My Cat Disappeared - I Am Panicking


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 21, 2019
Hi everyone,

My cat, Maya has been gone for almost 2 days now. She's an indoor/outdoor cat and likes to hunt and mingle with the other cats in the area. There are a lot of strays in my neighborhood and they often come into our backyard (as well as other people's leaving nearby). The people in my neighborhood are generally friendly to cats and some even leave food out by the side of the road.

That being said, my cat often goes outside but almost always returns home for the evening to sleep in my bed. She has gone missing before --once she was locked in a neighbor's shed and gone for 3 days, another time she was in a different neighbor's yard and gone for 2. So, it's not unusual for her to be away from home for a couple of nights.

However, this time feels different particularly due to her age and health. She is 12 now and has asthma and arthritis. Before she went missing, she wasn't exhibiting any symptoms of either --in fact, that afternoon she brought home a bird... Last I saw her she was sleeping in a cardboard box in my garage.

Since she disappeared, I have searched everywhere in my vicinity and asked around. She NEVER goes out into the street and if she had, my neighbor would have seen her (he typically sits outside for most of the day). I've put up posters, went to the nearest animal shelters and the vet's office. I have even put out some food and bedding for her.

I guess I am just really scared now. She's a tough cat, but not as tough as she used to be. Different people have been telling me different things. Some say she probably went away to die, others think she may just be hanging out with the stray cats (she seems to have a good relationship with a few, though she is spayed). I just don't know what to think and I would appreciate some advice and/or reassurance.

Thank you.
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TCS Member
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Jun 21, 2019
If she wasn't ill I rather doubt she went away to die.
Keep talking to people, ignore the soon n gloom feedback and don't give up hope. The second part of this article is for outside cats.
Help! My Cat Is Lost!
Thank you for sharing. I made sure to sprinkle some used litter around my home so she can hopefully find her way back. I shouted for her name, but heard no response. It's very concerning because she's a pretty loud and chatty cat (she's a Siamese). I'll keep looking.


Snowshoe Servant
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Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
My crew is indoor/outdoor too and two years ago my boy went missing for four days. So I know the panic well. Just keep looking and keep calling; especially around dusk and dawn. If you haven't already, signs around the neighborhood and within a mile radius, signs on local pet stores, signs at rescues and shelters in a 15 mile radius, emails to any shelter or resuce in the county you can find and ask neighbors with garages or crawl spaces to keep an eye out. Don't forget to check for Facebook lost pet groups, next door and any local message board online you can find.

My boy had broken his leg and it took him the four days to get to a point where he could even get home. Hopefully yours is a more mundane reason. My brothers ex had a cat go missing for a month before returning home skinny but otherwise unharmed. Don't give up.

To share a lost dog story.... Around the time my boy went missing I heard a lost dog story that gave me hope. A family in my area had lost their dog. They kept looking and kept searching. They had a microchip on their dog and even called the company to verify the information. Searched shelters, searched rescues, didn't give up. Then four months after they lost their dog they got a call. A woman who had taken up the crusade of trying to find lost pets somehow matched their lost dog posts with a rescue nearly 50 miles away. It was their dog! They drove down to the rescues adoption event the next morning and claimed their dog at the start of the event.

It turns out their dog was likely taken as a bait dog. About a month after their dog went missing someone saw it thrown out of a car on a major road. The person was from the city 50 miles away, assuming the dog was being dumped they took the dog to a friend who worked at the rescue 50 miles away. The friend did scan the microchip but when the owner had called the company the microchip data was accidentally erased instead of updated (and this story is why I tell people to call back 48 hours later to verify updates). The rescue seeing that the contact information had recently been updated to remove owner information assumed the dog had been purposefully dumped, sold or turned over to another rescue where it was adopted to a bad family. Apparently that is something rescues see often enough not to question plus the dog was in bad shape. After three months of recovery the dog was ready for adoption and posted on their website which lead to the match the day after it was added as adoptable.

All this to say, keep looking and don't loose hope.
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Jun 21, 2019
My boy had broken his leg and it took him the four days to get to a point where he could even get home. Hopefully yours is a more mundane reason. My brothers ex had a cat go missing for a month before returning home skinny but otherwise unharmed. Don't give up.
Thank you for sharing, the story about the dog is really reassuring. Your cat was able to limp home with a broken leg? My cat's arthritis sometimes gets exacerbated by big jumps. I think perhaps she might have hurt her leg and can't move. Last time she had an arthritis symptom, we took her to the vet for a painkiller. If she's hurt in a similar way without treatment, could she recover enough to find her way back?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
One of my cats didn’t come home after he got out of the backyard. I was a panicked anxious mess for 4 weeks!!!! I was starting to wonder if I should assume he was dead or adopted by someone else. One afternoon I heard a noise and checkout the alley behind our backs yard fence and what do I see? My beloved MerMer (Merlin) digging through our trashcan looking for food and looking a bit fatter!!! I took him inside and he never wanted out again! My cat is now chipped.

Please don’t give up hope.


Snowshoe Servant
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Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Thank you for sharing, the story about the dog is really reassuring. Your cat was able to limp home with a broken leg? My cat's arthritis sometimes gets exacerbated by big jumps. I think perhaps she might have hurt her leg and can't move. Last time she had an arthritis symptom, we took her to the vet for a painkiller. If she's hurt in a similar way without treatment, could she recover enough to find her way back?
Yes, he made his way home with his tibia in two pieces. His fibula was still intact so that helped support the broken bone some. He ended up rebreaking it after three months of healing. It now has arthritis and he gets CBD to improve his mobility (he is only 5).

But he was waiting for me in the driveway when I came home on the fourth day. He tried to hobble to his favorite outdoor drinking fountain but I scooped him up and rushed him to the vet. He stayed at the vet for a week so he could recover supervised (since I was at work all day) before his surgery (which failed but you can't win them all).

Between the two breaks and other injuries he's had (my accident prone child) I've learned it takes about 48-72 hours for sense to be restored after injury.
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TCS Member
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Jun 21, 2019
I went out at 2am and called for her around my home, no response. I went out this afternoon and asked door to door as well, handing out flyers. No one has seen her. I am beginning to think that the gloom feedback may have been right, she was an old cat and perhaps she really did go off to die somewhere. Suffice to say, I haven't been able to eat or sleep properly. It's so terrible, I have a trip abroad planned on the 26th of June, but I'm so anxious thinking about what may have happened to her. I don't know how I'm going to travel like this. My family can keep looking, but the thought of not searching makes me feel very sick.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I would suggest you have a friend/family member/cat sitter leave dry food by the door in a large self feeder (and make sure it is full) plus a large water bowl. You may end up feeding rats or other stray cats but that way if your cat finds her way home she will have food while you are gone. If she is spotted it is time for the catch them alive trap.



TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
When you went to the neighbors - did they check in sheds/under decks/etc? Since she has arthritis she could have injured herself and is hiding out somewhere and in too much pain to get back on her own.

When you go outside and call for her, you need to stay in one place for at least 1/2 hour, that gives her time to hear you and possibly make her way back to you. Shake cans/bags of food/treats while calling to her. And, you might want to spend hours outside, moving from area to area after staying at each location for - as I said - at least 1/2 hour.

Do you treat her asthma? If so, she has gone long enough without it that can also cause an issue with her being able to move around easily.

It is also possible that she became sickened by some illness from the bird she caught and is hiding out from that as well.

If you do find her - and I pray that you do - it is time to make her an indoor only kitty. Given her age, arthritis, and asthma, it would be the best thing for her.

Please keep us posted.
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TCS Member
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Jun 21, 2019
Do you treat her asthma? If so, she has gone long enough without it that can also cause an issue with her being able to move around easily.

It is also possible that she became sickened by some illness from the bird she caught and is hiding out from that as well.
I hadn't thought of her getting sick via the bird. From what my mom told me, the bird (or what was left of it) was on the porch in the morning. Maya seemed fine and went about her day as usual after that. Mom said she had a slight limp, but it must not have been very dramatic as I hadn't noticed it and she's usually around me.

We do treat her asthma, the last depo injection she received was in the beginning of the month, I think. That usually keeps her healthy for 2 months. She seemed fine that afternoon, so far as I know.

I will keep you all updated, thank you for your kind support.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Jun 21, 2019
I woke up feeling very heavy this morning. I went around the neighborhood again with my mom, searching everywhere and asking questions. I had a couple of leads too, but neither panned out as the people that notified us were either mistaken about the cat or noted areas that were too far to travel to given Maya’s age and health.

At around 4pm this afternoon, I was lying in my bed and all of the panic I left inside me gave way to deep grief. I don’t know how to explain it, but I know she passed on just then. I cried for a long time and though I’m heartbroken, I think her leaving was for the best.

I always allowed her to go out —even when the vet advised me not to. I wanted her to live fully and I didn’t want to control her. She stuck by me for 12 years —always returning home for bed. She defeated allergies, she defeated asthma, she defeated surgery, she defeated arthritis, and now she’s found peace on her own terms.

I’m glad she took agency over herself and went off to sleep as cats do. It would not have been right for me to decide her time —that was her choice and I’m proud of her. I will love her always.