My Sweet Ginger Girl Gigi is Gone


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 21, 2021

Sorry haven’t posted in some time. Gig passed away today after throwing a clot and ending up with Saddle Thrombosis. This is my second cat with HCM and ST. She was diagnosed a year ago and recently I thought was feeling really good. She was only 10. She was a skittish cat in her early years but she brought so much spunk and joy and sweetness to my now 4 cat household (all boys). There is a void and I miss her dearly.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
What a beautiful girl, look at those polydactyl toes! Being the only girl, I bet she was Queen of the household, lording over all those boys. I'll bet she kept them in line!
Of course, your household seems emptier right now, she will be dearly missed. It always leaves a hole that takes a long time to heal. Eventually the sadness turns into gratitude for having her give so much to your own life's journey. Love is spiritual, so eternal. She will always be tied to your heart and soul, always sending you love, and encouraging you to go forward into the future. seeking love to help her own love grow even more and blossom in happiness. It is a great honor to be remembered and loved after death.
I am so glad you had another year with her to make even more precious memories. I am glad seh got to die at home surrounded by all her familie's love. Kiss those boys, they will be missing her too. Though cats take death as a natural end and do not fear it as we do.
My heart goes out to you, I hope right now you can just take one day at a time, letting the love of those 4 remaining boys bring you comfort, and know we are here holding you all in thoughts and prayers, Take care of yourself......RIP precious Gigi. You will never be frogotten, you will always have secure places in loving hearts. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 21, 2021
I am so sorry for your loss. She is beautiful.

Mia :hugs: :hearthrob::redheartpump::rbheart:
Thank you so much. This morning has been depressing. The house feels empty without her spunk, silliness, and sweetness. She was a very scared kitty in her early years. She withstood driving to CO as a youngster to try to get adopted at a rescue there. Only to be exposed to ringworm. Once I learned they were not going to adopt her out with her brother I told them I wanted her back. As soon as she got back home here in AZ, she recognized the house, room and my other cats. She stood her ground against my boy kitties and always wanted to cuddle in my lap or chest. This disease is maddening and heartbreaking.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 21, 2021
What a beautiful girl, look at those polydactyl toes! Being the only girl, I bet she was Queen of the household, lording over all those boys. I'll bet she kept them in line!
Of course, your household seems emptier right now, she will be dearly missed. It always leaves a hole that takes a long time to heal. Eventually the sadness turns into gratitude for having her give so much to your own life's journey. Love is spiritual, so eternal. She will always be tied to your heart and soul, always sending you love, and encouraging you to go forward into the future. seeking love to help her own love grow even more and blossom in happiness. It is a great honor to be remembered and loved after death.
I am so glad you had another year with her to make even more precious memories. I am glad seh got to die at home surrounded by all her familie's love. Kiss those boys, they will be missing her too. Though cats take death as a natural end and do not fear it as we do.
My heart goes out to you, I hope right now you can just take one day at a time, letting the love of those 4 remaining boys bring you comfort, and know we are here holding you all in thoughts and prayers, Take care of yourself......RIP precious Gigi. You will never be frogotten, you will always have secure places in loving hearts. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!
Your words are so meaningful and warm, and I thank you for sharing them and holding us in your heart. Thank you ❤
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 21, 2021
What a beautiful girl, look at those polydactyl toes! Being the only girl, I bet she was Queen of the household, lording over all those boys. I'll bet she kept them in line!
Of course, your household seems emptier right now, she will be dearly missed. It always leaves a hole that takes a long time to heal. Eventually the sadness turns into gratitude for having her give so much to your own life's journey. Love is spiritual, so eternal. She will always be tied to your heart and soul, always sending you love, and encouraging you to go forward into the future. seeking love to help her own love grow even more and blossom in happiness. It is a great honor to be remembered and loved after death.
I am so glad you had another year with her to make even more precious memories. I am glad seh got to die at home surrounded by all her familie's love. Kiss those boys, they will be missing her too. Though cats take death as a natural end and do not fear it as we do.
My heart goes out to you, I hope right now you can just take one day at a time, letting the love of those 4 remaining boys bring you comfort, and know we are here holding you all in thoughts and prayers, Take care of yourself......RIP precious Gigi. You will never be frogotten, you will always have secure places in loving hearts. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!
Thank you!

I had 1-2 girls before, both are now either living with my Mom or brother because one of my boys, Seth, would harass them and they didn't respond well. Gigi on the other hand, did. She was submissive when she needed to be, but held her ground too.
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 21, 2021
Hello again all,

Today I received the report from the ER visit with Gigi. I am a bit perplexed and upset. There are some things that are just flat out wrong, and others that were not communicated to us by the ER doctor. Some things are smaller in concern than others, but from what I have read, Gigi had:

  1. A partial saddle thrombosis, which I take to mean that some blood flow was getting to her back legs? Yet no word of partial anything was told to us by the ER vet.They indicated paralysis as they were concerned about injury to organs in her back end like kidneys and bladder.
  2. Her lungs were clear, which I take to mean there was no evidence of CHF
  3. Her pain was 0/1 of 4. Yet, we were told she would need something like Fentanyl to control her pain?
  4. They have an overall Lac blood result of 3.68, high end normal is 3.2 In another area they mention that Lac is 7.2 on her rear right leg, but there are no results for the left leg. Why would that be? Possibly that she only had a single leg paralysis?
  5. They did not even offer doing something as simple as a chest X-ray, which, since we already knew she had HCM, it was already diagnosed, may have been a moot point to do
  6. She did go over treatments, but always said there is risk, just doing the treatments was risky because she could throw another clot, if they break up the existing clot it could turn into smaller clots and go somewhere else, or she could have sudden death
  7. The report says they offered to do an estimate, but they didn't. They described treatments to us, like getting ahold of the cardiologist, doing an echo, etc., but never said, let's get an estimate and see what you may want to do. It was like it was make your decision now time is wasting.
  8. Said there was coldness in hind paws and limited motor, but not complete paralysis.
At any rate, today has been a tough first day after and I'm missing Gigi terribly and of course going over everything and thinking about what could have been done differently, if anything. I know it's easier to be subjective when you aren't in the throws of grief. I guess the shock might be wearing off and I'm not realizing she is gone. My remaining 4 cats seem out of sorts and I can just feel the difference this time.

Gigi had been on Plavix already and was getting heart glandular, but that was it. She hadn't progressed in her disease process enough last June to warrant other heart meds to control BP, etc. But, clearly the plavix was not preventing clot formation (I was told they aren't even sure it works as a preventative and may not work on all cats anyway). I am kicking myself for not getting her back into the cardiologist for another echo in early December. But, I just don't know what it really would have done. She may not have had the clot then.

I guess ultimately, I'm just completely heartbroken over this special girl.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Sometimes these reports have 'standard, generic' parts to them that they just choose and click on. All i know is that later, when your mind clears up a little from the madness of grief and fear, you start going over all the should haves, could haves. It is a part of grief. It also does NOT change the outcome, does not change the past. No matter how much we want it. Please try to concentrate on the goodness of your little girl, on what she gave you, on what she brought to your life.
You could call and ask them to explain some of your questions, have them written down. But often it just brings up more questions and more doubt. My heart goes out to you, I hope you find answers to give your heart some peace. But often there are no right answers, especially when in the middle of an emergency, when there are split second decisions to be made. No one is perfect........


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 26, 2022
Reading your story is painful..I feel somewhat what you are feeling having lost a pet yesterday. We are mad. At vets, at God, at ourselves and at people in general! I experience this once again today as I awake on the first full day w/o my precious pet. We go through this together and let's take it ODAT. You have support here from others who are going through it at the same time and also those who have been through it in the past and are still healing and offering their support. Hugs as we work through all of this anger, emptiness, blame ,solitude and , yes, comforting memories that pop up with reminders through the day of our routines and even those little habits and quirks our cats had that will make us chuckle up the road as we remember..


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, GiGi, dream you deep. You walk in someone's heart forever.

I am so, so sorry. I am almost 71 years old now, and I can tell you that the joy of having is always, always, greater than the pain of losing, although certainly not right away. One day, someday, her memory will be a joy to you. But this is the Deepest Truth I know, that love never dies. It is translated and purified into Love, and continues on. Now, from her new home in That Place Where All Things Are Known, GiGi blesses you, and she sends her Love back to walk with you down through all of your days. Because Love abides. Always, forever, Love abides.