My little one.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 3, 2015
So after having a conversation with my husband about not adopting another cat after having our last put to sleep a couple months ago until we buy a new bigger house (we also have a golden retriever and a Flemish giant rabbit and a toddler so our current house is fairly... Full? Lol) that was on the 25 of May... On May 29 there is a random knock on the door a neighbor holding a newborn kitten. The mother had abandoned the litter she had under the porch his siblings were dead and this little one wasn't doing so great. I'm a veterinary technician so of course he rushed it to me not knowing no what to do himself. Luckily this was one day I had my travel kit on me after being out on the farm. I called the vet who ran to the clinic (after hours I might add since I'm no longer working in glad I have a great relationship with them) I had fluids for subq but he needed a glucose shot as her blood levels were low. Another neighbor rushed to the clinic to grab everything for me. In the meantime the ther neighbor went back home and a few minutes later rushed back with another kitten. Unfortunetly that one didn't make it it passed within 10 minutes of getting to my house. The neighbor estimates they were born around 4 am when he left for work the mother was a pregnant stray I had been feeding in efforts to get her in the house before she had the kittens (no such luck lol) she was a young cat less than a year old. From where he found the kittens she did the classic lost first time mom thing freaked out and had them all over the place under the porch from that fact we are guessing they didn't nurse after birth.

With the kitten on my chest the next few hours creeped by she started to perk up a bit started eating more. I tossed a fresh towel down in an old baby crib by my bed and set up some cardboard around the edges wrapped my heating pad in a baby blanket and caught a coupon hours sleep myself. When I woke up for her next feed she was acting normal very responsive and active (I had never seen a newborn crawl up my shirt before and I've bottle fed 87 kittens in my life) her strength had come back she was actively wanting more food so she got put on a modified feeding schedule the first couple days, every 1.5 hours. She started gaining (finally) after about 14 hours she was around 100 grams when I got her she put on g the first 24 hours I had her. The next day went smoothly and the next and the next her weight gains improved to average around 13-14 g per day. Here we are at day 9 and you would never tell the rough start she had. She's even lifting herself up and trying to walk with her eyes still partially closed. Her weight gain has been fantastic and this morning she was at 257 grams. Eating from 8-10ml per feed like a champ.

Toddler is a cat person so he is in love. He doesn't try and hold her just wants to give her all kinds of kisses. If he hears her meow he comes running down the hall "oh my baby kitty!". Our dog is an unaltered male Goldie and he thinks she's great (he's a cat dog he loves all the kitties even if they want to eat his face lol) he constantly wants to lick her. Rabbit won't be getting an introduction until 8 weeks just because it's a rabbit, they might be smart but they are still fairly stupid about some things (love him dearly but he is the reason I keep a gate on the room he can jump into the crib from my bed lol)

Sex change fairy visited us a couple times with this one finally seems to be remaining female so her name is Artemis after the Greek goddess of the hunt. When I can get on the PC I will post some pictures and a video. Still debating her coat color blue silver or just a cold blue. She is a classic tabby bicolor for sure though.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Kudos to you for saving this kitten! Is it possible to TNR that feral mama cat?

It sure sounds like you have a lively household full of love and fun!

Welcome to the forum! :)
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 3, 2015
Kudos to you for saving this kitten! Is it possible to TNR that feral mama cat?

It sure sounds like you have a lively household full of love and fun!

Welcome to the forum! :)

Well it would be possible if she was still around no one has seen her since she had the kittens we aren't sure if she took off or complications with labor or hit by car or what happened. That's what the original plan for her was but instead of release here (we live on a highway) we were going to bring her out to the farm (180 acres mostly forest with the barn and cat shed for shelter streams all through for water etc) there was a cat not far that was hit by car but was to mangled to identify as the mother or not. :/ all you could tell was it was a cat that had a similar color to the mom. (Scavengers had got ahold of so wasn't much left)

And yes quiet lively... Sometimes a little to much so lol.
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TCS Member
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Jun 3, 2015

^ her new "litter mates" they are actually off my sons crib mobile he pulled one off a while ago I kept them as "just in case" because we get a LOT of pregnant drop offs on the farm.

This happens every time I set her on the bed. He is a great dog lol once she's big enough to run around the house will be back to very lively. He likes to play with the cats, normally one running after the other up the hall and reverse positions on the way back after a couple rounds he lays down and they wrestle. He even plays with the barn cats (that will let him lol) if a neighbor starts up a lawnmower and he is in the same room as the kitten he goes full on momma bear mode and tries to defend from the "attacker" that's outside making big scary sounds... Lol

Another side shot you can kind of see the classic tabby swirling in it. Becoming more defined every day :)

Still in great debate on her color. Can't tell if cold blue or a blue silver. Any guesses?


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
How precious! I see her teething on the stuffed toy, and I love her cuddling with your dog! Your dog is so beautiful, and I adore how maternal she is. It's great she can offer the kitten such warmth and comfort, and protection from scary outside lawn mowers that could come after cats - haha!!! I'd say she's the perfect dog!

Your kitten looks well-fed! Right now I am seeing silvery-grey, but it can still change so much. It's fun to watch their markings develop.

Thanks for sharing! :)
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 3, 2015
Yea he is great lol he use to do the same thing with my toddler when he was a baby in the crib. Lol. He also gets along great with our house rabbit (who is likely going to be bigger then this cat ever will be he is three months old and the size of most adult cats already... Lol gotta love giant breeds.) she's a little bloated from intestinal gas in these pictures hoping with the finished switch today it completely disappears, it's greatly improved since I started moving her over to it a couple days ago. But she does have a big fat baby belly. Lol.

I agree on the look silver but at the same time my eyes are good enough to look at an individual hair to see if it's proper silver of cold blue -_- a cold blue gets mislabeled so often, I've had pure needs that were such a cold blue even the breeders had issues determining because parentage swung in wmeither direction so we had to pluck a couple hairs and check lol this isn't a show cat so I'm not to concerned but I've been stimudying cat genetics since my early teens so mislabel bugs me LOL.