Looking for some pain killers


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 25, 2007

so, when one of my cats was just a few months old, he slipped and his leg went down a hole in the Garden furniture, he did something to his leg and since this day he has recurring issues with it. My cat is now 16 and if I can keep him from a vet check it would be great.

I have another cat, she slipped as she came running from a heavy rain cloud, when she came inside she couldn’t keep herself from twisting so she too has issues.

So, when we took them to the vet, and they saw it was a reoccurring issue, they issued an extra bottle as “it takes then a while to heal”, we had a few bottles from when he had some of his teeth removed we again managed to get an extra bottle.

now we are in the new year, (happy new year) my last bottle was now past the safety date. I am now wondering how can I get my hands on a new bottle of loxicom from a vet if they don’t currently need anything and would they need to see the cats first? All of this is to be an emergency backup, it would take me 2-3 days before I can see a vet, a lot longer if they hurt themselves on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

as it isn’t classed as emergency, sick, poisoned or injured it probably take longer, or postponed.

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
How far past the expiration are your pills?

What kind of pills are they?

Expiration dates are not meant to be taken literally. They are used by manufacturers and storage facilities to help keep boxes and boxes of product from sitting in a back corner of a warehouse, somewhere, collecting dust. Companies spend a lot of money making product. They don't want to waste it by letting it molder away in some dark corner, somewhere.

There are some medications that do have hard expirations like Coronavirus vaccines. However, most medications can still be safely used for a period of time after the expiration date.

If it's only a few days or even a month past the expiration date, you shouldn't have to worry. You should be able to get along with what you've got until your new stock arrives.

If you're talking six months or a year past the date, you're probably better off waiting until you can get some new medicine.

Remember, this is all predicated on whether you have kept the pills in a cool, dark location like a medicine cabinet or storage closet where the temperature doesn't vary a lot.

If your meds haven't been stored properly, all bets are off. ;)


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I guess I have to ask why you can't call and ask your vet about all of this? I am pretty sure most vets won't prescribe a med because it might be needed down the road sometime - but your vet also knows the background with your cats, so they may have some other ideas for you.

The thing about these cats hurting themselves is that it might be more likely to happen due to their previous injuries making them vulnerable.to re-injury. Perhaps, the vet would suggest something more appropriate for them, such as joint/arthritic supplements/meds. It is highly likely that both have arthritis if not just from being older, but also from having previous injuries.

I'd say for you to run it by the vet - what have you got to lose?.

silent meowlook

TCS Member
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Nov 10, 2014
The problem with the med you are speaking of is that it is hard on the kidneys and at your cats age, there may already be kidney problems.