Scooting bum across the floor??


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 1, 2022
Hi cat lovers and friends ♥
Lilo is my small (yet mighty), floofy, orange, cloud- shaped, 3 year old cat (I attached pictures below).
My cousin so lovingly gave her to me at 8 weeks old. I haven’t had any concerns about her health in the 3 years I’ve had her (I feel very fortunate for that). However, the other day I heard her howling so loudly and deeply I thought it was from an animal outside. I ran into the room she was in and she was scooting her bum across the floor. I took a look under her tail and her anus was red and irritated. This happened late at night, so I wasn’t able to take her to the vet. I was freaking out all night because I started assuming the worst, but the next day I checked under her tail and everything looked normal. I’ve been giving her almond milk, checking her litter box for concerns, checking under her tail, and everything has been normal for the past couple days. She has plenty of energy, is always wanting to play with her laser, she sleeps on my chest at night (per usual), is eating and drinking her regular amount and has been her usual self. But tonight, she started scooting on the carpet A LOT, she wasn’t howling and didn’t show any signs of pain before, after or while scooting.... but I have to assume something is wrong because she’s never done this before and from what I’m reading online scooting is concerning for cats. I moved a couple months ago, but I found a new vet to take her to on Monday. I’m nervous as I can be because I can’t fathom the idea of letting anything happen to her. Has anyone else had an experience like this with their cat?? Or any advice until I can get her to the vet on Monday?

As I’m sure many of you can relate to— my cat means the world to me. When my cousin told me she wanted to give me a kitten because I needed some company as I was going through a bad break up and moving into a studio apartment. I thought a tiny companion would be comforting, but I had no idea how much I needed her to come into my life at that time. These past three years have been the most challenging years of my life, and most days she’s my only friend. I know that sounds sad and dramatic, but I’m truly grateful to have her in my life. I have no idea how I would have made it through these last couple years without her, but she’s given me the love and gentleness when I needed it most. I know this was quite the rant, so if you read this far, thank you for reading this ♥ I’m filled with anxiety by the thought of letting anything happen to her. I’m hoping this vet visit will be simple and painless for her without any grander complications. The internet can just be a scary place and everything I read scared me.

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verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
Hello LilosFanClub LilosFanClub and Lilo, what a lovely cat. Welcome to the site, its good to have you join us.
Scooting can often mean they haven't expressed their anal glands. This usually happens naturally when they defecate. Does Lilo have soft stools or diarrhoea?. Its good you have an appointment with your vet just to check her over.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 24, 2021
That sounds like some kind of irritant which happens. Keep an eye on her for more scooting until you can get her to the vet. I'm sure everything will be just fine shortly.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Also as long as she's acting normally otherwise it's likely nothing to worry about as most causes are easy to treat. As it could be as one person already said her anal glands, the itching from worms can also cause it. I know ick but not life threatening and also diarrhea or even constipation. And sometimes it's simply an itchy bum and that's the best way to scratch it.