Maine Coon Kitten W/ Ringworm


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Young Cat
Aug 28, 2019
Hello to all! I'm here to share my experience, what I've learned, and what I should of asked when I purchased my 2 beautiful Maine Coon Kittens from a Breeder in Wisconsin. I'm hoping that if anything I can share some helpful information for anyone thinking about purchasing from a Breeder. I had never purchased from a Breeder prior to my Maine Coon's. I was very lucky to have my faithful companion for 18 years. When she passed last October I was heartbroken. That being said, she had a wonderful life and she filled our life with joy and she knew she was loved! Fast forward a couple months..

I had always read about Maine Coon's and how lovely they are and their temperament. We have a happy, jolly, 7 year Yellow Lab in our family and I thought this would be an ideal addition to our family. I was missing the little pitter patter of feet and set my sights on a Maine Coon Breeder. Once found- I did "basic" fact checking, placed my deposit, and eagerly awaited our new incoming fur babies arrival.

Well, around June I was made aware that kittens had ringworm. Yes, this Breeder made me aware and I appreciated them letting me know. They also gave me the option to back out AND get my deposit back. Again, very professional. They also added they would do the treatment and keep me up to date on the process if I did not want to do the treatment myself. I opted to proceed with the adoption and NOT administer the treatment myself as my Yellow Lab had just gotten through his second round of Cancer. His immune system is compromised and I of course didn't want to introduce this into our home. From my standpoint and thinking I was making the right call. It’s Ringworm. Like Athlete’s Foot. I’ve had that before and was familiar. How bad could it be?

Go forward a couple weeks all is swell and the ringworm cultures came back negative per the Breeder- Yahoo! My babies are coming home. Make the vet appointment ( 2 days after receiving the kittens) to get them checked out just for my peace of mind/contract. All checked out. They are good but I will keep them only in one room of the house for 2 weeks just because I read that is what you do, the health of my Yellow Lab is my upmost priority, and I am paranoid. The paranoia from what my husband and I went through with our Lab’s Cancer not once but twice almost put me over the edge. So, I will play it safe. ( Good call NOT a mistake)

Ok, we are 2 weeks in ( hoping you all are still reading) what is this scabby bump, wait….there is another one, OMG what the heck is going on ??…come on. Call the VET ASAP get an appointment and they confirmed Ringworm. NOOOOooooo!!! They filled me in on the details, the incubation, the highly contagious disease pass between pets and humans, the environment clean-up, and healing time. One word DEVASTATED. I emailed the Breeder right away to ask if Mr. Kitty was 100% cleared and if they had seen any other lesions present other than what they treated. My response was he was cleared, no additional lesions, and for good measure they threw in “Don’t worry about it.” My perception of the Breeder telling me to “ don’t worry about it” comes across as patronizing and oblivious. That nonchalant attitude is probably why I am here writing my story. I have 2 very much loved kittens that are quarantined, 1 that is not getting better even on there second run of Pulse Treatment, extensive medical bills, never ending cleaning, hundreds of dollars of toys, cat trees thrown away ( again all replaceable- it’s the principle), a Yellow Lab living apart from the family in fear of him getting it due to his compromised immune system, and a house that is now infected with ringworm. Does that still sound like I should not worry about it? Again, I will add not to be lost in translation I love these kittens and they are not going anywhere. I will do everything to help them. I am blessed that I have the time and the funds available to take care of these little guys.

So, where did I go wrong? Well, I think my first mistake was leading with heart instead of my head. Instead of fact checking I did heart checking. My heart checked all the boxes for me. I didn’t know that some Breeders are Closed Breeders ( preferred?) and some Open Breeders. Meaning, showing of cats which can expose unintentionally cats/kitten’s to diseases. Yes, this Breeder was showing cats and is still breeding cats during a Ringworm outbreak. Again, I was aware of this but was not aware of the terrible consequences and this was a HUGE NO NO.

Not fully researching Ringworm independently. Naively taking there word on the treatment and being cleared of Ringworm. From my understanding from my Vet the Ringworm can be cleared. However, recurrence can arise in a 2-3 week window after treatment has stopped if the kitten is living with other kittens that have ringworm and/or sharing a contaminated environment ( which they did). They are cleared of the disease long enough to sell. Which probably is the case with my kitten. I say probably as I truly do NOT think this Breeder is malicious. If anything, uneducated in Breeding and is doing this merely as a Hobby. So, yes I will take just as much blame for not being proactive in researching the disease and asking better questions of the Breeder.

Currently as of right now no one else including the other kitten and our Lab have Ringworm. Thank goodness. Everyday, all day is cleaning day and laundry day. Bathing a cat(s) is not fun- but it is required. You will need help. I learned that the hard way. Topical’s and Oral Systematic Treatment ( 2nd go for this little guy) they are thinking a 3rd since it is not going away but spreading.

Moral of the story-I do believe that there is a light @ the end of this Ringworm Tunnel. I will be cleaning and bathing cats in the meantime.

verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
You poor thing. Thanks for sharing your story. Your kittens and your lab are very lucky to have you. I wish you all well and hope that darn ringworm goes away once and for all.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Ringworm is a bear with a sore foot! Thank you for hanging in there with these little guys. Sounds as if you are FINALLY getting this under control, and I wish you many, many happy, healthy years with your precious babies!
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 28, 2019
Thank you! I appreciate the kind words of encouragement. Staying pawsitive and calm. I know they can sense when I am stressed so doing my very best to curb that when I walk into the isolation room. AKA my living room @ one time. LOL. Plenty of sunshine and play helps for all of us. I know I picked them but I believe fate had a way of them choosing me. There is a learning journey to be told somewhere in this madness. I got it is my mantra on repeat.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
My father had a rather wonky sense of humor that got him through most of the ills of life, laughing. He used to say, "This, too, shall pass. If not, try Miralax!"
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 28, 2019
Ha! That's right. Oh my how they make me laugh! My hubs and I right now are the cat tree ( be the tree) in layers of quarantine clothing. Gotta keep socializing. They know we got them!
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  • #8


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Young Cat
Aug 28, 2019
Awe Thank you! Today we felt a little defeated. Could of used a win with Mr. Kitty. After being on topicals, baths 3x weekly for 10 minutes, and include decontamination of the environment shy of 3 weeks the little guy now has another new lesion and on his ear. Completely separate area of the mass lesions down the ridge of his little back. Gahhh!! I just want to scream. He's currently on oral systematic treatment as of last week. Pulse 1 week on 1 week off. I sure wish this would just kick in already and give the dude a break. We were literally @ the vet on Friday and that was not there on his ear. They took a culture and also are testing for bacterial. My goodness. Are we missing something? Is this normal for Ringworm to show new lesions? Is the oral compound not strong enough? Any feedback to share is greatly appreciated. I have never experienced the joy of ringworm before so I feel I treating blind.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
OK...I know how disheartening this is, BUT...having the culture will pin down exactly what this is. There are all sorts of different bacteria and fungi that could cause it, and many of them require a specific treatment. Now you will know! Hang in there!
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  • #10


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Young Cat
Aug 28, 2019
My thoughts exactly! Give me the facts so we can resolve this monster. They also opted to do a full 21 days of the Oral Treatment versus the 1 week on 1 week off to knock it down... They did take a blood test to see if there is any underlying immune issues. We are very fortunate to have such great and caring Vets. They are like family after what we went thru with our lab.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
The right bet makes ALL the difference! Not only in your pet's health, but in your own sanity. Keep us updated on this, please. I'll fret a bit.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 28, 2019
Concur. You are so kind and thoughtful! I never figured myself to be a worry type of person...but my oh my when the health of one of my fur babies go haywire I seem to lose all sense of mind! I am a fixer so when I cannot resolve a situation it's maddening.
I am feeling a little sour with Breeder as if my good faith in another was being taken advantage. How did she manage to resolve this Ringworm so quickly in a cattery no less in 6 weeks and note a negative culture? Given the info I have now that cannot even be possible? Can it? I don't want anything from her in return and he certainly is not going anywhere!! .....just an honest me the time and my poor little guy to go thru all this unnecessary testing. I hate seeing him like this.
I can guarantee -I am NOT the only one that currently has a kitten from this cattery with ringworm. Guess I needed to vent..jeepers. I'm very,very, tired.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
You are not the first, nor will you be the last, that something like this has happened to! We've seen all sorts of issues with breeders who appeared to be legitimate and reputable. I'm thankful that this is "just" ringworm, and not some genetic defect! Although saying "just" in front of ringworm is NOT doing justice to the horrific battle that I know ringworm almost always is!

OF COURSE, you are exhausted. And our fur babies terrify us when they are sick, because, like infants, they can't tell us what is wrong. We've all been there, and we feel for you!
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 28, 2019
Blood Test came back and all is good there-sigh of relief. The culture did not show any secondary bacterial infection just confirmed the ringworm and it is the common ringworm. The Vet took him off pulse and opted to do 30 days Oral Treatment everyday, adjusted his meds to higher dosage, and then will be on pulse after the 30 days are done. I am continuing to bathe 1 a week and topical 2x a day. We have had some nasty humidity that doesn't help the situation - but honestly should not effect my kitten. The a/c runs everyday w/ a humidifier. The vet's kind words of encouragement & knowledge is reassuring. Little guy just has a very stubborn case of the ringworm. I do appreciate your kind words and allowing me to vent..ha. Back to reality and with that comes cleaning. Yay!


TCS Member
Sep 25, 2021
Do you mind if I ask did the name of the cattery? I also just got a Maine coon kitten from a Wisconsin breeder and am now dealing with a ringworm issue.


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Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
The OP has not been back to TCS since January of 2020 so I don't think that you will receive a reply.