Question Of The Day, Wednesday, September 26, 2018


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
I'll throw my vote in with @Norachan and @betsygee - When I was rescuing the "cats next door" who'd been abandoned, I had 54, spread over three buildings, and even with the daily help of my veterinarian, it was a struggle keeping up with them - but the three "sets" of cats got along perfectly within their respective clowders, and that really was the key to managing them - and to socialising them sufficiently so that nearly all were able to adapt, adjust and overcome (a few stayed on here, and with time and patience, grew to understand, as well). When there's infighting, two cats can be one cat too many (just think of that pair from Kilkenny).

An observation with which I suspect norachan and several others here on TCS will agree: there are times when one particular cat can change the fact that we're one cat beyond absolute desultory chaos. In years gone by, my Japanese Bobtail "throwaway" - Noodles - was the peacemaker and the welcoming committee. Any newcomer immediately fell under his protection, and I never met a cat who wouldn't defer to him. He facilitated the introduction of many new kitties over the years, and his passing made two new introductions rather difficult.

Now, the least likely of all my cats - White Tip, a former feral cat herself, and once the fiercest and least social cat I'd ever known - has become the facilitator, welcoming Black Friday, Clawed-Ya and Mirò as though they were her own Family, and even acting as Mirò's protector initially, in the same fashion in which Noodles once did.

It's all about personality - and whether you have a Diplomat Cat who can ease the tensions while a newcomer learns the ropes, however, at a certain balance point, the dynamic seems to take care of itself. Introducing a new cat into a one-cat household can be incredibly intimidating. Adding a newcomer to a four or five cat clowder is generally a great deal easier, since the group thought process already prevails in most cases. Toss a new cat into a ten cat clowder and the chances are good that the rest with just say, "oh, a new cat," and go on their merry way.

The real answer to the question:

is that there's no such thing. A little time, a little patience and Love is all it takes. Back to Virgil again; "Love conquers all."
That is so, SO true. When I was a kid, we gradually acquired cats ('in the cat turns up and asks if it can move in' kind of way). We started with one (a refugee seeking asylum from her family's recently acquired dog), then got a bonded pair of kittens, and after that they just kept showing up every so often. We generally had 4-6 cats at any one time, and gradual introductions were never even thought of. They'd just show up, move in, and got on with it.

I think Shadow was our most recent Diplomat Cat. He was wonderful with Asha, and she still misses him. It was a huge shock when we brought the boys in last summer, and we had to do full on, carefully segregated introductions. It took a full year for Asha to accept them, and even now she's not particularly keen. She tolerates them, though, and babysits them...which is being in the same room so they can SEE her disapproving of them, and growling to tell them off whenever they start doing anything naughty (e.g. climbing the tv set or pulling things off shelves). They obey her better than they do us! :lol: Its taken a while, but she's definitely Boss Cat now :purr:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 28, 2018
Given our current space, schedules and finances...two is comfortable. I have days where I've thought about or have been tempted to add a third but haven't acted on it. So, 2.5? With leanings for staying as we are.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 9, 2014
Fredericksburg, VA
The most I ever had was 8 cats. They were my first cats and they were a family of ferals. They all got along together and were sweet as they could be. The last one passed almost 3 years ago (Muffy). As much as I would like to get some more inside cats I can't because of my health. I have 2 ferals right now. I guess if I ever got more my limit would be 3 cats.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
i agree with @Norachan , that it depends on if the kitties get along well with each other. :agree:

my Mickey :rbheart: and Snick :rbheart: were all i needed, and they were actual littermates and got along purrfectly.

Snick and Dude (aka, Jaspurr) got along extremely well, loved each other very much, after they were carefully integrated. :redheartpump:

and now our Dude, DeeDee, and Punky all love each other, and enjoy sharing their home and life together. :heartshape:


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 29, 2017
Delaware, USA
I have to agree with @Norachan
The number of cats is limited by the purrsonalities in the house.

I had 3 cats for several years. These girls tolerated one another, but were introduced to each other as adults. I never EVER thought a 4th cat would be a good idea with that group.
After :angel3:Tipper and :angel3:Allison left us, Kiki was alone for awhile.

We brought Trina home as a stray when a friend found her. She was about 3 months old then. About 4 months later, Robin came from the shelter at 3 months old.
Unfortunately, Kiki left me shortly after that.

Now, I have only Robin and Trina. It's very tempting to add another kitten, but I think 2 is the right number for us at this time.

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Not just purrsonalities.

I would like to add to my post on this thread that I have no human kids. I work crazy hours for a rather lucrative construction company. I can well afford (time and money) the cats I have and in no way look down on people not as fortunate as myself. I think we all do what we can do and I love each and everyone of you for doing all that you can do. Many of you look after more than 4 cats and I love each and every one of you regardless of how many cats you can care for. I love my 4 and look forward to one more:)
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TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
2 is our limit. DH is allergic so any more really is not fair to him. I used to say that I wanted 6 cats and 2 dogs. Now; no way. That was before I added kids to the mixture. And before these 2 reached their senior years with medical needs and all that. I'd rather give them quality than have quantity for myself. Maybe I'll feel different when my kids are teenagers or out of the house.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
One has been our limit for years, thanks to the respective cats. When we got Jamie, our last cat, I'd decided to take two of his brothers. He decided I was going to take him - he was all over me. Since he fought with his siblings even as a young kitten, we ended up with a singleton.

After Jamie's death, we planned to get two kittens from a breeder. I went to the local shelter to donate Jamie's food and heart meds as well as play with the kitties. They had a couple of black cats that had to be housed in single rooms, which are few, and kept steering me to them. Mowgli had been returned because he didn't get along with his first family's resident cat, and all attempts to introduce him to other cats at the shelter had failed. I found him irresistible, so now we have another singleton.

I think we're just meant to have one.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 30, 2013
Ontario, Canada
For me it would be eight :lol:

As one can see from my sig I have quite the number - but very comfortable with it. I enjoy the company, I have the space, I can feed them comfortably and it is all good.

They all get along well and have a great sense of humour, and are affectionate with me. Can't go wrong! It's pretty heavenly coming home having all these cutie pies waiting for you at once, or snuggle with you in bed.

But I am trying my best to make sure it stays that way so not to risk being overwhelmed eventually. My current muffins are all rescues, all free; found on the streets, from the barn, adopted in etc

Of course I'd still always help a kitty in need regardless!


“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
Staff Member
Dec 13, 2017
Pacific NW
Mowgli had been returned because he didn't get along with his first family's resident cat, and all attempts to introduce him to other cats at the shelter had failed.
There’s a kitty at the sanctuary where I volunteer like Mowgli. After multiple attempts to introduce him to the guys (they’re all males right now) in the FIV+ room and at least one trip to the emergency vet to repair the damage Rio had inflicted on one or more of his roommates, they finally moved him into the old house that holds the office and intern quarters. He LOVES people and tolerates and bullies dogs. But even the scent of another cat sends him into a rage. We all have to mist our legs with Feliway spray after we’ve been with other cats or he’ll attack us!


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Tobermory Tobermory There are a lot more wannabe singletons than people think. I've been working at the shelter I referred to for the past four years, and quite a few of the cats or kittens are surrendered due to problems with other cats in the household, mainly fighting or inappropriate peeing/pooping. Our shelter could definitely use more single cat rooms!

The weird thing about both Jamie and Mowgli was/is that they found/find dogs perfectly acceptable, just like your guy.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I don't think Alice would accept another cat as an adult, now a senior. She and Patches were fine but I got her second as an 8 week old kitten and Patches was still a kitten. I would not put her or to be honest myself through trying to introduce another cat. She can be a singleton from now on.