Kitten Neutered At 3 Months Old. He Is Now 5 Months And Started To Mount


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 8, 2018

So this is what is happening with my kitten, Chico, who is about 5 months old.

I rescued Chico when he was about 3 months old from an abusive home. He was underfed, ans I assume mistreated because he scared of my hands, he would attack me for trying to touch him. He would growl and hiss if I touched his dish of food, and until now, he doesn’t like to share his “prey” toy with anyone, lol.
I had to vet Chico after two days I brought him home at a new veterinary. Sadly, Ben’s Dr. didn’t have any spot for Chico so I had to bring him to a different dr. I only wanted the blood work, stool sample/de wormed and the boost shots stray cats usually gets when they are rescued but the dr said she could neuter Chico the same day (I called the previous day to make the sppointment and she said to not feed him for 12 hours before the app. for a possible neutering procedure) as the neutering would help with his aggressive behavior. I had to rush everything as I didn’t want to expose Ben (my one year old cat who is the most playful, smart, loving cat. He has a 3 month old kitten soul in a miniblack panther body) to anything that Chico might had get from his mom.

It took about a month for Chico to trust us and adjust to his new humans and a big brother.

So Chico is about 5-6months old now, he’s been living with us for 2.5 months and the boys just love each other. The only time Chico is not happy with Ben is when Chico catches his Da bird toy, or rattle mouse or anything that he just “hunted” and Ben gets too close to him to check what he got. Chico would growl and hiss and walk away from Benny with his prey in his mouth, it is just funny to see him walking awayd with his head up. Ben doesn’t care, when he hunts something, he brings it back to his humans or even offer it to Chico. They are just loud and lovely together and we are a happy family :)

About a month ago, I brought Chico to Ben’s dr. and he said Chico didn’t feel he was neutered by touch although he has scar that lookd like a line that goes from his butthole to his tiny testicles (I’m sorry if I am being to graphic or for not using the proper terminology) and he asked me to bring him back when he turns 5-6 months to feel him againand make sure what he felt was just the scarring/knots(?) of the procedure performed by the other dr.

What concerns is something that happened today that made me think about Chico “not being neutered”. I went to check on the boys one last timebefore leaving to work and found both ofthem under my bed with Chico mounting and thrusting against Ben (Ben was trapped in a piece of tulle fabric I have tohide better from him.) Ben is way much bigger than Chico, he could have had defend himself but the tulle prevent him from moving his front legs so he layed on his side and letting Chico do his business. Another thing is Ben is not a vocal cat, he barely talks to us and if he does, he has a kitten Voice... though, Ithink if he was in distress, he would have cried like a regular cat so maybe Chico’s mounting is something new??? Maybe his growling and hissing at Ben after he catches his toy is also because he isn’t really/fully neutered... IDk

Is it possible to not be fully neutered(either by the dr’s mistake or Maybe Chico, at 3 months old, was too young to be neutered)? Is it risky for a kitten togo under the same procedure twice? Could it be possible to start the mounting behavior even after being “fully” neutered at such young age? I’m worried Chico might start marking... Ben haven’t done that (mounting and marking) ever. Couldit be possible for Ben to learn those behaviors from Chico?

Fiy, both are indoor cats only and healthy. Chico’s next appointment is this Sat.



TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 5, 2018
South Jersey, USA
It's not uncommon for neutered cat to mount and gyrate hips with no actual mating activity. Our Yoshi does this to his brother, Sqeeker. Sqeeker most ignores it since Yoshi is not hurting him.

I think you regular vet can do a blood test to check hormone levels when your Chico is old enough and that would determine if the first vet did the surgery correctly. I think there are also different styles of neutering surgeries. Yoshi still has testes, teenie tiny ones but Sqeeker who was neutered by the rescue before we adopted him has no signs of them.

I hope your little one doesn't need another surgery.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
The terms you used were fine, and when we are on the trail of cat issues, there is nothing too graphic if it helps us help a cat!

It could well be more a dominance thing than a mating thing. That said, if he had cryptorchidism, that is, one testicle retained in the abdominal cavity, the first vet might have missed it. It's unusual, but not unheard-of at all. And many cats have second successful surgeries because of it. LOL, Hekitty's vet once commented to me, "I think I'll change the clinic name to 'Golf Course." All I've done this week is chase lost (insert slang for boy bits here)!" A hormone check will give you the definitive answer.