Left With Love That Hurts Hard


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 29, 2017
I announced this yesterday, but here's a thread about it:

Regrettably, I had to put my cat down after the pain of seeing her really ill for weeks and weeks. In July, she was having loose bowel movements and she kept vomiting, but I thought it was the dog food that made her sick and caused inflammation in her intestines. Not only that, but she had an overactive thyroid, so we thought that was the cause as well, so we'd put her on thyroid medication, and eventually that problem got better, but the overall situation ended up being a hydra. Not only was she having a rare reaction to her thyroid medication (it was making her liver overwork), she stopped eating and drinking. Around August, we took her back to the vet, and they suspected that she either had an infection, or fatty liver, so she was put on antibiotics. Her medicine helped a bit, as she was eating again, but after she was done, she stopped again. She was put on more antibiotics, but there was no improvement this time. Not only I started to force-feed her, she was also drinking excessively, and from experience, I knew there was something dreadfully wrong with her.

Just on Friday, we took her to a specialist, hoping that she was only suffering from a real bad infection, but I just knew days before that she had to be put down, because she was so weak, sad and in pain. Results showed that she had so much fluid in her gallbladder, which would've been a simple, yet incredibly expensive fix. After, there was the fact that her liver was enlarged, which made things look a bit grim; however, the real kicker was that she had intestinal cancer. I knew then that there was absolutely no hope. I did not want to give her chemo and put her on medication that would only give her an additional two years or so to live, while being in constant pain. I couldn't put her through that; I made the difficult choice to put her down, just four days shy from what would've been her 11th birthday. She was only ten years old...

Zoey, as a kitten

Zoey, back in 2015

Last picture I took of Zoey, few days before she was put down

Personally, the fact that she was sick, in pain, and had to be put down isn't what truly hurts; it's everything else.

I had gotten her a day before my 16th birthday, and we were the best of friends from the start. She saw me go through so much pain all those years ago. Around 7 or 8 years ago, I was going through such a difficult time, where suicide was considered almost on a daily basis, but the fact that Zoey was there for me and loved me no matter what, I couldn't do that to her, ending my own life out of despair. Whenever I had thoughts or considerations of suicide, I thought of her (sometimes look at her), and tell myself that I couldn't do such a thing to her. She saved my life, for she was there for me and comforted me, no matter what. She was the one true friend I ever had when no one else was there during the past eleven years. I do wonder if it pained her to see me in pain, and it surely pained me when I saw her in pain. We had each other's backs; we were there for each other. And now, it's all gone, and that's what hurts the most. I lost my best friend, my companion, security and emotional support. I was there with her during her passing. I held her tight, hugged her, kissed her, said my goodbyes to her. She died in my arms, with her head in the palm of my hand. I just loved her way too much, and I'm having an incredibly hard time coping with her death. I lost more than several pets before, but this is by far the hardest. And personally, I don't think I'll ever fully heal and get over her death. She was young...

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
There just aren't words to take the pain away, I wish I could. It still pains my own heart to think of the loss to our worlds when they leave us.
There is that one.... the one that cleaves to our soul and mean so much to us they defy identification. They are called a soulmate. Zoey was yours. You spent almost eleven years with her, she shared your joys and your pain. She was there for you. She shared your life.
She had to go, she was no longer living, she was existing. The pain would have gotten worse, the prognosis grim, no permanent cure possible. You gave her a last act of love by releasing her and telling her it was all right to go. For that act of compassion you will be blessed, for loving her and caring for her all those years you gained a treasure. All those precious memories, and the bond you still share with her, will tie you together for eternity, for love is spiritual and therefore forever. She taught you to be strong, this you will keep and it is something that will never leave you, it is her gift to you. Her love will surround and guide you, she is gone from this world but never from your life.
If you feel the need to bring another love into your heart, she would be honored, for she taught you what love is and only wants the best for you., just as you always wanted only the best for her. sometimes ther distraction from your grief helps, it does no good to dwell on your grief. It only brings more heartache and changes nothing, no matter how much we want it to do so. There is always that one..... but that doesn't mean your heart can't share the love she left you, just like a mother with several children, each one is unique and special. It is not a betrayal to her memory, it is a testament to it.
Please keep in touch, we need each other in these dark days to bring the light back into our lives. Time is the only thing that helps, and time is always ticking towards the future. Do not waste it with tears, celebrate it by knowing she will be always there, her new journey will always parallel yours. Take care of yourself, do good in taht little girl's name...... RIP precious Zoey, please let the pure light that shines from your new star, shine down on the one who misses you so very much.Let light chase the shadows, as it was when you were here, let comfort and hope flood the heart that carries you so tenderly and will love you until the end of time. May the good Lord bless and keep you until you meet again.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I am so sorry that you lost your best friend, you did all that you could for her but she unfortunately had so many problems that she was probably relieved to leave her pain ridden Earthly body, but I'm sure she would have stayed with you for 50 more years if she could have. We all know the pain of losing ones so close, you go through all kind of emotions, grief can play many games with your mental state so try to stay strong and realize it is the acute stage of grief that is making you feel whatever way you are feeling, and with time, a lot of time, and patience and love it will weaken. You did all that you could for your sweet little girl, but it was her time to move on even though you didn't want it to be.

Please take care and know that she is fine now, it is you who are hurting, but stay in touch on here and with good time I hope that you will find another kitty in need of such love and care, not a replacement but a new friend who needs you and vice versa.

I hope your heart heals a bit more each day, God Bless you......:alright: :grouphug2: :rbheart:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
The story of you with Zoey is heartbreaking. It brought me to tears, you were complete with each other, each of you was alive thanks to the other one.
I fully understand you, such a friend is so unvaluable that when you lose them you feel lost and it seems life has no meaning anymore. You fought a hard battle for her and with her, but the enemies were too many and they eventually won...
Please, remember the good moments you had with Zoey, what she did for you and what you did for her, every single day. This should give yo the strength to go on in your life.
It's hard, it will be hard, there will be days when the pain will feel unbearable and days when you will remember her with a smile. It will take time, several months, maybe years, but you will cope with that pain.
RIP Zoey, you were such a beautiful angel!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Zoey, dream you deep. Never forgotten, not for one moment, and so loved, always.

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
Your bond with Zoey will always keep your 2 souls together. RIP sweet girl and know that you were an angel on earth before you were one in heaven.


TCS Member
Aug 13, 2016
I'm so sorry for your loss, I'm going through something similar and not dealing with it so well. they are truly part of the family and it's horrible to lose them:(