Lost My Big Boy About A Month Ago...


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 16, 2017
Arkansas, U.S.A.
I lost my 13 year old from chronic diahrea that they never found the cause of. He was my buddy. Everyday I wake up and my heart breaks all over again. I have a 5 year old female and for 2 weeks she searched for him. Now she has been ill from it. We both miss him. RIP Chris.



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 12, 2018
While it hurts to loose a pet like Chris, for me it is equally as painful to watch one of their pet friends try to make sense of what has happened. We are still going through this with our big orange tabby after loosing his friend Toby on 4-16-19.

Chris, ya left deep paw prints on your human's heart that will last till time disappears. Rest peacefully little man...your work on this old rock is finished.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
For thirteen years that sweet boy followed your life's journey. He will now parallel it on his new path for eternity....
It hurts so very much when they leave us. Your little girl is hurting too, and bewildered by the sudden disappearance. Please comfort each other with your memories and feelings for him that are unique to each of you. Give her special treats and time with you, don't let your own grief block off your heart from her. You need each other right now, because you both loved that sweet boy.
He will be as close as your thoughts and prayers for the rest of your life. He would never want you to be so sad, he loved life too much to take the joy of it away from you. Because that is love. Go on with your life just as you would have wanted for him if you were the first to go, the bond of love that ties your souls together will be with you always. "Death cannot take that which never dies" and you know that to be true because you loved him, and that will never die. He was in your life to bring love and happiness, he was there for a reason. To have never met him at all would have been unthinkable, though it would have spared you so much pain. But what he gave to your life, what he taught you, is so much more valuable, will lift you up above that pain. It is one of life's treasures. Don't dwell on his death, don't make it define who he was. His life with you was so much more important, concentrate on the good he brought, and it will bring comfort to your heart.
I know how much this hurts. Every love is personal, is unique to that person. Noone will ever fully feel what you are going through right now. But we can empathize because we have lost our own little ones. Let us share your burden and make it lighter, through listening and offering words of comfort. Thank you for letting us know of this precious boy and adding our own thoughts and prayers to your own. He deserves every one ......take care, and kiss that sweet girl for me, I will pray that she feels better soon, that both your hearts will begin to heal......RIP sweet Chris. You will never be forgotten. You will forever have a special place in loving hearts. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
I am so sorry for your loss. May you find consolation that your boy is now free from any physical pain he endured. Hang in there. Be strong for your remaining cat. You both need each other now more than ever.


All Cats Are Special
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2018
Reidsville NC
I lost my 13 year old from chronic diahrea that they never found the cause of. He was my buddy. Everyday I wake up and my heart breaks all over again. I have a 5 year old female and for 2 weeks she searched for him. Now she has been ill from it. We both miss him. RIP Chris.
Im so very sorry for ure loss ......RIP PRECIOUS KITTY..:alright::heartshape::redheartpump::(MAY GOD GIVE U STRENGTH...TO GET THROUGH THIS HURTFUL TIME...HES WITH GOD NOW...BLESS HIS HEART
AND HOPE URE OTHER KITTY GETS ALONG OK..I FEEL FOR THAT BABY TOO..:petcat::alright::(PRECIOUS KITTIES...:heartshape::redheartpump:
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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Chris, dream you deep. You walk in someone's heart forever.

I know how you and your little girl are grieving. How could you not? But Chris has shrugged off that heavy coat of flesh and fur, and now he dances on sunlight, happy, healthy, and whole. He dances in a place where eternity is but a moment, awaiting that time when you, too, in the fullness of your life, shrug off your own heavy coat of flesh and join him in joyous reunion.

Until that far away day may come, dance on, sweet Chris, dance on!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 16, 2017
Arkansas, U.S.A.
I lost my 13 year old from chronic diahrea that they never found the cause of. He was my buddy. Everyday I wake up and my heart breaks all over again. I have a 5 year old female and for 2 weeks she searched for him. Now she has been ill from it. We both miss him. RIP Chris.
Thank you all so very much. I am coping but am worried about the way my girl is coping. Love to all of you.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 17, 2018
Your boy was beautiful..

We love tabbies and have had many of them as pets.

I seem to think not sure but that diarrhea in an older cat is a break down and something is going on that will lead to death in time..

Saying that as my mothers 2 cats had the same and then were euthanized at about age 16..

One of my older cats did the same at that age and she was drinking a lot of water...and also her heart was beating too fast..

I could not afford to have every test done to find out
just as when Bro was put down in March of this year..
at age 12.

He had been throwing up and meowing loudly and was treated with antibiotics by the vet and nausea prevention pills for 10 days

three months later he got sick with the same gagging and throwing up clear
and meowing ...

He looked like he was in pain crouching at times
and eyes squinting at age 12...other times he put on a good show
and was strong and happier..

So we have been hard on ourselves for putting him down as he could have lived longer but what was right for Bro, to let him continue in stress ...

or to have let him had a good life..

He did have arthritis really bad down the spine for 3 years
previous to the gagging ..We had an xray and that showed
the arthritis and the vet said that it was a lot of it..

The vet said I can not heal him but I can treat him again and again.

With vet bills so high...that was not going to be feasible for us..

so just to tell you I know that it bothers you as it did us
that you do not know what your loved cat had wrong ...

Sometimes we just never know the answers..
Sheri and Lily