In Memory Of Mishi (michelin), 2009-2018


In loving memory of Mishi
Thread starter
Nov 8, 2018
My beloved Mishi cat died unexpectedly on Monday night. He was nine years old.

After bloodwork, x-rays, and an ultrasound this summer, he was diagnosed with probable low-grade lymphoma -- so I knew his decline was inevitable. What I didn't expect was for his passing to be so sudden.

I came home and found him lifeless on the floor. Panic gave way to shock, and then to immense grief and pain.

The guilt has been overwhelming. I had researched options for in-home euthanasia, wanting to give him a peaceful end to his life. I'd carefully tracked his symptoms, making note of the good days and the bad days. I had a sense that a decision was imminent, but he died before I could make that choice for him.

He brought so much joy and comfort to my life. He was an affectionate, quirky, vocal cat, who loved every single human he met. And everyone who met him loved him right back.

Sometimes I wondered if he was a dog trapped in a cat's body -- I trained him to walk on a leash, and when I'd pick it up, he'd rush for the front door, ready to venture outside. His big, clumsy personality meant that he was always the star of the show.

We also were a bit of an odd couple: I am unbelievably allergic to cats, but was lucky enough to find Mishi (who was a stray but must be part Siberian breed) to be hypoallergenic! Mishi himself suffered from asthma, so maybe he was allergic to humans? ;) (Luckily an inhaler kept him healthy.)

We spent the past few months living it up. Wet food every day, lots of trips outside on the leash, tons of cuddles. I'm devastated that ultimately his decline was so sudden -- just that afternoon he had met me at the door asking to go outside.

I have come to this website quite a few times over the last year to read about cat health and try to glean knowledge from others experiences. Whether they know it or not, the folks on this website helped me and Mishi through a challenging time. So I wanted to make this post to honor his life and extend my thanks to all of you. :redheartpump:

Mishi, please know that I did my best to honor your last days on earth. I am grateful that we had nearly five wonderful years together. I miss you desperately. :sniffle:

(P.S. A short video with photos of my beloved Mishi here.)

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Precious Mishi died exactly as he wanted to, at home surrounded by the comforting memories and your love.....
Most cats pull away when death is close, I really believe they don't want to bring distress to those they love so much. So that your sweet boy chose a time that you were not present is no surprise.
Your video will bring you comfort in the years to come, the love shines bright from both of you, you can feel his calm personality and how laid back he was. Try to focus on that life, his love, not the sad end. It brings nothing but heartache and changes nothing.
Of course it hurts, and it will for a long time, but one day you'll come to terms with your loss and realize he will always be near, as near as your prayers and thoughts. The bond of love you formed will tie your souls together forever, it can never be taken from you. It is spiritual, not physical, so eternal. Celebrate having him in your life, he brought so much to it. To have never known him at all would have been unimaginable.
You know in your heart he would never want to bring pain into your life, just as you would want for him if you were the first to go, so he wants for you. To go forward into life and let him live on through your joy, your wonder at what life brings your way. He will always be near, his new path forever parallel your own
My heart goes out to you, as do my thoughts and prayers. I know the pain of loss and know long it takes find peace once again in your heart. I pray you find comfort in your memories and know he will always have a secure place in your loving heart for you to treasure and hold on to. Take care of yourself.....RIP beautiful ebony Mishi. You will never be forgotten. May you be welcomed into the loving arms of angels and be kept warm and safe until the day you once more meet the one you love!


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
I'm very sorry about Mishi. It sounds like he did have a peaceful end, at home and on his own terms. There's absolutely nothing for you to feel guilty about. :hugs:

RIP, little man. :rbheart:


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Mishi, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever.

No, Darlin, no guilt. Mishi left on his own terms, at his own time. He loved and was loved every moment of his life, just as he loves and is loved still. Love does not die, it only changes form and continues on, still Love. Love abides, and Mishi remains only a whisper away from you always.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
I sorry for his passing, but as others said it sounds peaceful, truly it does. There is nothing for your to feel guilty about. Some, people as well, wait until they are physically alone to slip into the peace. A change of forms means nothing with the bonds of love.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
It sounds like he couldn't have had a better life and parent, you two enjoyed life to the fullest, it is sad that his Earthly life ended at 9 but you packed much into those years, he is fine now, just fine, and you will see him again one day and it will be wonderful.

"Their last breath on Earth is their first breath in Heaven" :rbheart:

I hope that your heart heals a bit more each day, God Bless.....:alright: :grouphug: :rbheart:

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
oohwhataday oohwhataday , your name you chose tells me yes, what a day.
I am so sorry.
You've had some excellent advice from the others.
Take it from me, my friend. If I kept a running tally on how many animals I've loved over the years to have lost them, I'd have to hire a mathematician because I don't think numbers go that high.
Take it from me.
-When you choose to euthanize, even if you know it's the "Right" thing to do, you find yourself second guessing it. You worry that you acted too soon, were they scared, did they not want to go/were they not ready to leave yet, etc. "But they were still eating!" "But they still acted happy!" "They purred/played/cuddled", etc. Been there.
-When you find them dead or are with them when they die, you grieve because you feel you waited too long, should I have acted sooner, etc. They stopped eating, or ate in spurts, they were active (sometimes), etc.
No matter what we do, we second guess the final outcome only because we care. It drives us mad, but don't let it consume you.

The take away message from this is no matter what happens(ed), you feel these weird feelings of guilt, mourning, loss, and second guessing and that's normal. Emotions get jumbled and weird and that's OK, because that's what caring and sane people do when someone they love passes away.
It'll be OK. :grouphug: Lymphoma can be difficult to treat and nasty to deal with. It's not an easy disease to handle.
I'm sorry for your loss, what a gorgeous cat. It sucks and it hurts, but you'll be OK.