Question of the day 03/19/14


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
.... You could also grow cat grass and catnip (mint) :-)
Hmmmm, I tried the cat grass, apart from being rather suspicious that Mouse's gums seemed to get red every time we had it in the house (maybe chemicals in the growing meium or something?) he made such an evil mess draggin the bits of grass around the house roots and all I decided he wouldn't get any more.  I did feel mean though. 
I'm a big advocate of 'grow your own' cat grass since I felt suspicious about my cat's funny tummy after eating the generic garden store stuff. 

I have a huge garden and just love doing things in it.  I have feature pots at the two doors, and I'll put flowers appropriate to the season in them, but the rest of the garden just gets planted and looked after whenever I have the time.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
I have different things for my front door for many holidays; but
the hook I was using fell off (a command
hook) and I've not bothered to replace it yet; so nothing has been up since Christmas. 

Outside I plant a veggie garden with some marigolds in it during the spring and it will go into the fall.  By then as the veggies are dying off the marigolds get nice and full.  It's pretty!  I have potted herbs and some flowers too for our front steps and patio.  Plus a triple shepherds staff.  I only put 2 hanging baskets of flowers on it though.  I have a bird feeder that looks like a porch swing I hang from the top.  (Which means I get bird-seed-weeds growing in the pot below it.)  I like to have mums and pumpkins out in the fall.

I am hoping to put in a boarder next to
our curved front walkway.  I need to research first.  I'd like to plant it to have color there all year round.  Or at least Spring to Fall.
French geraniums are pretty and flower all year round.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
..they are insatiable isn´t Pam?...
Rigel, they ate every single ear of corn in our garden last year. We planted five nice rows of corn (two different early and a late variety) and got nothing. Rick fought and fought that battle, but lost. He even put up netting over the corn stalks, he was that frustrated. They rolled around in the netting and it looked like Sasquatch entered the corn rows. It was ugly. We got no corn at all. 

I don't know what we're going to do this year. Rick had wanted to put up a tall fence, but he never got around to it. We may not bother with corn (which is kind of a shame).
I saw a raccoon checking out the bird feeder last night. It was huge, and I almost had a heart attack because at first I thought Jed escaped and is now outside the window.
We have some cats outside that look so much like Mollipop and Muffin, too, that it's scary. The other day, there was a fat little buff-colored cat out around the back of the property line and my heart stopped. I had to go looking for Muffin, even though I knew she couldn't have gotten outside. Mollipop looks kind of like a raccoon, but she's a small cat, (and our raccoons around here are gigantic....probably from eating our corn!!!) so I know it's Molli when I see the coons outside.