Monday's Question Of The Day - July 3, 2017


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
What is the best and worst purchase you've ever made?

Best: Last night I changed our sheets and fell into bed and told DH; this bed is the best thing we've ever bought except maybe our house. :lol: Seriously though; I love love love having a king size bed. It's a memory foam (not Tempurpedic brand) so it doesn't bother me when DH is getting in our out of bed. It doesn't make noise like an inner spring mattress can after a while. We've had it almost 6 years and it feels like new still. Most of the time I'm very comfortable in it. I do go through some periods when I wake up sore. But that's when I don't roll at night and that would probably happen with any bed.

Worst: This might sound silly but it's our coffee table. I wanted something with drawers for storage of magazines and remotes. My cousin has this awesome coffee table that the whole top picks up and becomes like a lap tray at the couch. I saw nothing like that. We ended up with a big, boxy table basically. The drawers are great. 2 big drawers. In fact the entire thing is basically 2 drawers.

We moved it out of the living room when our kids were learning to walk because of the corners on it. DH wanted to yard-sale it several times but I kept saying no. Now I'm sitting here like "why did we EVER even like this?" :dunno: It's currently in the garage with a small refrigerator on top of it. Our kids are well beyond learning to walk now but I don't think it will ever come back inside again.

So instead of a coffee table I have a 2nd hand children's table with chairs that I let the kids sit at with snacks. :lol:


Snowshoe Servant
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Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California

Best: Does Link count? He is the only of my current three cats that I paid money to get. All the others fell into our lives. Non-cat though would be probably my current car. I hated the one before it and that one had a lot of bad memories in it. I owed more than it was worth so I had to get something lower value to even out the loan. But totally worth it. I feel so much more comfortable in my current car and love driving it.

Worst: There have been a couple of purchases that I realized after a use or two that the item just wasn't worth it. Or books that I get part way through and absolutely hated. I think the only specific example that is coming to me right now is a protein powder I tried a year ago. I really liked another flavor by this company and decided to get their vanilla. Its vanilla, how can go that wrong? Let me tell you, it can go very very wrong. It was so foul I couldn't even finish the first shake I made. The company has a no refund policy on open products and I let my family try to. No one liked it. No one wanted more then a sip. Not even to try mixing with other flavors or as a base for mixes. So I threw it out. Luckily it was a smaller size so it was only a $30 waste.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I have a coffee table like that too. The top picks up and you can use it as a table top while sitting at the couch. The inside is just open to store stuff in. There are no drawers.

My best thing is my bed. It's a king sized memory foam that I bought from Amazon. I LOVE IT. The cats love it. It's a winner and I got the entire thing for way less than a Tempurpedic would have cost.

Worst thing? That's much harder. I have bought some real "gems" over the years. I guess the Handi Stitch. What a piece of caca that thing is. DH wanted to make some pillowcases for those equally horrible sobikawa pillows that had the buckwheat husks in them. Those were so uncomfortable. He got the fabric and tried to sew them up. It pulled the stitches out just as fast as it put them in. Less than 12 hours after we bought the darn thing, it went back.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I'm sure I will think of something else after I post this but the BEST thing that comes to mind is our windows. Our old windows had individual panes that we had to reglaze before winter and when the wind blew from the north they would literally rattle. Although it was a big purchase it was one of the absolute best purchases we ever made.

WORST was a used car we bought when we were first married. My husband's brother-in-law recommended a friend who was a used car salesman, need I say more? :doh: It was a true lemon!


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
My favourite most recent purchase is a new yoga mat. I use it every day. It's surprising how yoga mats wear out, but with a lot of use they gradually get kind of thin and loose a lot of their stickiness. My new mat is fat and sticky, so I can do lots of head stands and arm balances on it.

Worst thing I ever bought was a pair of high heels. They cost around $60, which isn't too bad, and they look really pretty. The thing is I cannot walk in them. I'm just not used to heels and I live in the middle of a forest so they're hardly suitable foot wear for these parts. I bought them for my sister's wedding and wore them for one afternoon. They've been sitting in their box ever since.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2016
Phoenix, AZ
Best: Last night I changed our sheets and fell into bed and told DH; this bed is the best thing we've ever bought except maybe our house. :lol: Seriously though; I love love love having a king size bed. It's a memory foam (not Tempurpedic brand) so it doesn't bother me when DH is getting in our out of bed. It doesn't make noise like an inner spring mattress can after a while. We've had it almost 6 years and it feels like new still. Most of the time I'm very comfortable in it. I do go through some periods when I wake up sore. But that's when I don't roll at night and that would probably happen with any bed.
My best thing is my bed. It's a king sized memory foam that I bought from Amazon. I LOVE IT. The cats love it. It's a winner and I got the entire thing for way less than a Tempurpedic would have cost.
Do either of you find your memory foam beds to be too hot? I've tried using a mattress pad, not using a mattress pad, even putting a thin comforter between the mattress and the bottom sheet. Sometimes it's so hot I sleep without even a sheet over me. Anyone have this problem or used to?
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
i'd have to say the best would be my computer system -- imac, and external monitor. just a pleasure to use.

the worst would be the Lenovo cpu that ended up being returned. it arrived DOA...was bought directly from Lenovo too! and add to that, that Lenovo was really very nasty about refunding my money -- i had to dispute the charge on my credit card, and provided my cc company with receipts, return receipt from the carrier, and full details of who at Lenovo signed to receive it back there. you couldn't pay me to buy another Lenovo product!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Do either of you find your memory foam beds to be too hot? I've tried using a mattress pad, not using a mattress pad, even putting a thin comforter between the mattress and the bottom sheet. Sometimes it's so hot I sleep without even a sheet over me. Anyone have this problem or used to?
I don't really have an issue with that. I've always been one who alternates between hot and cold at night so maybe I don't notice? I've heard of cooling pads or something like that; but I've never looked into one.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Best - Clarence, my 2001 PT Cruiser.
Worst - Rick and I fell for the timeshare hype many years ago. It was the worst mistake we ever made.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Best: a piece of "costume jewelry" that I picked up at a flea market that turned out to be not costume at all but a half karat diamond and a total of 6 karats of amethysts. The downside is that I bought it as a gift and had no clue what it was worth until about 6 months later when I got a VERY excited phone call.

Worst: Um...does my first husband count?