My cat should be pregnant but? Sos.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 2, 2020
So my cat has me baffled, she hasn’t been in heat since the first week of august. (6+ weeks)
Her nipples around the 23rd of august (when I noticed) seemed to be pinking up, and it seemed like she had just started loosing fur around them.


a week and a half later they got definitely bigger and she lost a bunch more fur around them, FDCF52F4-CB56-4BAB-B312-21BAA98B2FBA.jpeg
And to this day her nipples are still like this last photo, if anything she’s lost a bit more fur around them, and her nipple region seems slightly more veiny. If my rough calculations are correct she should be due the last week of sept, or first week of October, her stomach has plumped a little bit, but unsure if that’s because she’s been switched to a high protein kitten food and has been devouring it as if she was starving (she’s not, I promise)😅.

TLDR pregnant symptoms.
-hair loss around nipples, nipples kinda grew.
-morning sickness (?) two weeks ago she threw up a few times which is unlike her (it has stopped since)
-eats like no tomorrow and constantly refilling her water
-minimal noticeable weight gain, only a slight roundness to her stomach area.
-is either sleeping or instigating her boyfriend to play(which she’s normally not a playful cat)
-normally loves being cuddled and coddled but now doesn’t want much to do with me, unless she’s chirping for more food.

is there a possibility she’s only carrying a kitten or two and she’s such a large cat and fluffy (manecoon cross) that it’s just not as noticeable as other cats? 57F6823A-9A58-4928-B25C-74F611D7A1D6.jpeg 93FEE056-B7CE-47BC-9C3B-0EAC2BA870C0.jpeg 71442700-5436-4278-98E6-B44D79D87AEB.jpeg


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Did you deliberately breed her or did she get out? When was she last with a male?

Or, hmm, just read the other parts, she lives with him all the time? If they're together all the time it's a lot harder to predict because he might have noticed her in heat and mated with her before any humans noticed, and then you'd never know exactly when she got pregnant.

They really do gain most of their weight in the last 2-3 weeks, and her nipples do look like something is up. Are you willing to get an x-ray or ultrasound?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 2, 2020
The male lives here full time, (another manecoon X, who is scheduled to be fixed after their litter)
my vets unfortunately booked up for the next two weeks so been looking into finding another with availablity, but just looking for opinions as there’s so many mixed results on the last stages of cat pregnant online.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Well, if her last heat cycle that you were aware of was during the first week of August, she’s in her 6th week, and kittens would be due between October 8th and 15th, roughly, depending on exactly when she conceived. So she’s most likely got a good 3 weeks to go. As mentioned, cats put on most of their weight the last 3 weeks as well.

An x-ray at the vet would show how many kittens she is carrying and an estimated gestational age of the kittens. It’s never exact, but you can usually begin to see and/or feel kitten movement the last 2 weeks for sure.

If you don’t want to spring for a vet visit, just wait it out. It may be a small litter. Time will tell. She definitely appears pregnant though.

Do get your male neutered ASAP, and once the kittens are born, go ahead and book mom for her spay eight weeks out. The kittens should stay with her for 10-12 weeks but will be weaned enough that she can be spayed.

Keep us posted!