your options.

Hopefully, someone else will chime in with some ideas and advice. Best of luck to you and thank you for caring.
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 22, 2022
In my heart I know , if I was sure (9 months is enough to be sure) I would remove the cat.
someone dumped indoor cat outside in the middle of the winter. The house is 10ft from the busy road. I watched the cat beg passerbys to help, everyone kept walking. After a week and cat miraculously surviving I knocked on the door and was told that she was shedding all over the house. That evening I picked her up and she was in my garage extremely happy to have heated bed and food. She was there for a month until I found someone that wanted her. Never lost any sleep thinking how they feel, don’t care. Cat is safe. If it helps…


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 13, 2021
My 2p:
If none of the suggestions Avery Avery made seem like they will work, and you can get this cat to the rescue center without any of your neighbors knowing... just do it. Sometimes the right thing to do isn't completely legal. It's good of you to care about this poor cat.
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  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 19, 2022
I am so sorry for the situation you are in. Watching an animal being neglected is horrible, and it is so kind of you to help this little cat. A few thoughts....

Would the local animal rescue/humane society investigate and keep your name confidential? -They would figure it out by ruling out the other neighbours

Do you think the "owner" might have had a change of heart and would be willing to give up the cat? -no
Is there someone else in this household you could appeal to?-no
Or is there another neighbor who is friendly with them who could ask on your behalf?-If I try all these it becomes clear its me making trouble

Would you be willing to buy the cat from this woman? Just a small amount.

Could you take this cat to a vet to be spayed? I don't know if a vet would be willing to see a cat without the owner, but it might be worth checking and at least the cat wouldn't become pregnant. Then you could continue to do your best to provide shelter and food, maybe moving the shelter to a more hidden location.
Unfortunately and very stupidly the vet isnt allowed to spay the cat unless I am the owner

Basically the more of these approaches I make the more obvious it becomes that I am the one who did the last resort action when inspectors come or the cat vanishes.

At the moment the situation is a bit more balanced. Because recently a few other neighbours showed dissent and I havent shown more interest than they did.

I should have made the cat vanish when it was very cold. Its unfortunate that I hadnt thought of this idea a few weeks ago
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 19, 2022
Thanks everyone I was getting scared it was the wrong thing to do as it seems so radical but it has been 9 months so its good to know Im not going mad but thinking down the right track.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 6, 2013
I would take it to the rescue if possible to do without anyone knowing it was you. It may not be legal but the cat is sure to get pregnant again if she isn't already and then you are going to have kittens to deal with as well.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 5, 2018
I totally understand that you don't want to stand out as the main individual making a fuss. Maybe now that a few more people are paying attention and don't like what they see, something good will come of it. Strength in numbers! If nothing improves soon, and if you can carefully and safely and quietly rescue this cat, it might be necessary. I would hope that the woman would not then replace this cat with another....