Please give me advice or guidance… pics are posted and please visit at yout


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2019
North Carolina
I posted a little over a month ago about my cat getting diagnosed with cancer and we had the lump lanced so it could drain on its own. However, above the original lump, another developed and grew quickly (exponentially quick) and before I knew it, it ruptured on its own. This has left yet another hole and its deep. It has been draining and we have been treating him with pain medication and we are starting antibiotics. However, it seems to be getting more uncomfortable for him. He still eats, drinks, talks, uses the restroom, goes outside, and enjoys his toys. He turned 10 years old this year. At this moment he’s been he’s seeming like it is taking a toll on him (last night and today). I want to keep him alive and comfortable while he still enjoys his usual routines and myself, but it took a turn within hours it seems. I just need someone to give me some guidance and I wanted to know if anyone else had to watch their fur baby go through something like this and how they handled it. I am so torn because he still seems to enjoy his lifestyle, but I don’t want him to get so sick I can’t even soothe him when it’s his time. I can post pictures below. They are not for the faint hearted. Any replies are greatly appreciated because this is like my child and I’m trying to prepare myself for a world that he isn’t in. Thank you so much in advance.


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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Sep 20, 2019
North Carolina
The first two images are from the original problem area and after it was lanced.
The second two are of the growth that appeared very quickly and the blood spatter shows where it ruptured the day he was to go to the vet.
The last photo is of what it is doing now and this just started happening. Probably within the last hour.
He was diagnosed on October 1st and this is currently where he is at.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
So what has changed in the last hour. You said the last picture is what it is doing now that just started, but since it ruptured I thought it was draining, which it appears to still be doing. Is it draining a whole lot more? Is the drainage different? I'm guessing you still took him to the Vet since he is now on pain killers and an antibiotic. What did your Vet say about this?

You said he has been acting quite normal, eating, drinking, playing, etc., but is he STILL doing that? I just don't know what to tell you not knowing what is going on there, but it certainly doesn't look good. Is your Vet open on the weekend? Can you get him to an emergency Vet, or is the wound doing what your Vet expected it to do?

Are you more looking for a quality of life chart? In this thread, in post #17, there is a chart you could use. Flakes might have cancer - I'm scared and I'm angry The one thing I would recommend is to not wait too long. It is better that our own hearts break than for them to suffer :hugs: I'm not saying it's time, because I don't know. Just saying that in case it is.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Sep 20, 2019
North Carolina
So what has changed in the last hour. You said the last picture is what it is doing now that just started, but since it ruptured I thought it was draining, which it appears to still be doing. Is it draining a whole lot more? Is the drainage different? I'm guessing you still took him to the Vet since he is now on pain killers and an antibiotic. What did your Vet say about this?

You said he has been acting quite normal, eating, drinking, playing, etc., but is he STILL doing that? I just don't know what to tell you not knowing what is going on there, but it certainly doesn't look good. Is your Vet open on the weekend? Can you get him to an emergency Vet, or is the wound doing what your Vet expected it to do?

Are you more looking for a quality of life chart? In this thread, in post #17, there is a chart you could use. Flakes might have cancer - I'm scared and I'm angry The one thing I would recommend is to not wait too long. It is better that our own hearts break than for them to suffer :hugs: I'm not saying it's time, because I don't know. Just saying that in case it is.
Thank you so much for your reply. There is a change in his behavior. He seems out of it and really tired. I think it may be more painful than what it has been recently. The vet did expect a lot of drainage, but the drainage has changed in the last couple of hours. It’s not the normal blood-tinged fluid. It appears to be thicker and has a smell. His vet isn’t open on weekends and we aren’t near any veterinary clinics that open on weekends or have emergency services. I’m really worried that it may be time and I’m not going to be able to get him the help he needs. I don’t want him to suffer. When he was first diagnosed with cancer, I told his vet that as soon as it looks like pain is interfering with his happiness, I would be bringing him in for euthanasia, as much as it pains me to do so. This is all happening so rapidly and I want to make him as comfortable as possible until he can see his vet on Monday. He seems to be more relaxed and happier now that his medication has kicked in. I will definitely take a look at that thread. I’m just a little panicked and posted to the first place I saw regarding health. Again, thank you so much for the reply. :sunshine:


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I'm so sorry. What a predicament.

Not sure what that smell is as I've never dealt with cancer, either in my animals or people, but am thinking that's not a good sign. Could it be infection though? If so, perhaps it will just take a little time with the antibiotics? (I did just take a quick peak at Google and read that these type of wounds can definitely smell bad, and that antibiotics can help)

Just keep giving him his meds since he seems better now and check in with the Vet on Monday. Do keep us posted.