Noobs Is Now Domesticated


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
Well that makes Treasure first, then Shaman and now Noobs. Wichapi will be next as she's getting closer to me every day. Treasure and Noobs still do not like one another but I did manage to get them to eat side by side petting and talking quietly to both while they ate, although they growled at one another the entire time they ate. lol

Shaman headed a safe distance in case a fight broke out although she gets along well with both Noobs and her best friend Treasure.

Wichapi will be the last one to domesticate although Shaman and Wichapi do not get along, Treasure and Wichapi do. Crazy cat relationships, huh?

It is still my hope that Shadow finds a nice home to stay in or at least remains in the no kill shelter. Our no kill shelter has been known to release them back into the area they came (this is under investigation) but at the moment I had no choice because of the neighbor situation. At lease her one kitten found a good home.

All of this done off the Mom radar. lol
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  • #3


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
I do think progress with Mom is being made even if small. Yesterday she referred to Shaman and Treasure as "your cats" when talking to me instead of "the cats" like normal. I'm almost reluctant to post this for fear I'll jinx myself though

Shaman is becoming a homebody while Treasure is off exploring. Oh and uhm Treasure is a male. I just got a close look when he was rolling around on his back a little bit ago today. I know Noobs is as he sprayed on a the coffee tree outside.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Girls can spray too!

I thought maybe Treasure might be male; most orange cats are (about 75% male, 25% female). And orange males and calico females are often in the same litter.

What color is Noobs again?
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  • #7


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
I am really beginning to dislike raccoons. Because I no longer leave food out at nights for them to raid, they came and tore up the entire area that cats hang out at last night. It's going to take 8 hours to clean up an repair damages they did. Of course this is really going to set well with my mom. "This is why I didn't want you to start feeding them to begin with."

Shaman is outside now looking at the mess they left. I didn't see Treasure and hope he's ok but he's been fighting any and all animals as well as people who come onto the property besides me, Mom the mail lady and Shaman. My heart is heavy because I just know what my Mom will do as a result of this.
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  • #9


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
Ok so I'm totally confused. I thought there were only two tabbies: Treasure and the one I called Noobs. Looks like there are 3. Sometimes when the sun hits them they all look the same light coloring, but last night Treasure was laying by my feet. A darker color tabby was next door on the neighbors porch eating food they set out for him and by the garage was the tabby that was friendly with me yesterday morning. My next door neighbor (not the one with the abusive behavior toward Shadow and her kittens) is wanting to adopt this one and periodically lets this one outside. I did not ask a name so anyway, looks like another from the colony found a home and btw, it's the darker colored tabby that Shaman got along with well although doubt a litter mate as Treasure despises both the other tabbies, not the one that was in a hissing growling match with Treasure yesterday. I"ll just transfer the name Noobs to the lighter one which is most likely a male as well although Noobs is not gender specific.

Question though: Shaman isn't fat but when I pet her it seems her body is thick, if that makes sense. She spends 24/7 in my yard and so I know what she eats and doesn't eat. Just curious if that is significant of a certain breed? Sorry if I'm not explaining this correctly.
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  • #16


Cat Food Bowl Referee
Thread starter
Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
What bugs are poisonous to cats to eat? I just caught Treasure eating a bug, looked like an old ashen gray grasshopper. I never saw a bug like that before in my city. Most of our grasshoppers are green. I hope Treasure is ok as he is curious about everything.