Question of the Day - Monday, May 25, 2020


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
It's a holiday here in the US so I've got DH home with us today. I slept SUPER late after doing a lot of physical work in the gardens yesterday. School is out for my household now too. So my mind is now on some summer fun. We aren't ones who go looking for costly entertainment like concerts and amusement parks. No big summer vacations either. We usually find out fun closer to home. (Although DH is well aware I'm ready to head back to Disney as soon as he gives me the green light! :lol2:)

What does summer fun look like in your house?

For us it's kayaking and fishing and maybe some hiking if the weather isn't too hot. DH still has to work of course but sometimes he gets a week off during the summer. He has taken the kids camping (I stay home because I like sleeping in my bed and someone has to take care of cat meds). We do have a backyard fire pit too. Sometimes they just camp out in the backyard (and then come in when the sun comes up and the birds get loud :rolleyes2: ). We might go to the beach once or twice a summer but we go later in the day when the sun isn't so high and crowds start to disperse. We were looking at getting a pool a few years ago but it didn't work out with our septic placement. I LOVE to be in the water and I'd be out there at least once a day if we had a pool. My kids have already been asking to get out the kiddie pool we have but I haven't let them yet. It takes a long time to fill for just one day of use before it gets gross (even with a foot wash tub). So sometimes they just get to use the sprinkler. And sometimes I water my kids and gardens all at once. :crazy:

Our school year was pretty busy so we slacked on a neat video art program I bought. I told the kids we can do art over the summer when the table is cleared of the typical school stuff. That will be nice on those days that really are too hot and humid to do outside fun. :agree: Of course we have bikes, bubbles, jump ropes and all that fun outside stuff too. We have a water table for the kids. They are both way too tall for it; but they have fun anyway. I've been thinking of getting some cinder blocks to raise it up for them. :lol2:

I'm hoping to do some early or late walks in the woods near our house too. We were walking a lot in January and February but got busy. The wooded trail should feel nice.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
For the last twelve years I have metal detected at the lake every morning. So up at 5:30, loading my gear by 5:45 and in the water by 6:00 am. Detecting up to my shoulders in the water until at least 8:00, then driving home for a hot shower and second cup of coffee. Around 10:00 I usually lay down for an hour or two nap and then start the rest of my day.

This year will be different because the lake and beaches I hunt are closed. I may do some shoreline detecting but other than that this summer will be pretty boring.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Before the coronavirus summer meant being outdoors as much as possible, e.g. walks along the lake, the Riverwalk, Botanic Garden, art fairs, farmer's markets, museums and dining al fresco. It doesn't look like that will happen this summer though so we will take walks close to home and relax on our patio while saving money. 😉


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
If this quarantine ever ends, and if I'm well enough, I'd love to reconnect with old friends, I miss them so much, I've been sick for so long. I've already been invited to swim in a friend's pool, so maybe I'll do that. I haven't seen her in 20 years. I'd also like to go to the fair and the beach. One of my friends is obsessed with goats, so it would be fun to take her to the petting zoo section of the fair and feed the goats.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
It's been summer here for a while now. Our summers last for many months so I'm :rolleyes2: about it. Not a fan BUT will never complain about them because the payoff comes in winter.I detest snow and the cold and we don't deal with either of those. :hyper:

Our "winters" are more like spring in most other places. That's the time to get outside and do things.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We spend a lot of days outside, planting or weeding, working in the veggie garden (and to us, that is pleasurable). I usually get up early in the morning and throw together something for dinner and throw that in the fridge. Late afternoons and evenings can be spent in the pool or lounging in a chair by the pool with a Smirnoff with my sister or with friends.

I also love to visit plant nurseries or antique shops. We'll make it an all-day thing, followed by dinner somewhere. We like to go with another couple when we can. We like to visit state parks for a small picnic, followed by a long walk; when Rick's parents were still around, we would meet them at a local state park for breakfast. As they got older, it became my turn to supply breakfast. Pancakes and eggs with bacon and ham, done on a camping stove. Plenty of OJ, plenty of coffee. Always a blueberry buckle or shoo-fly cake for dessert. We'd all sit around and talk, go for a walk, read the Sunday paper, and then come home. It was usually a weekend thing and we all had a good time.

This summer? I don't know. With the virus, we haven't been spending time with anybody and certainly have not been out and about all that much.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
We spend a lot of time in the garden with the cats, and if it's warm enough in the evening (the days tend to be very hot and the evenings get cooler here in the summer) we have dinner outside in our own home restaurant!