Moving With An Older Cat?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 20, 2018
Hi everybody,

I'm soon going to be leaving the family home and buying my first house! There is one great reservation I have. My cat, Billie, has only ever lived here for all of his 8 years. He is a free-roaming cat (has access to outside), and we are very bonded. My parents think that it would be best to keep him in the family home, as to not disturb his routine and territory etc. However, he is a timid cat and sleeps in my bed every night, having little to do with my parents. I'm worried that the separation may be difficult for him. On the other hand, getting him used to completely different surroundings would not be without stress for him. It is definitely my preference to take him with me, but I want to do what is best for Billie, not me.

Do you have any advice on whether it would be best to keep him settled, or bring him with me? Or any experience you have with the topic?

Thank you very much :)


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 15, 2018
Pittsburgh pa
Hi everybody,

I'm soon going to be leaving the family home and buying my first house! There is one great reservation I have. My cat, Billie, has only ever lived here for all of his 8 years. He is a free-roaming cat (has access to outside), and we are very bonded. My parents think that it would be best to keep him in the family home, as to not disturb his routine and territory etc. However, he is a timid cat and sleeps in my bed every night, having little to do with my parents. I'm worried that the separation may be difficult for him. On the other hand, getting him used to completely different surroundings would not be without stress for him. It is definitely my preference to take him with me, but I want to do what is best for Billie, not me.

Do you have any advice on whether it would be best to keep him settled, or bring him with me? Or any experience you have with the topic?

Thank you very much :)
I have moved with 2 cats before one was 6 at the time. No matter what it will be stressed he will miss you and that to me is enough to take him. I made the transition by having feliway diffusers arleady in different areas of the new house so that it can be a lil comforting to him. Also I did not empty his litter box I moved it the way it was so that he had his scent and it was familiar territory to him almost a piece of home brought to the new house. I would also have some of his stuff already there. It will be stressful for him and he will hide a lot just give him a lot of affection. The feliway diffusers are a must though. I also used feliway wipes for the inside of his crate anytime I transport my kitties. And after a lil time maybe you can get him a friend for him to have around when your not home. Best of luck!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I didn't move but I did tent for termites. I was surprised but how quickly my neurotic bud (the punk) settled once I unpacked everything that smelled like home. I packed up all his cat beds/the blankets that cover my computer chair and the lazy bed/ my bedding (with out washing it, I just stuck it in a giant plastic bag) and his cat tree. His cat toys/litter boxes & cardboard scratchers were all packed in a tub. I unpacked one room with all the cat stuff ... once I brought in his tree, the bedding, cat beds/blankets he immediately relaxed and got comfy. Given that I was steam washing/wiping everything down with vinegar water just in case, I can safely say my room no longer smelled like home when he was first let out of his crate.

So for what is worth I would try doing that in 1 room. I would also keep him confined in your bedroom for a few days to -2 weeks, then let him start exploring his new home. If he goes outside I would defiantly keep him confined to your new home for 2 weeks.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I meant lazy boy ... though truthfully it is a large reading chair my cats claimed as theirs long ago. :rolleyes: I just put a blanket over it to make cleaning cat fur easy & help prevent fleas by washing once a month.


Young Cat
Jan 21, 2018
Firstly congrats on buying you first home!
I've recently moved with a very nervous 14 year old because of the same reasons of attachment and I had moved out of my grandparents before without her and when I came to visit her it was heartbreaking how much she followed me and cried for me when I was out of sight. So this time I took her even though she was also a free roaming cat and we had quiet a bit of land but now she confined to a tiny apartment and being and old cat she is very stressed and hides nearly all day unless I'm in the room with her or when its food and toilet time and it has been 5 months (when i first got her when she was 7 it took her 6 months to adjust) but my grandparents told me she basically was never in sight while I was gone and never purred and refused anyone else's attention while before although she kinda a touch me not she would let them pet her. So honestly with older cats, in my experience, yes it will stress them more then younger cats with moving but at least they have you and i feel like if you had bonded and from experience with my Molly they certainly prefer to be uncomfortable and confused in a new environment WITH you rather then in a familiar environment and missing their best friend.
Just try to ease it into the new house slowly (personally I kept my cat in the shower the first day) and just give Billie some time to adjust, it may take a while but I'm sure he'll grow to love it and will soon go back to his old self :)
But if you decide the stress is too much you could just visit him regularly!
Good luck! I hope Billie (if you decide to keep him) and you love you're Home!