Question of the Day, Sunday, September 25, 2016

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  • #21


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Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
My now 2 year old black cat Casey was adopted as a 7 week old kitten.  His first night home.  I set up an extra litter box in my master bathroom for him. I also set up his food and water on the other end of the bathroom.  He decided it would be fun to stand in his water bowl to drink water.  This was adorable.  However he took his wet paws into his litter box and got litter stuck to them. Next thing I know he jumped up on my bed with litter covered paws. We had to change all of our bedding quickly before we went to bed because he left a trail of litter on and in my bed.  His water bowl and food were moved from the bathroom to our 2nd bedroom far away from the litter box.

Sonny my 6 year old buff tabby loves tearing apart white shoes laces from gym shoes.  We have to keep our gym shoes hidden in closets to protect them.  We also have to make sure our guests do not leave their gym shoes out in the open.  Sometimes he will even go after the laces while you are wearing the shoes. Hubby took off his gym shoes last night and forgot to put them in his closet.  We woke up to pieces of shoe lace all over our bedroom.  He never eats the shoe laces but he leaves pieces of them everywhere.  He will also spill glasses or cups of water off my coffee table.  A friend of my hubby always sleeps with a glass of water in reach.  When he visits us he brings a water bottle with him that has a lid. Our coffee table has a top that opens up so it can be used as a dining table.  Our friend had a glass of ice water on the table with it up and fell asleep on our couch. Sonny woke him up by dumping the glass of water on him.  Our friend is a cat person and forgot to move the water before he went to bed.

Apollo is the best behaved of my 4. He is 3 years old and is a red tabby.  He does however have a meow that reminds me of someone yelling at me. We refer to it as being cussed out in kitty.  If he can see any empty spot in his food bowl he makes sure you know about it no matter what time it is.  I now shake the full bowl of food before I go to bed. He will also sometimes cuss me out for not being daddy when I get home from work.  I get home first.  He decides when it is time for hubby to go to bed.   He has woken me up talking loudly in the hall when he thinks it is hubby's bed time.  He unplugged my alarm clock one night.  Thankfully it has battery back-up and we keep the batteries fresh. I have a medical issue that sometimes requires a heating pad and he will steal my heating pad if I get up to use the bathroom.  He then then cusses me out in kitty when I want it back. I have tried giving him his own heating pad when I am using mine but he does not care.

Starbuck is a nine year old tabby. I adopted her when she was a six week old baby.  When she was little I could not eat cereal sitting down because she had to be in the bowl. She also thought nose biting was communication when  she was a baby.  She has outgrown both these behaviors. She will only come to bed with me if I pick her up and bring her to bed.  She protests when I pick her up and sometimes runs away when I put her down. If I have toast and do not eat it fast enough she will lick the butter off my toast on me. I do not make toast often though.  She also wakes me up when she wants to groom me.  This usually happens around 3 am when I don't have to be up until 7. When she is done grooming me she goes to sleep.  Sometimes I can not fall back asleep and that makes for a long work day.
ahhh, 4 naughty kitties! 

your story about your Starbuck when she was little and cereal reminded me of when my mickey
and snick
were kittens. any of the canned Chef Boy-ar-dee meals (beefaroni, ravioli, etc) when heated up caused them both to go wild trying to get to it!
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  • #22


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Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
They've done so many terrible things that I can't remember them all.

Throwing up in one of my shoes has to be near the top of the list. Or leaving dead voles under the couch to decompose and make the whole house smell. And just this morning Hiro walked past my yoga mat and sprayed it! That's got to be one of the worst things they've ever done.
naughty, naughty kitties!!! 
  oh my! dead voles left under the couch to decompose......
  i think your Hiro qualified for 'little stinker' status, by spraying your yoga mat...
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  • #23


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Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
You all have hilarious cats! And Norachan? Ewwww, just ewww. 

Hydrox, The Old Coot -
  • Brought a live mouse to bed. It's hilarious now, not so much when it happened. He also ate everything but the hind end of a mouse; he left that for me to clean up and I left it for Rick to clean up. Not going there. Nope. Uh-uh. I took the cat back to the bedroom with me and went to bed (working night shift). Rick came home, cleaned the entrails up, came back to the bedroom and had to knock on the bedroom door. He asked me why I locked the door...."The mouse was dead and the only thing left was its butt. What's it gonna do, drag its butt back to the bedroom? Drag itself on what?" I didn't know and I didn't care; that mouse was not going to get past a locked door. 
  • Hydrox is also the one who got stoned on nip and then proceeded to jump to the top of the freshly waxed tv. He slid completely across the tv and then crashed in a heap on the floor, taking a ceramic Santa to the floor with him. Poor Santa broke his hand and Rick had to glue it back together.
Banshee -
  • Unrolled a roll of toilet paper one day. I walked into the bathroom and she and Whisper were sitting in nest of paper on the floor and she was having a grand time. Whisper looked at me and said, "I am so outta here!" and took off. Banshee looked at me and said, "What?"
  • Banshee is also the one who dragged my bra into the living room and then got caught in it and went butt over tin cup.....when we had guests for dinner.
BooBoo -
  • Used to hike his kitten butt up to the top of the kitchen cabinets in the middle of the night and then yell for me to come get him down because he was too afraid to make the jump back to the floor.
  • He also ate a spider, who then bit the inside of his throat. He went into shock and we had to do an emergency run to the vet. I think he was around two years old at the time.
Ms. Pepe -
  • Chewed the cord to my computer mouse (it was not plugged in at the time, thank goodness). And, of course, I had to tell the clerk at Staples that "my cat ate my mouse!" 
This story involves a collective effort on behalf of the RugKittens. One day, I had made peanut butter cup cupcakes and they were cooling on the rack in the kitchen. I was going to make a tuna casserole for dinner and was draining three cans of tuna in the colander in the sink. I was vacuuming in the living room and Ms. Pepe who was napping on top of the tv, decided to jump down. The problem was that a claw was caught in a doily on the tv. The doily went to the floor with Pepe and the crystal basket that was on the doily crashed to the floor and shattered. I had to clean it all up and then inspect paws to make sure nobody was hurt. Walked out into the kitchen and there was Boo, munching on peanut butter cups that he had managed to paw out of cupcakes. Chocolate! OMG, the boy ate chocolate!

So I ran back to the computer room (where our only phone was at the time) and made a frantic call to the vet. As I was explaining to the vet that the boy had eaten chocolate, I walked back into the see Banshee's hind end sticking out of the sink. Her front end was in the sink and she's having a great time chowing down on the tuna. I said, "Banshee! Get your butt out of the sink and stop eating people tuna!" and hung up on the vet tech. Got Banshee down, got the tuna cleaned up, started draining three more cans of tuna, got Boo out of the cupcakes again, checked said cupcakes, and managed to save most of them. It turns out that Boo had really only eaten parts of two peanut butter cups. And then I remembered that I had hung up on the vet tech. Called her back and she said she completely lost it when I yelled at Banshee to stop eating people tuna. She said that Boo should be fine, but to keep an eye on him. And he survived. Banshee survived the tuna, too. Me, on the other hand? Well, it was a good day for the cats, not so much for Mom. (And Ms. Pepe. Rick said that he had it on good authority that Pepe was really mad; you see, she started the whole thing rolling, but she didn't get to eat any peanut butter cups or any people tuna. Rick said she was not amused.)

I've got some really good stories to tell. But you all get the idea. We always say that the best times of our lives were when we were raising the RugKittens.
most excellent stories, of most naughty kitties!!!

speaking of mice, since the cool fall weather has started here the mice have started to seek shelter in my basement again. i'll be going down there to set the mouse traps within the next week -- i use the old fashioned wooden traps, with peanut butter as bait...has been very effective. anyway, our deedee and punky have been hearing little mousie feets below, and i almost feel sorry for any mice that were to gain access to the first or second floor of our house. deed and punk would be on the mouse in a flash......and the mouse wouldn't stand a shadow of a chance.
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  • #24


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Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
was my little mischief-maker! He liked to open doors that were locked, always knocked stuff down walking in places he shouldn't. Such a loving little boy though. What I wouldn't give to have him knock something over again. His adopted nephew Oscar is very much like him in the mischief-making department, although he's not nearly the klutz Lucky was.
awww, your sweet Lucky! 

our deedee is very mischievous, very 'high-spirited'. back when the girls were about 7 months old, they were playing one day and i heard a crash. next thing i see as i'm walking to the back of the house to check on it is little punky hurrying away from the downstairs bedroom with eyes wide as saucers. the look she gave me, was like she was saying, 'she's crazy. i want nothing to do with that!' so i walk into the bedroom to find that a 12 pack of canned soda pop had been knocked over......and there's soda pop spraying up and all over the place, and our deedee was just sitting here watching it all! 
  so i cleaned it all up, the floor, the walls, the furniture, everything. and i stopped and cried a couple times too. such a sticky mess!
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  • #25


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Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
1. Margaret and the bra:  I once lived in an apartment. The laundry room was in a separate building, across the street, so, in bad weather, I often hand-washed my underwear, and hung in over the shower head. Margie was a kitten then, and loved to watch me take a bath in the morning.  I had placed the dry bra over the door knob.  I leaned over in the tub to shampoo my hair, and happened to glance toward the door. Margie had somehow gotten herself into the bra cup, on her back, and was hanging from the door knob in my bra!

2. Loki and the beer: DH used to make beer. Basically, once it's ready to drink, you siphon it from the carboy jug into the bottles, which are in a divided crate.  DH was doing this in the kitchen. I walked in to find Loki standing on the back rungs of the chair, draped over DH's shoulder, watching him with fascination as DH squirted the beer into the bottles on the floor.

3.  The Hooligan Sisters and the yarn:  Lucie, Kara and Gemma are known as "The Hooligan Sisters" for a good reason. They were older kittens when this happened, and I regret not having taken photos.  I had a ball of yarn in a storage ottoman, which had a heavy lid. In fact, I had three of them , side by side under our bay window. DH had gotten home from work before me. He left the "crime scene"  as he found it, so I could see it: yarn, tautly wound throughout five rooms downstairs--and I mean tautly wound!  It looked as if a human had done it--winding it throughout the rooms several times, and around furniture legs, and back through each room. It must have taken them hours to do. I accused DH of pranking me, but he swore that they had done it, and I believe him!  I had forgotten about it, and put more yarn in one of the ottomans. We watched as Lucie puzzled out which one it was in. She kept walking back and forth, testing the lids with her paw, until she found it. It took her about 15 minutes.

4. The Hooligan Sisters and the mini-blinds:  This is how they got their alias. My Brother-In-Law was staying for a few days. Normally, the guest room's mini-blinds were left up, but he would roll them down at night. He likes to keep the door ajar.  Did I mention that this room is normally the kitty boudoir? The next morning, I asked him how he slept :"Ok, except for your little soccer hooligans tearing the room apart."  They destroyed the blinds! I guess they wanted to look out the windows at night. 
awww!!! that must have been so very cute to see! 

oh my!!! such naughty kitties! 
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  • #26


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Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
What is it about cats and bras? 
 Banshee liked my bras, too. 

Years ago, Peanut Butter used to love to watch me in the bathtub. He'd come into the bathroom, jump on the edge of the tub and just sit there. Watching. We'd talk back and forth; well, I'd talk and he'd meow back at me. One night, I was in the tub and I was shaving my legs. I don't know what got into PB, but he just stood up, stretched, and dove into the tub with me. I was shaving the front of my left thigh and, to this day, I still have the scar from the razor. PB jumped into the bathtub, and hit my right arm, which was holding the razor. It was ugly, but fortunately, no stitches were necessary and Rick and I eventually got the cut closed and got the bleeding stopped. No ER visit. But I still have the scar on the front of my thigh. 

And Peanut Butter? Just as fast as he jumped into the bathtub, he jumped back out, ran around in the bathroom (water was everywhere), and shook himself like a maniac. Rick got him toweled off and wiped the bathroom down, while I was trying to get the bleeding stopped. 

It was an interesting evening. And yeah, PB still watched me in the bathtub after that (but I never shaved my legs in front of him again!

Peanut Butter was also the kitty who ate the tails off of our t-bone steaks one afternoon. I had taken them out of the fridge, seasoned them and was waiting to start the grill. Our son (who was still a baby) had awakened from his nap and was fussing. I went back to his room, brought him out, changed diapers, and was feeding him in the living room. And there came PB into the living room, dragging a t-bone. Oy. It was my fault; I never should have kept the meat out on the counter. (And you know, you'd think I'd have learned my lesson!!!) PB ate the tails off both t-bones. I think we went to KFC that night. Dear Richard was not amused. 
aaaaaahhhhhhh!!! naughty, naughty Peanut Butter! 
  very scary too, with the cut from the razor! 
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  • #27


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Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
If she does it won't be for a while. DD is back at school and won't be home until Thanksgiving. I did have to go in there a couple of weeks ago because I was going to see her and she needed some things. When I went in the room, Sophie heard the door open and thought DD was home so she stalked the door for a while before she gave up.
it sounds like your Sophie is still very interested in gaining access to your DD's room! 


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Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Silka was once sitting on the edge of the bathtub watching me take a bath (she's interested in water but doesn't want to get wet!) and she slipped and fell in. And climbed ME to get out! I had scratches all down my back. Fortunately none of them were deep. But ouch!