Kitten Afraid Of A Litter Box?


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Sorry Kimi is still having issues with litter box training. He seems to kinda get the concept, but not totally. Next time he pees outside the litter box, try to sop up the urine with a tissue, and put it in the litter box. Then let Kimi smell it. And maybe, use his paw to gently cover it.

And, as Furballsmom Furballsmom just posted, you'll need to use an enzyme cleaner to ensure the urine is totally cleaned up and the scent gone. Otherwise he might be tempted to keep peeing in same places.

About his biting/scratching during play, usually it's recommended that kittens be kept with their mom and siblings until about 12 weeks so they learn cat manners. Obviously that isn't always possible, so when a kitten is adopted out young, it becomes the human "parents" job to teach the kitten kitty etiquette. Here's an article with more info: Teach Your Kitten How to Play Nice : The Humane Society of the United States

And, about his eating, because of his feral beginning, he may have a bit of "stray cat food obsession". Therefore, maybe you might have to still feed him plenty, but not put it all down at once, if possible. Here's a couple more articles with more info:
The Essentials Of Kitten Nutrition
How Much Food Should I Feed My Cat?
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TCS Member
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Jun 21, 2018
Regarding his behavior and biting, you will need to be his mama, and actually HISS at him when he does something you don't want. Also, do you have a soft toy that he can hold on to and kick at with his back feet? That could be something to have in your hands when you pet him. It may take several times and repetition with a hiss, an OW!, a firm NO, but he's smart, he'll catch on.

He is still in a super growth stage and does need as much food as he can eat. Eating, sleeping, eating, eliminating, is very normal.

What about this; what if you clean everything and every area with an enzymatic cleaner, obtain a covered box or two, put the boxes in corners and other places he frequents, and put some litter and some unfertilized potting soil in them?

Also, a box shouldn't smell, so you really might want to put one in the living room as you mentioned above, and after he's used it consistently, then slowly, gradually, over time move it closer and closer to where you prefer it to be.

How To Get Cat Pee Smell Out Of Clothes And Linens
How To Remove Cat Urine Odor From Your Home
First-time Cat Owner's Guide
I have finished reading your first sentence, while Kimi attacked my foot. So I hissed at him as hard as I could. Now he is lying there rethinking his behaviour.
Hahaha. You are the life saver! Thank you for reply

