Older Cat With Separation Anxiety During Vacation


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 30, 2018
Hello all,

I'm wondering how to deal with separation anxiety in my cat Rosie while I'm out of town. She's about 17 and I've had her for 7 years. She lives with me and my boyfriend, and she loves him - she sleeps with him almost every night, lets him pick her up, sits on the couch with him, and hangs out with him while he works. He works from home, so she spends more time with him than she does with me usually. She is very attached to both of us though.

If I go out of town alone, he takes care of her, but she still seems to get stressed, usually evidenced by getting diarrhea or loose stools. I don't want her to be uncomfortable or stressed, and she also often gets it in her fur when that happens, so that's an additional source of stress to try to clean it out. She will also sit by the front door and wait for me. Honestly, she seems to do better if we're both out of town and have the cat sitters come, as opposed to her being alone with my boyfriend.

From what I've read online about separation anxiety during vacation, the main suggestion seems to be "have someone come stay with them while you're gone." However, she's still in her normal home environment and with my boyfriend who she loves and spends most of her time with. I've heard of calming sprays and pheromones but I'm not sure if that would help with something like this. Has anyone been in a similar situation, or does anyone have any advice on how to help her relax while I'm gone?



Windy City Fosters
Alpha Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Chicago Suburbs
I’ve never had a cat with anxiety, but my dog has severe separation anxiety and we usually use the pheromone spray to help her relax and it really works. I think you should give it a try!


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I would make sure that while you are gone there are no changes to her feeding routine, especially making sure she isn’t eating more out of stress. If she eats wet food, you can try mixing a teaspoon of plain canned pumpkin into it which may help with the loose stools. And leave her out some of your dirty laundry so that she can have the smell of you while you are gone.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 30, 2018
Thank you! I bought a Feliway calming diffuser so I'm going to plug that in before I go. I also talked to my boyfriend and he also mentioned that maybe he should start feeding her more regularly so she gets used to it. I get up before him in the morning so usually feed her then, and I feed her when I get home from work, so I'm going to have him start feeding her so she's more used to the routine.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
My 12 year old cat does not feel comfortable around anyone but us. We do travel once in a while. I have a friend who cat sits for me. The only time my cat sitter gets to see her at all is when she is running away to hide. We do know for the times we have had overnight guests that she will eat and use the litter box while they are asleep. Our cat sitter has been around since Starbuck was a baby but she still hides from her. My cat sitter would love to spend time giving Starbuck cuddles like she does with our other cats. My cat sitter has skittish cats of her own and knows that if Starbuck wants to stop hiding from her she will only do this when she is ready on her terms. She does know where Starbuck's hiding spots are so she does do a quick visual check to make sure she is ok. She looks at her briefly but does not try to pet her at all. My friend has cats that I almost never see when I am at her house. One of her cats that hides from me decided to come out and sniff me one day. I sat still and did not move while he was sniffing me. He sniffed me feet a little bit and then went back to hiding. I was surprised he let me see him at all. Some cats just bond to certain people only. As long as you know your baby is eating, drinking and eliminating when you are traveling that may be the best you will get. Starbuck is very affectionate with us when we get back from vacation but she has to complain first.