I'm trying to make sense of my cat's death..


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 22, 2022
My 1 year old cat died last Thursday because we had to put her down after she suffered heart failure and suffered with no stabilization and good reaction to medicine, which the vet said was caused by HCM, 2 weeks before she was hospitalized she was spayed and was fine before and after surgery, 2 weeks later the week she died she had heavy breathing and looked really out of it so we rushed her to the emergency vet that send her to the hospital a day later. How did my cat deteriorate so fast and how did she not show symptoms of HCM before?

I saw on the internet that cats with hcm should not go under anesthesia and she did, how can that deteriorate my cats health so fast in 2 weeks time? I am really sad and angry that this could have been prevented. She was a mainecoon and I did not know they could have heart problems. She was suffering so we had to put her down. Days before she was healthy and happy and she declined so fast.. can someone explain this to me?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 27, 2022
I’m so very sorry. I know how you feel. I lost a 6 month old Birman boy when he was under anesthesia to be neutered. I was so confused and angry and overwhelmed. Kittens aren’t supposed to die! An autopsy revealed cardiomyopathy. I had NO clue beforehand. You’re not alone. It’s an awful disease and cats hide symptoms to the end. Big hugs to you. 😢

silent meowlook

TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 10, 2014
I am so very sorry for your loss. You must be devastated. This world is so unfair at times. Main Coones have a genetic predisposition to having HCM. Other cats suffer from HCM as well. Sadly, most often it is undetected, and people don't know until the cat goes into congestive heart failure or suffers from saddle thrombosis. Sometimes it is a quick as the owners go out to lunch and the cat is fine and they return, and the cat is dead. It is a very unfair disease. It can be detected on ultrasound, with an experienced boarded veterinarian. Most people don't get their cats an echocardiogram without the cat displaying symptoms. Sadly, most veterinarians won't recommend it.
I don't think that is true that you shouldn't do anesthesia on cats with HCM. Where I used to work, we would do it all the time if needed. You just have to be very careful with the number of fluids given during the procedure and be cautious with monitoring before during and all the way up until the cat goes home.
There is an easy in-house blood test that can detect elevation in the heart enzymes. It is called a BNP cite test. It just gives a general rough bit of information to let you know you need to do more diagnostics. Unfortunately, most veterinarians don't seem to use this test and I am not sure why.
There is nothing you could have done to prevent this. It just happens sometimes. But if you got your cat from a breeder, it is very important you let them know because it is not a trait you want to continue breeding.
I am so sorry this happened to your cat.