Newly Adopted Cat Still Scared


Toni S.
Thread starter
Jan 2, 2018
Hoping for some advice regarding my newly adopted cat. It’s been almost two weeks since she’s come to my home, and I’m feeling a bit nervous about her behavior. This is my first time owning a cat, as well.

She has been hiding under my couch or dresser since I got her, and comes out at night or when I am not home to eat some food/drink some water and use the liter box. She is not interested in playing with toys (I have a laser and a wand toy as suggested by the foster) or eating treats from me, unless I leave them and walk away. Up until now, she has been sweet and has let me pet her while hiding- though I have only done this for a second or so as to not bother her, and after allowing her to smell me. Earlier today, I placed a treat next to her as she was hiding and she tried to scratch my hand. I feel badly that I may have caused more harm than good. When I adopted her, i was told how sweet and affectionate she was, but I am unsure if that is the case, or I just need to have a different approach/give it time. Any tips? (I’ve read a bunch of articles here, but looking for some more advice). Thanks:)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
Mine took a while, and was almost two weeks before she let me pet her (she was 4.5 months when I got her, if that helps). She cried terribly the first couple nights and I felt like the worst, because she was in my bedroom and she didn't want me in there (I had no other choice because the only other room that had a door was the bathroom and it barely has enough room for its fixtures much less cat stuff).

This was her:

One thing I did that may sound weird was stick some of my used socks under the dresser with her so she had to get used to my scent in her hiding place. I also think it did help that I was sleeping in there in the end because she got to explore me when I couldn't do anything to her and she would let me start watching her play as long as I was laying on top of the bed.

And she always saw me give her the wet food, which was a huge motivator for her. And suddenly almost two weeks later, she head butts me when I'm on the toilet and lets me know she's ready for me to pet her (I guess I looked vulnerable and safe there?). Otherwise, I just suggest being patient and letting her do things on her own terms.
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Toni S.
Thread starter
Jan 2, 2018
Hi Lari,

Thanks so much for your response! Hearing your story makes me feel a lot better. I'm going to try the sock suggestion (lol) soon to see if that helps. I am definitely getting inpatient, but will try to stop showing that to her by trying to pet her/interact with her. Thanks again and I'll keep you updated if anything changes!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 2, 2018
Washington, DC
I have a new kitty too (4 years old, only had her for 1.5 weeks) and definitely been experiencing similar things. The good thing is that she is coming out to eat and drink water! She is healthy and just getting adjusted. Do you have any catnip or catnip toys? She might like that too and it could encourage her to play (I have catnip mice and also sprinkle catnip on her scratching board). Have you tried sitting down near where she hides and talking softly to her? That has helped with my cat getting acquainted to me. As you talk, if she comes out to see you, offer your hand to her nose without petting her and see if she approaches, and then pet her if she does. This worked really well with my cat too, and she started head butting and wanting all the cuddles. She hid a lot at first, but now she is hiding less and less every day and wants my undivided attention when I'm home! I am sure this will happen for you and your cat soon!
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Toni S.
Thread starter
Jan 2, 2018
Hi Jackie,

Thanks for your input!!! I am happy to hear your new kitty is starting to adjust and is now cuddling:) I am looking forward to getting there with my cat, too. She was in a foster home for almost a year and was well adjusted after a little while, so I'm sure that is making it a bit harder that she was finally settled and is now in a new place again (before that, she was found on the street, but the fosters believed she was someones kitty before and was abandoned). I have been putting some catnip around her toys and her scratching post/tree, but she doesn't seemed phased by it. I have also been taking some time to sit by her and talk, but she hasn't wanted to come out yet. I will definitely continue though and try to remain patient.

Thanks again:)


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 2, 2018
Washington, DC
Hi Jackie,

Thanks for your input!!! I am happy to hear your new kitty is starting to adjust and is now cuddling:) I am looking forward to getting there with my cat, too. She was in a foster home for almost a year and was well adjusted after a little while, so I'm sure that is making it a bit harder that she was finally settled and is now in a new place again (before that, she was found on the street, but the fosters believed she was someones kitty before and was abandoned). I have been putting some catnip around her toys and her scratching post/tree, but she doesn't seemed phased by it. I have also been taking some time to sit by her and talk, but she hasn't wanted to come out yet. I will definitely continue though and try to remain patient.

Thanks again:)
My cat has a very similar backstory! I am sure your patience will pay off :)
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Toni S.
Thread starter
Jan 2, 2018
Hi all,

I have good and bad news regarding my previous post. The bad news is, Daisy’s foster felt she would be best back with her, with her cats, as she was not adjusting well being my one and only. The good news is, I will be bringing home a cat this week who is extremely outgoing and affectionate, who I am much more certain will be the one for me and vice versa. ❤