Introducing New Cat. Help


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 14, 2017
So we just got a new kitten five months old for days ago we already have a two-year-old cat. Both are female. I already know I have not done the best job when it comes to introducing them both because they will be in the same room and I’ll play with them. Besides play time each of them has their own room with their litter box their food bowls their beds and toys them completely separated at night. So when we first brought the new kitten home there was a lot of hissing very grumpy two-year-old cat and all she wanted to do was go downstairs and leave the situation, The new kitten is not afraid of the new situation she’s not hiding she’s playful and has no issue with my older cat hissing at her she will just stop what she’s doing and back away from my older cat so she’s being respectful and not coming at her. But I’ve noticed today while they were both playing with their own toys that my older two-year-old cat would stop her playing and chase after the kitten and just stare at her. there hasn’t been any hissing when my older cat is running toward the kitten the only thing is is she puts her paw up like she wants to swipe but never does and so I’m assuming that’s aggression towards the kitten and not being playful so how should I re-introduce them because I feel like I started off on a bad note with the older cat I’m just trying to create a better beginning . My older cat doesn’t hiss as much as she did when we first brought the kitten home and when she sees the kitten and goes into the kittens room she’ll sniff around she’ll try to sniff the kitten and won’t really have any issues she might growl a little bit but nothing else. I’m not sure if that means she’s getting used to the cat and things will be fine and I just need keep doing what I’m doing or should I try to re-introduce them and if so how do I reintroduce them even though they both know that they’re in the same house and it was bad to begin with. I need help please


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Actually, you may be just fine. Your older cat is acting very much as a mama cat would do when disciplining her own kittens. Your kitten essentially a rambunctious six-year-old child who doesn't yet know how to behave, and your older cat is teaching them. It looks worse than it is. It sounds worse than it is. Kittens have to learn how to "cat," and no one but another cat can teach them that. She's getting deportment lessons from an old pro. So long as your adult cat doesn't actually attack your kitten (and you'll know a real fight...there will be fur flying and blood on the floor), all is basically well!

Welcome to TCS! When you have a moment, and can breathe deep, click on this link New Cats on the Block and introduce yourself and your cats to the community!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 13, 2017
You can try feeding them at the same time with only a door between them. One bowl on each side. They get more comfortable with the smell of the other cat when they are forced to eat so close to each other without being able to see the other cat.

Also, since they sleep in different rooms at night, try swapping blankets and toys between the rooms after a few days. It also helps them get comfortable with the scent of the other cat.

The most important thing is just time. Cats are weird. My cats have been together most of their lives and when I brought one to the vet (she had to stay overnight two nights) while the other stayed home.. Wasn't good. The one that stayed home acted like she had never seen the other one before and was aggressive and mean for about two weeks then out of nowhere things were back to normal and they were cuddling. Time and patience will definitely help, just don't force it too much and separate them if they get too aggressive! Hope this helps!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Mamany is right. This sounds fine. In fact, once they really start playing, expect the older cat to completely pin the kitten at times leading to the kitten squealing. That is completely normal. Understand it is just very very rare for an older cat to deliberately hurt a kitten. The vastly more common problem is that the older cat gets really stressed out. It is ironic, but it is the older cat and not the kitten that must be protected in these introductions. However, it sounds like your two are moving past the troublesome stage, and will likely do totally fine.